Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Saturday, December 28, 2013


Anthropomorphism, to God, is excusable;
Too many human beings still find it usable.
However, some modern teachers chide this 'childish' way...
Expert debater with scholastic background might say:-
"Images that inspire awe amongst human beings
"Strengthen laymen's belief in the Maker of all things."
Myself, I sense Him in my temple and my heart sings!

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Christians, nay, all human beings have roles to play.
Heaven and Hell circle in challenging display...
Ruffians and religious nuns have differing lives,
Yet God sustains all peoples with their diff'ring drives.
Sometimes I suspect I'm dreaming in a cocoon.
All of us are dreamers; We have to wake up soon...
Let us do the role assigned to us anyway;
It is the task Christ taught-- how each of us could play:-
Serve Love to all lest into Hell we fall to stay...!

Sunday, December 22, 2013


Appearances are indeed deceiving;
Christ at birth knew what He'll be receiving--
Uniquely urgent task of forgiving...
Thus, he was born and must live a human,
A Jew, not even a high-born Roman.
But why should the Almightiest Being
Obey the judgment of the unseeing?
Viewing future days, Infant Jesus saw
ENLIGHTENMENT that from His Blood will flow...

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Christmas day is not Jesus Christ's birthday;
His birth month could be September or May...
Rome's Emperor chose Mithras' holiday,
Intermixing festive and spiritual
Symbols:-(bread and wine-a Mithras' ritual).
Tolerance was Constantine's real intent.
Mithras' warriors and Jesus Christ's faithful
All joined in celebration--no dissent!
Sadly, Christmastime today seems doleful:-
Too many unemployed are on welfare,
Interests keep piling up on our debt,
Millions more people are without health care....
Even Dem'crats fear the B.O.ss is INEPT!

Friday, December 13, 2013


Telling the truth may oft be difficult;
Rather lie (it's easier) when at fault.
Act innocent then blame an underling...?
Nevertheless, truth is self-revealing.
Socialist bias could not be hidden;
Poor Uncle Sam is fast being driven,
Albeit with foreknowledge of his fate,
Right into the muck of a welfare state.
End your 'social experimentation'
Now, Mr. President; Indeed, you've shown
True transparency--your failed obsession!

Saturday, December 7, 2013


Beleaguered Leader, please wake up and see
Embittered cit'zens who hate idiocy...
Loss of health care plans and doctors they trust
Exacerbated their woes as they must
Attempt time and again without success
Groping for cover that costs a bit less....
Undoubtedly, most of us will pay more;
Entitlements bloat, that is the real score.
Request, Sir, for this law's speedy repeal,
Extend to the people a better deal.
Do lend an ear to our urgent appeal!

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Drowning in debt,
Red-flagged; Not yet
Overdrawn, still
Will borrow till
No more lenders,
If Sam tenders
Nothing but more
Gilt as before...
Uncle should pay
Now, not someday....
China is bold,
Likes U.S. gold.
Eager Uncle
Soon will buckle,
And into a deep pit of debt fall down;
Maybe, in that abyss we shall all drown!

Monday, December 2, 2013


Almighty God is never inaccessible;
Communion with the Lord is always feasible.
Contacting Him requires no great skill or mental
Energy; 'Bread and wine changing to God' ritual
Seems unnecessary for He permeates all!
Sincere reverence and humility suffice.
Indeed, He hears all pleas, be they foolish or wise.
Believe He is Immanent, not caged in Heaven;
Let Him guide you and help you 24/7.
Express your thanks for all blessings He has given.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

QUANDARY (A Memo for President Obama)

Quixotic jousts against rebellious windmills are bound to fail.
Unwary do-gooder leaders climbing the Socialist's trail
Are being flung down a rocky and humiliating terrain.
Notwithstanding expensive hopes, they have achieved zero gain;
Dreams of glory for a socialist-directed Ogre State
Are fading fast--destined for an apt inglorious dustbin fate...
Remember, Sir, FREEDOM is deeply ingrained in our nature.
You dare joust against stubborn rebels past, present, and future?

Friday, November 29, 2013


Questing for health care plans was never the government's function;
Useless to force membership for over three hundred million.
All citizens are supposed to have rights inalienable
Guaranteed by our Constitution, and hence--unbreakable!
Making coverage compulsory is clear interference;
Individual freedom, if abridged, is a most grave offense.
Rights to choose your life style, your own doctor are in a quagmire...
Either U-turn now, good Sir, or face consequences more dire!

Friday, November 22, 2013


Some fifteen million citizens were without health coverage;
The Obama plan was supposed to lift them from that bondage.
Unfortunately, unfair or worse results are occurring...
Perhaps we could find a less expensive way of succoring
Individuals so they could buy the plans they find suitable:-
Depend on laissez faire to make the cover affordable.
Insurers may e'en be able to grant substantial discount
To any person who could pay a million dollars up front,
Yet taxpayers must pay more for a website; What an affront!

(With only about 300 million Americans, the government's
health website alone now costs over $500 million!)

Friday, November 15, 2013


My skill in catching fish barehanded is laughable;
According to my uncle, I am unteachable.
Gourami and mudfish slip from my fingers with ease...
I promised to catch something bigger, so please don't tease.
Compelled to catch words and phrases and check what they mean,
A field of acrostics soon grew fast, furious, and green...
Let's harvest the crop while it still has its golden sheen.

