Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Monday, April 30, 2012


As you will soon discover, the title may not
Convey at all the message in the acrostic.
Rather, it is like a cord and you see a lot
Of words hung together which could possibly trick
Some reader's eyes and (I hope) re-align his view
To my perspective; But certainly, dear Reader,
If you wish to trash it, that is all up to you.
Consider, though, the thought--and please reconsider,
Since tidbits for your soul may long be overdue...


We ought not to react and retaliate
Against brainwashed people blinded by hate.
Rely on our Lord God's retribution,
For His Judgment is the best solution.
All of us are part of His Creation;
Remember Christ's behest:- "Love thy neighbor."
End all bloodshed, engage in war no more!

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Regard all life on Planet Earth with kindness and respect;
Each time you are given nourishment, please say "Thank You Lord."
Let not each morsel of food be wasted. You must protect
Your resources, your garden, your herd from the thieving horde
Of scheming scammers, wolves, and/or locusts that seek to leave
Nothing for you to nurture, then to gather,and to share
God's bounty with your family and friends; Give a huge sheave
Of your harvest from God's treasures to those in need of care.
Do be the generous provider--like Him, if you dare!


Close your eyes and in your mind you'll see me--
A five-year old boy, bright-eyed and carefree,
Running barefoot on our North Expressway
Empty of rushing traffic on that day,
For the year then was 1939...
Running fast on that road was safe and fine,
Except that on that quiet afternoon
Each time I looked up, there was still that wan moon
Daring, urging me to run much faster,
Always above me in mocking laughter...
Yes, now I know the world I can't outrun,
Since God's vast cosmos and myself are one.

Friday, April 27, 2012


Look to the not-so-distant future, my good man!
Is that our fate, our goal--that bright divine image?
Keep moving heavenward for we are at peak stage.
Evolution is flowing more swiftly; We can
Get Good Science and Religion integrated,
Omega-point attained and appreciated;
Death and demonic desires will soon be dissolved.
Separation from God will at last be resolved!

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Living as the Lord of all the creatures on Planet Earth,
Uncaring if a species will be doomed for extinction,
Callously destroying biospheres as tho' without worth,
Killing ourselves, both friend and foe, slowly thru pollution...
You and I may still have some time to try new solutions--
Globally effective if the peoples of all nations
Unite in PEACE and HARMONY, instead of spilling blood.
Your world also is my world, and my God--also your God!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


God made this world so vast, mankind is still in awe
Of this boundless cosmos with its galaxies so
Distant, we need to learn how to travel at light
Speed and/or live and endure an eons-long flight
Before we could find out what wonders await us
Out there at the edge of 'mundi infinitus'...
Unknown to most of mankind, God gave us trillions-
Non-localized quanta of cosmic proportions
That bind us to God's Pavilions where you could share
Your musings and ponderings,Mr.Trillionaire!

Monday, April 16, 2012


Reportedly, the Devil claimed his name was 'Legion',
Explicitly showing this by the number of swine
Leaping out of and running from the human dungeon
It occupied. Thus, Christ again bestowed His Divine
Grace and Mercy to that maddened wretch who was possessed.
In this day and age, the Devil's name is still 'Legion';
Old and new religions have spread, but most are obsessed
Not with saving souls, just goals in Man's mundane region.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


                  "...morir es descansar..."

"To die is but to rest"...awhile.
 Rizal, in fact, did not mention
'Awhile', but he would not revile
 Variations in after-life style.
 Eternal 'rest' is damnation!
 Lord, you know my trajectory;
 Lift up my soul in victory!
 Excuse my soul's exultation
 Re- its final destination...

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Ed O., you are endowed with energy--
Powerful force that flows from the Divine;
Hence, Death can only slay your effigy.
Even your quarks and gluons will be fine.
My friend, all of us are bound together...
Every individual plays his vital
Role in this world, but God is the Tether
Of such Strength, He turns lives ephemeral
Not just to carefree bliss but ETERNAL!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Don't Get Me Wrong

Did you suspect that at times I, too, am an unbeliever?
Of course, you're right;  Doubt pierces thru my mind like a sharp sliver,
Not only when unjust or bad judgments are unrectified;
Truly, I am aghast when death penalties are justified.
God's command for us not to kill another human being
Except in self-defense now seems to have a broader meaning...
Too many senseless killings can turn doubt to apprehension:-
Misinterpreters of the Quran seek world domination;
Even brothers in faith seek each other's annihilation.
Where then is God's Divine Intervention and Retribution?
Return all stubborn wretches to the vile dust from whence they sprung?.
Out comes Doubt which can't stop asking where God's Mercy has been flung,
Not until that sliver will turn into a harmless feather...
God grant us enduring faith, wisdom, world peace.. and fair weather!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Discover God in a split second--as I did:-
I was driving my T-bird, just 'cool' like a kid;
Suddenly a black speedster swiftly passed me by...
Casting caution aside, I decided to try
Overtaking the show-off, but then another
Vehicle crossed and collided with its brother.
Eyes closed, I drove thru Death's grotesquely grinning mask...
Relieved to find myself unscathed, I had to ask:--
You saved me Lord, but why? God said, "Complete your task."

Monday, April 2, 2012


Our President, if I may surmise, has a secret grand obsession.
Barack Obama may wish to achieve this as his main legacy:-
Survival of a less warlike, saner human race as a nation,
Evolving into a peaceful, prosperous global society
Sustained by self-sufficiency thru new energy discoveries,
Secure and shielded from nuclear bombs and viral misdeliveries.
In brief, to transform and leave Planet Earth to a new generation
Of courageous, enterprising, and peace-loving homo-geniuses,
Not to the Devil's minions filled with Hate and other toxic juices.
So may his dream come true:- Peace and Plenty spread world-wide with profusion.