Monday, November 11, 2013


In Life, we often make mistakes and hurt our brothers;
Good goals blindly pursued could run rough shod 'gainst others...
No one opposes affordable health coverage.
Obviously, recent results put many in a rage;
Make no more promises 'period', Mr. President,
If we lose cover or pay more without our consent.
Need we change doctors, too, and that you can not prevent?
Your 'law', Sir, is a bummer, your aides incompetent!

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Fake diamonds contain no inclusions;
Lovely ladies have their imperfections--
Artists picture Liz Taylor with her mole.
Why, e'en our Milky Way has a Black Hole!
Look for xenoliths in more humble things:-
Every flaw you find proves they're fit for kings...
Sinners who become saints will discover
Souls scourged and scarred live in bliss forever!

Friday, November 8, 2013


If God is Love, why is there in this world so much sorrow?
Must we remain ever in darkness, when is tomorrow?
Peace of mind seems always beyond reach, a mere illusion;
Existence here on Planet Earth is fraught with confusion.
Regard the constant conflict amongst neighbors and nations...
For how long must we wrangle in futile disputations?
Endure as best you can a homo sap's limitations.
Clear vision requires you first remove motes from your own eyes;
There is no perfect human, perhaps not until he dies....

Thursday, November 7, 2013


MC2=E, Albert Einstein said so,
Ergo, associatives also, comme il faut;
Most thought produced by men's minds exceed light motion.
Our abilities of vivid recollection,
Reading future events thru our precognition,
Yes, imaginings too are part of creation!


Oh, God, we see another typhoon come surging to our isles!
No classes again, no fiestas, no happy laughter, no smiles;
Soon Yolanda will wreak havoc over the whole countryside,
Leaving swaths of wreckage and people in sorrow far and wide.
And so, I have to ask You,Almighty God, Oh why, but why
Us? Many of my poor countrymen will suffer and/or die...
God says:-"Fear not, you are all immortals, I am just testing;
How do you separate the chaff from the grain after harvesting?
The typhoon will show the compassionate, so stop protesting."

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Bend your will to God's, despite this world's distractions;
Elevate your aspirations to His Domain.
New knowledge has shown Deep Space has many mansions;
Despite our Multiverse of limitless terrain,
You need only close eyes to see God's Realm Divine.
Only in prayerful solitude may you hear
Uplifting symphonies of our Lord God's Design.
Ravenous wolves may stalk and pounce, but have no fear;
With strength of will and tested faith, you shall prevail.
Idols of false gods must be scorned, buried in sand;
Lucifer's temptations shall be of no avail...
Live like Christ; Go forth, spread God's Love o'er all the land!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Stop lying to us citizens!
Claptrap hid flawed legislation;
Ask for real corrective action
Now! Halt influx of denizens
Duping and scamming the nation.
Anxious Democrats have reasons:-
Lie...and lose the next election.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


To emulate the Savior may not insure 'good behavior'.
Oftentimes we are compelled to assume the rebel's posture
Because we're bound to follow what our conscience tells us to do,
Exasperating the stickler 'Catolico Cerrado'...
God gave each of us, however, free will and good common sense;
Our innate spiritual energy must be used for defense.
Do let Christ be our Guide and Example; He is our Refuge.
Let us avoid all white sepulchers for the danger is huge!
It is about time we sweep away old cobwebs from our Church;
Knowing full well Jesus tried to push Pharisees from their perch,
Expect the world in stupor to be wakened by a big lurch!

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Man, you're a superman but you are not aware of
It yet; You are like a child who fears the borogrove.
God has given you free will and a most potent quark--
Hidden in your inmost being is His Divine Spark;
Ten trillion joules plus much much more is its potential,
Yet it will not blaze unless fed with thoughts celestial.
Man, there are more wondrous works and worlds for you to see;
All you need do is use your spiritual energy.
Never despair; Aspire and fly high to God's Country...

Saturday, October 26, 2013

CASTIGATED (Memo for the Conservatives)

Cast not rocks at him, altho' the buck stops
At his desk, and belay licking your chops;
Shame him not head to toe for his missteps,
Twist not his swift tongue with your steel forceps.
Inexcusable, true, for a leader
Getting branded as a 'Great Misleader';
Act best, nevertheless, to try and save
That health care project from an early grave.
Early errors should be correctible;
Don't deny health care if affordable.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Simplicity, it seems to me, is our Pope's underscoring.
If so, many wealthy people will find life very boring;
Multimillionaires will have to throw out their luxurious toys,
Palaces like the Vatican's should not be lived in--good choice?
Living simply without ostentation is Pope Francis' goal;
In the end, what matters most is providing food for the soul.
Capitalism's material gains built paths to compassion;
Individual millionaires do give more but with great caution...
Try surviving on EBTs in a low income dwelling,
You will bolster Charity and experience Simple Living???

(I doubt it.)


Comme ci comme ca...
Ah, Obama!!!
Reckless spendah,
Ill-prepped healthcah,
Cliff-bound moola,
All is hoopla,
Toasted dollah;
Uncle Sam's 'blah'!
Result:-bad blog.

Monday, October 21, 2013


May I speculate for the benefit of unbelievers...
Your logical mind scoffs at dogmas as tales of deceivers;
So you think a Triune God is an Impossibility.
The fact is that you too have a 'triune' personality...
Each human brain has left and right hemispheres on a tripod;
Relaying corrective views is your third eye, the pineal 'bud'.
You are indeed created in the image of our Lord God!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

BULLY (A Memo for a Master in Brinkmanship}

Before you lecture on the hazards of brinkmanship,
Use less hurtful epithets that won't bounce back at you.
Looks like you won the first skirmish with your gamesmanship...
Look out, however, there are shoals coming into view.
You must with all hands now steer clear of partisanship!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


In order to survive, we have to fight,
No need for flight if you are in the right.
Confront opponents squarely and sidewise;
A fanged foe must not be allowed to bite.
Note, however, Christ's difficult advice:-
Do turn your other cheek and love your foe...
Extremists, terrorists crawl in the dark;
Smothered Christ's Light may still be made to glow.
Continue efforts to revive His Spark,
Except when self-survival makes its own demand...
No other option but to use your righteous hand?
Then give the coup de grace; that, friend, is my command.

Monday, October 14, 2013


To recall the past is to travel in time.
Have you scanned the future and cruised thru that clime?
Or on wings of your imagination flew
Up and some parsecs away so as to view
Galaxies and worlds beyond our Milky Way?
Human beings need not on sullen earth stay;
The speed of light we can exceed any day...

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Tell me, Mr. Sandman, what goes on in your Isle of Dreams?
Rendezvous of tricksters like Ariel with his bag of schemes?
Yesterday night a shade beckoned, as well threw me a kiss...
Surely, that was not my long lost love whom I sorely miss?
Tell me, Mr.Sandman, in your dream isle will I find bliss?

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Belongings accumulate
As I age;
Gone, however, from my pate
Greying hair.
All I have is surplusage,
Good home care
Excepted, plus poems to share.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Man, O man, who gave you your life?
Our Lord is not a god of strife.
Now, who taught you to terrorize,
Slaying Christians to 'jihadize'?
Ten Commandments should be your guide;
End homicides lest woe betide.
Riders four bring calamities,
Sure to end all monstrosities!


Substantially, essentially Divine,
Our Savior did catch fish and build a fire,
Nor did He abstain from good food and wine.
On one occasion, He did vent His Ire,
Flushing out the muck from His Father's House...
Go check out His catch and stoke up His Fire;
Out in that dark park where mad men carouse
Do spread His Lovelight to the world entire!

Sunday, October 6, 2013


A dream I had last night that at dawn's light
Did not, like frightened Sprite, flee out of sight.
Recalling now that I'm awake, a stage
Exposes into view a gleaming cage
And there imprisoned naked...in a rage--
Myself shrieking, "Give back my blue plumage!"
Obviously, I lost my cerulean hue,
Forgotten like the Atenean blue
By dreaming of Fortune and Fame all day,
Like Little Boy Blue asleep in the hay...
Use all your skills and talents now, old man;
Ere you go, go azure; Show them you can!


Let us go out with God and have some fun,
Exhale our worries and absorb some sun;
This day is too precious for us to waste,
Unlock your heart; Let Friendship out, make haste.
Step lively now, let's go walk at the mall,
Let every minute count, greet one and all.
In us, with us Almighty God does stay,
Voice out the love you feel and say "Good Day"!
Enjoy! Our Lord will keep bad things at bay.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Incised deep in my skull,
Not seen by X-ray scan
The marks simply spell 'MULL'...
A brief pause, IF I can,
God's gift for me to think,
Let Caution work a wink.
Instead, I slugged that fink;
Oh, but the sign didn't blink!


New Autumn's teardrops of slow-falling rain
On my bald pate and eyes did soothe the pain;
Sweet memories of carefree childhood days
Turned nagging sorrow to mad roundelays.
A soft caress from long ago recalled
Left gentle warmth to a heart turning cold,
Giving this eighty-year old cause to smile.
In Nostalgia, let me linger awhile...
Ah, Love, first love was true and without guile!

Monday, September 30, 2013


Secret wish list of good old Uncle Sam:-
Extremists will with us soon coexist;
China's economic boom is a sham;
Russia's help in keeping peace will persist;
Europe and the Middle East will unite...
Truth to tell, baser instincts will resist.
Stop kowtowing; Drive fears and woes to flight!

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Logic and foresight were absent in the
political arena yesterday.
Antics in demagoguery and ad hominem
argumentation held sway...
May our lawmakers find some common ground
so to avoid a government shutdown;
Earnest pursuit of a sane health plan
should not end in a train wreck or a letdown.
"No need to axe a whole apple tree down,"
insists this knowledgeable orchard man;
"Trim it, prune it and it will bear fruit;" so
too, I hope, will the Obamacare Plan.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Take a hike, Stress and Sorrow,
Off to better climes I go;
Maybe, close to Orion's belt
Or where mighty King Leo dealt
Roars of vigor to Planet Earth,
Rousing weaklings to prove their worth:-
Out of your bed; Get up, sleepyhead!
Wake up, old Skep; You are not yet dead!


Twilight and evening star
Will my Love from afar
Into my dreams come stealing
Like Psyche most appealing?
I wish to leap up but my strength is gone,
Gone, all gone--youth's passion and springtime fun;
Hasten to my bedside Ethereal One,
Throw me a kiss...my sojourn here is done.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Debate the issues calmly, Gentlemen;
Obamacare should not rip us apart;
Good health for all, great goal! Amen, Amen!
May a compromise provide a new start...
A left hand and a right have but one heart;
Two sides must work together to succeed.
Indeed, waste no more time, Senator Reid;
Change your stance, Sir. Don't let the nation bleed.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


He who does not take care of his body gets sick
Eventually, but a person who has chosen
A healthy regimen should be allowed to pick
Less expensive health care coverage to lighten
That burden,considering his good state of health.
However, my lifetime health contract is true wealth.

Change not one phrase or word in our Med coverage;
Our consent to any change must first be secured.
Vex us not with more fees; we're now in our dotage!
Everyone listened and all of us were assured:-
"Regardless of Obamacare's new provisions,
"A person's choice of health plan will be respected."
Grant then what we have chosen without conditions.
Exempting some but not all must be rejected.
Save Our State. Let not the masses be dejected.

Monday, September 23, 2013


It seems that UFO sightings these days are no longer rare;
Debunking attempts may even be deemed lack of savoir-faire.
Eyewitnesses include high officials and personages;
Not even scientists could claim these are unreal images.
There are more insightful cosmologists whose bold emphasis,
In line with Albert Einstein's unique space-time hypothesis,
Forsakes usual laymen's extraterrestrial explanation.
In fact, these beings are signaling us to change direction:-
Explorers visiting their past from our very own future...
Did you see yourself? Time to MATURE before your DEPARTURE!

Sunday, September 22, 2013


A rush to judgment oft-times is unjust;
Perspectives change when results clear the dust.
Our President cautiously refrained from
Loosing the 'dogs of war' to overcome
Or oust Syria's head Bashar al-Assad.
Getting Mr. Putin's help is not bad;
If fractious rivals can calmly unite,
An end to bloodshed should soon be in sight.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Deployed by extremists, the whole Earth is destroyed...
Impacting mightier than a huge asteroid,
New York, New Jersey, then the entire U.S.A,
Old and young and most living things wasted away...
Some microbes or germs may have survived the onslaught.
A gathering of ghosts now watch what Hate has wrought:-
Unheeding Christ's counsel to LOVE one another,
Returning harm for hate against one's own brother;
Shall we, like the extinct dinosaurs, all smother..?

Saturday, September 14, 2013


There is a kind of disability in the world today.
Regrettably both wealthy elitists and the bourgeoisie
Are easily blinded and misguided by this affliction;
God's gifts are wasted on mere wealth and power acquisition,
Entirely ignored or forgotten is Our Lord's dimension...
Disasters, calamities, raging floods seem unabated.
Your godless focus and endeavors will never be sated.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


SETI caught a signal in binary code from outer space--
Extraterrestrials are trying to contact the human race:-

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Don't be too cocky nor high and mighty.
Inspire your neighbors thru humility.
Visualize the three blind men and their views...
If interfaith calls, we should not refuse.
Salvation via Christ's resurrection
Is not the only path to Perfection;
Our whole human race is bound to attain
Nirvana (or God's Heavenly Domain)!

Sunday, September 8, 2013


But be prepared for a possible EMP attack;
Expect our enemies to utilize this cheap-o tack.
With electronic weaponry incapacitated,
A ground-troops kind of war may have to be initiated.
Recall how Perseus slew Medusa by using his shield?
EMP 'shields' too are needed in today's battlefield.

Saturday, September 7, 2013


'Crossing the red line' is a hazardous diversion;
'All or nothing' is likewise a risky excursion.
Take care, look before you leap; Are we just 'saving face'?
Check and review the facts; Do we have a winning case?
Having superior weaponry may not be enough;
Pinpoint bombing may not destroy that hazardous stuff.
How will we catch poison gas released in the atmosphere?
Ramping collateral damage could result, I fear...
Amateurs in the art of warfare should not disclose
Stratagems to be taken, but now the whole world knows.
End the quandary:- The citizenry is your boss...
Saying 'See you later' to our foes is no great loss.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Written reproof may be mightier than the sword.
Ofttimes Lex Talionis fails but not our Lord's Word...
Rabid beasts totally possessed by the Devil
Lose self-control, become utterly uncivil.
Death's solution seems deserved, yet I cavil;
Peace amongst the world's nations will not be attained
Even if al-Assad's contagion is contained.
Ask, I pray, the World's Council again to impose
Counter measures to restrain but not to depose,
Ere he goes, he must live and learn too, I propose...

Monday, September 2, 2013


We ought not to choose between Charybdis and Scylla;
Our Ship should neither favor the al-Qaeda nor Hezbolla.
Regrettable, indeed, slaying civilians by poison gas.
Let Uncle Sam, however, demonstrate gallantry and class;
Deliver only selective and pinpoint demolition,
Present to the United Nations clear justification.
Enforcing measures to destroy Syria's chemical weapons
As well as similar stockpiles in the hands of rogue nations
Could hardly be objected to by our peace-loving neighbors.
Eliminate hate proselytizers so to end all wars!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

BORGLUM (On the Syrian problem)

Blasted and carved out of an ugly peak,
Out there at Mount Rushmore, they seem to speak:-
Recklessness will never win victories.
Gaze at our faces then go sculp World Peace!
Look not with fear at your foe's countenance.
Underneath his skull is mere ignorance,
Mild chastisement should be a wiser stance...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I see a world ever in flux, no permanence;
New fads, new faces, living styles in transcendence,
Exotic tourist spots emerge from barren land.
Xanado, however, is underneath the sand...
Our old Uncle Sam, will he also run aground?
Rife are the rumors his huge debts can get us drowned!
A new world currency will replace the dollar,
Before we know it, we may fall down the cellar!
Let us, by all means, change--but change for the better.
Enlightened spending should make Uncle Sam greater.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


'Introibo ad altare Dei...'
Go, blind fool, to God's place so you may see
Not the priest reciting his homily,
Only your own image--quite unlovely;
Realize now there is disharmony,
A gulf between you and God's company.
No excuses for you have heard His Voice,
Concede, be contrite you made the wrong choice.
Errors--our cross, but with God, we rejoice!

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Careful when you drive to town today,
Almost all are on a holiday.
Read the speed limits and please don't rush;
Picnics mean small sips, don't be a lush.
Eat to taste then walk around the park;
Do come home before the place turns dark.
I'd love to join your Labor Day lark;
Elderly people too need a break...
Maybe someday when my feet don't ache!

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Explore, if you can, our President's objective.
Non-action, I recall, was Lao Tzu's perspective;
I hope it can indeed lead to a miracle.
Give proof that Inaction acts like an oracle...
May the President heed Lao Tzu's exhortation:-
Ahead you could fall, if you don't change direction!


Our quanta revolve around their respective protons,
So too planetary groups whirl around their own suns.
Cosmologists have now confirmed that our Milky Way
Is spiraling and waltzing like a dance troupe in May,
Locked in a kind of cosmic dance around a Black Hole
Located at center like a magnetic Maypole,
An unseen force keeping our galaxy together...
There is likewise an Ark to which we are on tether,
Indulge my fancy, I shall call that Central Craft--Lord.
Our souls seek to fly aboard, but oft we break the Cord;
No end to our rebirth cycle, it seems unceasing,
So strive on Skep, lest your soul be found still unpleasing.

Monday, August 19, 2013


Sailing along Life's fast-flowing stream,
Ever in pursuit of my heart's dream,
Making enduring Success my goal...
Peace and abiding faith for my soul;
Reason is my strength, my steady oar,
Extra vigilance I must have more...
Leave the schemers and scammers alone,
If I need help, I don't need a phone,
Best to use my own mind's internet.
Edit, delete words I might regret;
Rid my craft of junk, mold'ring debris.
Always be light, O my soul, be free!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Should we not review and restrict our current usage of drones?
How many innocent non-combatants have been killed... who knows?
Apparently, these 'accidents' our President now disowns;
Maybe, our allies' robots or force majeure could be the cause...
Expertise in drone-direction and reliability
Of information that required the use of an unmanned drone
No longer suffice. There ought to be no possibility
Unintended harm could occur. Let's leave such targets alone.
Stop downgrading Uncle Sam, my icon of Nobility.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


New order of this age:- Just have no shame!
Our perks we must enjoy; Let's play the game.
Set an example, go on vacation;
Have a good time, time for recreation,
And never mind the expense; No pretense,
Martha's Vinyard greens fee is a pittance;
Extra putts will be needed, no offense...

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Omniscience/predestination form a loose syllogism,
Compel Reason to question the reality of free will,
Creating a battle between Doubt and Belief, a schism
Unusually paradoxical and perturbing until
Light finally crept out like the sun from a total eclipse.
The fate of everyone is clear to God's Unbounded Vision;
All souls undeserving are turned back like comets in ellipse
To learn more...perhaps, to go thru painful reincarnation...
I fear Divine Truth is often hidden by Satan's legions,
Occulted by antiquated rituals and false religions.
No Faith can endure unless hard Science supports and conjoins.
Search, therefore, I urge you, for New Truths in God's Cosmic regions!

Friday, August 9, 2013


Fear not those callous Islamists,
Extreme radical 'jihadists'.
All terrorists will be punished,
Rogue killing bands will be banished.
No killer of inn'cent children
Or of non-combatant brethren
Treads on Almighty God's domain;
Heed not Satan's legerdemain.
It is written, "Thou shalt not kill!"
Nothing can be clearer:- God's will,
God's command we must all fulfill.


Thursday, August 8, 2013


Galactic collisions do occur, some cosmologists say;
Example:- Andromeda galaxy and the Milky Way
Someday will embrace each other in a cosmic swirl and surge
To form a stronger system that will keep on seeking to merge
All stellar aggrupations it meets in the vast depths of space...
Let us also face sapient beings of any alien race,
The time for us has come to enter the Divine Gestalt phase.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


Dispersion of galaxies is by Dark Energy caused,
A force invisible that most cosmologists supposed
Repulses and scatters all distant galaxies outward;
Kinetic exponential acceleration toward
Extreme outermost limits of space. I think this force has
NEUTRINOS of undetermined accumulated mass
Exerting their combined gravity as an attractor,
Relentlessly pulling all systems clumped by Dark Matter...
God sent neutrinos first out of His Singularity,
Yet Man is still the acme of His Creativity!

(I imagine a humongous blast of neutrinos was first expelled
by the Big Bang and that, since these particles also have
mass, there must be a sufficient accumulation of neutrinos
surrounding the periphery of our space-time continuum
(probably ovoid in shape)capable of pulling galaxies and
nebulae outward in all directions--as confirmed by astronomers.
Let us not forget there are also universes around our cosmos
which exert their combined gravity on our galaxies.)

Friday, August 2, 2013


Absolute power, per Lord Acton, corrupts absolutely;
Probably untrue; hence, I disagree most resolutely...
Human life is transient, human power fleeting, soon over;
Only God has Unyielding, Enduring, Absolute Power!
Reigning monarchs, dictators, tyrants risk death by beheading;
If they abuse, their 'absolute' powers they'll soon be shedding.
Souv'reign, rule justly, lead bravely, and stay clear of Satan's Hole;
May God have Mercy on your imperfect, corruptible soul!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Persuasion may achieve a successful result
E'en if unaided by violence or tumult.
Resorting to vandalism will diminish
Severely one's position, but will replenish
Unbiased media's waning interest in Al...
(A sharp-tongued critic of imagined racial wall).
Sharpton's real goal is TV exposure--His gall
In decrying a jury's perspective as racist!!!
Our nation now is color-blind. We must insist:-
No more 'pluribus'; Let's be 'UNUM'--to persist!

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Perhaps truth can be overcome by repeating falsity;
How funny is the phony excuse for impropriety!
One scandal may be excusable, but not three, four, or more.
No need for us, the docile, callow public, to know the score;
You can bet your precious dollar, the truth will out--NEVERMORE!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

(On the Zimmerman case) RAGE

Remember to respect and abide by the law:-
A 'Not Guilty' verdict in a criminal case
Gets media and mob attention because of 'race'..?
Except that there's just One human race--there's the flaw!

Friday, July 12, 2013


Stop killing innocent human beings;
History shows that's the downfall of kings.
Absolute power destroys the wielder.
Reconcile with foes; Be a Peace Builder;
Islam stands for Peace and so does Shalom;
Ask for Global Peace, and that too will come!

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Name-calling hardly wounds, unlike a knife or sword.
I think there were too much brouhaha and ado
Galumphing just because Ms. Deen used the 'N" word.
Grim bosses fired her tho' she spoke it long ago...
Let me in her defense plead for moderation:-
Excuse her utterance, it was not made in scorn.
Remarks made in the past without deprecation
Should not like a tight noose around her neck adorn.

Friday, June 21, 2013


Astronomers peer deep into the sky at night,
Retrieving data from star- and galactic light.
They wonder why the entire cosmos is in flight;
It seems there's a Dark Energy but not in sight,
So galaxies are racing in all directions.
There must be a reason for their hectic motions...
Remember the whole universe is in God's Hands.
Yon Handiwork in Infinite Space He Expands.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


I cannot condemn a poor neighbor in pursuit of the Almighty Buck;
Let us not punish 'illegals' trying to find work or a bit of luck.
Let us give them a helping hand, an avenue for them to legalize
Eventually their status, so that they may be able to actualize
Giving to their loved ones a comfortable home and a brighter future.
After all, their forefathers did walk and thrive on this very same pasture!
Loving our neighbors is certainly not demonstrated by 'deporting',
Shooing away these huddled masses from our golden door is not sporting.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Jesus Christ:- If I claim He's True Man and True God,
Even a layman may think I'm a stupid clod,
Since that would concede a God in plurality.
Unum Deum, if composed of a Trinity
Seems illogical, an impossibility...

Compound things, however, are common in Nature;
H2O liquid is water simple and pure.
Rainbows reveal hues hidden in the sun's white light.
In the subatomic world, electrons in flight
Surround and revolve around their central proton
To form one atom; Likewise, the Godhead is One!

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Breathes there the leader who made people weep,
As promises he made he could not keep.
For instance, where's the level playing field?
'Forward' was his motto; What did it yield?
Forgotten, his avowed 'transparency';
Forsaken were the victims at Benghazi.
Look closely now at a 'tax' agency:-
Enlarged governmental bureaucracy
Did little to improve efficiency.

(I can't believe it!)

Saturday, June 1, 2013


In God, our Creator, we must always trust;
No reason to despair though dreams turn to dust.
God Almighty designs and sustains us all--
Our whole cosmos and all creatures great and small.
Do not fear Death's scythe nor his deadly potion.
Defy the Tempter; Give God full devotion...
Our purpose is to deserve His Love and Light.
To save stray souls lost in the darkness of night;
Reflect and share the Lord's Illumination,
Use His Radiance to sweep away damnation,
See screaming demons race swiftly back to Hell--
Trust God; the story of Mankind will end well.

Monday, May 27, 2013


Useless to rely on promises of marionettes.
Never give your full trust to political puppets--
Bought, branded, and controlled by truth manipulators;
Experts in false excuses blamed the 'demonstrators'.
Long inquiry delays and unfulfilled promises
Inspire suspicion, doubt, and malicious surmises.
End all hope for great deeds from leaders prone to lying,
Full of reassurances, accomplishing nothing...

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Here below are some of my unuttered discourses--
(Underneath my skin, there are two opposing forces):-
"Money, money, money! We need plenty of money!"
"Absolutely false; We can survive without any."
"No, no, no! Not in our material world at this time!
"Bushels, nay, truckloads of cash we need, and that's no crime."
"Empty your wallet and the government will provide,
If a beggar man's status you can be qualified."
"No, not for me. That hapless state is not my desire..."
"God grants what we deserve...but wealth could lead to hellfire."

Friday, May 24, 2013


Mumble not lame excuses when at fault;
Enter politics and become a dolt
At times..; But never double the trouble.
Cover-up attempts could burst the bubble;
Useless to use scapegoats or underlings.
Later fair tale to foul mud they will fling,
Passing the muck right back up to your face...
A brave Mea Culpa is no disgrace.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Ubiquitous agents seemed busy at their tasks.
No need to lie therefore when a taxpayer asks
The reason for their actions and/or inaction
Resulting in non-grant of his tax exemption.
Unfairly treated 'Tea Party' and 'Patriot' groups
Soon realized they were targeted by the snoops...
Today Big Brother again sports a big black eye!
When will he lend an ear to citizens' outcry?
Officials are supposed to be public servants;
Right now some of them act more like wicked tyrants,
Their character and integrity are in doubt...
High level pols, however, can't be driven out;
You may be given a willing scapegoat to flout.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Quietus is for the cold-blooded terrorist
Unwise, in the opinion of the pacifist...
Alternative courses of action might be tried;
No plea is more apt than Christ's before He died.
Do ask God then to forgive those who seek to slay
And destroy all of us, for "they know not" what they
Regrettably do; Nevertheless, by all means,
You should never forget to call for the 'Marines'!

Saturday, May 18, 2013


There is in our land a dark contagion spreading;
Remember those promises of transparency?
As usual, the reverse result we were dreading
Now prevails! Re- Benghazi, there's not much to see,
Since 'stylistic' fog has misled the public's eye.
Perpetuate false reporting and more may die...
Americans under attack or in harm's way
Rely on our forces for help without delay;
Excusing rescue squads from giving assistance,
Narrating a brazen lie as the real cause
Complete that oft-repeated 'transparency' stance...
Your more recent 'SUCCESSES', Sir, must give us pause.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Some may be fooled, but not all of the time;
Underlings used as scapegoats for the crime
Blamed imaginary demonstrators.
Ah, but now we know the perpetrators!
Let the stink rise to the highest level;
The redacted 'styled' version is drivel.
Every rescue effort should have been made
Right from the attack's onset, not delayed
Nor denied; We are utterly dismayed
Since we're not even of consular grade...

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Full of shibboleths and ominous signs,
All unacted upon, the bold 'red lines'...
If I were Uncle Sam, I would recruit
Learned scholars of Islam to bruit
Unbiased commandments from the Quran:-
Regard sacred the life of every man,
End bloodshed, reach World Peace...as friends, we can!


Awakened by an urgent but silent signal
To get out of bed and go to the urinal
Exactly, according to my cellphone, at four...
It tells me that I have in earth-years reached four score.
God Almighty, Thank You for keeping me healthy,
Here am I out of the pit and back to safety,
Though there were times I drove my car beyond eighty...
You've made me wiser but I am still not wealthy!

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Infidels are those who have lost fidelity...
No faith in God, no longer heed His Commandments,
Followers of those who advocate cruelty,
Ingrates who slay non-combatants, e'en innocents...
Do harm to others, then ask God to reward you?
Expect no houri's welcome when your life is through;
Lucifer will with sulf'ric acid pour o'er you...
So be it, then:-May the flames of Hell devour you!

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Stupidity is unpardonable.
Our truth-seekers today are knowledgeable,
But lying leaders are unforgivable;
Excuses are flimsy...unacceptable.
It is in the mind where the battlefield lies;
There can be no Peace until Falsity dies!


Stop killing one another!
Our Omnipotent Father
Bestowed each human being
Enlightened minds for seeing
Insightful right from error.
There's no reason for terror.

Friday, May 3, 2013


Some radical Islamists
Out to kill more pacifists,
Bombed/blasted marathoners,
Even inn'cent bystanders...
If you think the Devil won,
Think again, God's Will Be Done!

Sunday, April 28, 2013


A human life is not for you to take;
No, not even your foe's for your own sake.
Oppressors, tyrants, serial killers, all
Practitioners of homicide shall crawl,
Experience thereafter their victims' pain
Nine-fold and much more, again and again.
Souls should not be violently released;
Every quark and gluon of these deceased
Continually harass their murderers,
Returning injury to injurers.
Each action creates equal reaction;
Thus, tolerance yields better protection!

Thursday, April 25, 2013


They sweat and groan, people of humble birth;
Reborn to learn and labor more on Earth.
At times, they vaguely recollect their past--
Vast landholdings and wealth that did not last...
Endure your learning status, Skep, old friend,
Since Life's halcyon days also must end.
Tomorrow you might find yourself the slave,
Your worldly goods all mould'ring in your grave.


The television prompter sadly bungled it,
Reducing eloquence to a comedic skit.
Alas, cannot our Prez'dent talk on his own feet?
"Veni, vidi,vici!" proclaim without the sheet,
Engage hostile leaders with clear, concise command,
Speak from the heart with passion they can understand?
This our land is of the free, the home of the brave;
You who try to harm us are digging your own grave!

Monday, April 22, 2013


Ignorance should never be equated with bliss;
Good physics could still err, give a hit or a miss.
Never conclude that there is no spiritual realm,
Or with confidence say Science does overwhelm
'Rumors' that there are souls or immortal beings.
All that exist in this world are material things...
Now, this acrostic you are reading does exist,
Corpus mine may vanish but these lines will persist,
Ergo:- My fruit must refute the materialist!

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Predilections can make one fall into error.
Righteous Muslims proclaim there is only one God;
Extremists then justify their acts of terror,
Defying God's law ne'er to spill innocent blood.
It is time for all good people to realize
Long overdue are actions to remove old blinds,
Else fanatics will exhort and proselytize,
Continue to infect many malleable minds
That theirs is the only true faith, and that Christians
Including their children and kin, must all be slain.
Of course, we number only in the few billions...
Need we prove how prideful their 'jihad' is, how vain!
See rather how God's Hues blend into One again...

Saturday, April 20, 2013


But what has Uncle Sam learned from this tragedy?
Is there inside these lads a secret malady?
Good-looking guys, acting normal and well-behaved,
What led them veer and become Lucifer-enslaved?
Indoctrinated with uncanny subtlety,
New 'jihadists' immersed in callous cruelty
Now slither in and out of our society...
Excise the teachers of these serpent 'jihadists';
Re-educate them to become true Islamists!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

BIG LOSER (Memo for the Boston Bombers)

By what belief do you justify
Injuring and killing our brothers?
God's commandment you did dare defy,
Leaving explosives to harm others!
Obi once reminded Darth Vader--
"Strike me down and I'll rise up stronger."
Exactly the same words hurled from Boston town;
Retributive Justice will hunt you down!

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Driving to the final hole,
One may lose his club control;
Go for broke and lose a stroke;
Leader board--no easy walk.
Every drive or putt you make,
Gravity scores your mistake.

Could you drive with fade or draw?
On courses straight and narrow,
Use your woods without sorrow?
Read the green and test the breeze...
Sadly, you can do all these,
End result:-Bogey--with wheeze!

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Phantom dancing to moonlit night's music,
Hooted by owls and booed by toads spastic;
Asked if friend or foe, the shade didn't answer.
Nonetheless, I think I know that prancer;
That sliding dribble, that familiar face,
Ageless, it was Bloney's! None could erase,
Scarify or blot out his thin-lipped smile.
Maybe, I'll be joining him in a while...

Monday, April 8, 2013


Uncle Sam does take umbrage when taunted;
Missiles may accidentally be fired.
Blame and excuses will then be flaunted:-
Ruin and carnage--these were not desired,
All dire consequences unintended?
Guess who finally will be upended...
Exeunt Kim Jong-un, the play is ended!

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Laughter is the best medicine, per the Reader's Digest;
Ask the clown Pagliaccio if this be true, (but do not jest).
Usually one can detect if the guffaws are sincere;
Great pretenders laugh, tho' they want to shed an anguished tear.
How do you know if that motley crowd so uproarious
Truly is giving vent to heartfelt emotions joyous?
Exiting churchgoers after an Easter Sunday Mass
Rush out wearing stern frowns, solemn countenances...alas.

Friday, April 5, 2013


Pretense in this instance is too laughable to contemplate;
Oppressor's contumely may be easier to tolerate.
I think that North Korean bluffer seeks to obliterate
Nobody! He just wants to distract the poor with empty plates
To think he is a hero for taunting the United States.
Let us give him some time to reflect and come to his senses...
Excessive boasting cannot hide his country's poor defenses,
So stop that saber-rattling lest Uncle Sam will call the bluff;
Some foolish rattlers rattling in the past got their heads cut off.

Sunday, March 31, 2013


Perhaps the time has come for joining science with religion;
Outdated beliefs and absurd practices cause confusion.
Perhaps our newly elected Pope will deign to do the task;
Expectantly, I look to him with his background to unmask
False prophets, also to clarify oft misunderstood texts,
Repair the breach amongst multifarious Christian faiths and sects.
A new review should be made on Teilhard de Chardin's vision.
Not many seem to accept his theory of evolution...
Cosmology from two perspectives--Science and Religion
Inevitably should give us the very same conclusion.
Since God's energy pervades all, we too must reach PERFECTION!

Monday, March 11, 2013


So many feuds amongst human beings
Are caused by words--ambiguous garblings.
Conflicting interpretations of text
Result in wars wholly out of context.
In fact, jihad means to control one's id.
Love must be spread just as Christ Jesus did.
Enchain vengeful Hate in one's hidden shelf;
Get free from the clutches of Greed and Pelf.
Endeavor to be godlike--your true self!

Friday, March 8, 2013

GUTLESS (Memo for Sen. B.)

Gutless? Don't call anybody 'gutless'.
Unless you yourself have the brains and guts
To confront and resolve what our hapless,
Luckless, hard-pressed President dare not touch.
End the futile posturing and gridlock;
Silver-tongued demagogues just talk, talk, talk...
Slash emoluments; All must work or...walk!

Saturday, March 2, 2013


You have as yet not seen the Light, if you fear death;
Our lives in this world do not end with our last breath.
Unconceded by skeptics, we are immortals!
Alas, their claim that our souls dissipate is false.
Remember, 'Energy is indestructible',
Except that men's souls are also corruptible...
Did not Christ promise He would be with us always?
Eternal bliss is ours, if we but change our ways;
And even if we stray or fall into disgrace,
Those who repent are welcomed back to His Embrace.
Hence, we must strive to tolerate one another:-
'Love,' was His Command, 'your enemy/your brother'.
Each soul must choose between Jesus and Lucifer...
Stay clear of that Pit, I urge you, where Satan fell;
Save your deathless soul for Heaven and not for Hell.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Harmonious melodies from an earlier age
Are seldom heard nowadays.
Reverberating raucous noise from the stage
Makes me feel I'm out of place.
Oh,take me back to the time when my heart was young!
No harsh words, with dulcet phrase-
Youths serenaded sweethearts who replied in song...

Friday, February 15, 2013


From Sta. Magdalena town in Sorsogon,
Like a jasmine flow'r that was by an angel thrown,
Onto my lap you fell, bringing joy to our house;
Revived by your kind care, I'm now your lucky spouse!
I'm certain that our Lord did purposely assign
'Da so that I may toe His straight and narrow line...
And so be it:- Please always be my Valentine!

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Congratulations and best wishes on your eighteenth birthday!
Remain true to your name and your dazzle will not fade away.;
Your debut prefigures your becoming a lady in bloom,
So sparkle ever bright and sweep away Life's sorrows and gloom.
Tonight myriad stars greet you and beckon--they're all reachable;
All grand dreams and lofty goals you strive for are achievable.
Lean close to Christ, Crystal, and spread wide His Light Ineffable!

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Anxiety, uncertainty, and dread
Now grip investors from moving ahead.
Government welfare expands, more free bread,
So millions choose the welfare rolls instead.
Taxpayers are fleeing or have long fled...
Sic semper welfare states:- dead broke or dead!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Here on his second inaugural, I ask "Why,
Under a brooding, overcast, and weeping sky?"
Men have not changed much, we may e'en have become worse;
Indebtedness in the trillions is our curse.
Look how supremely confident our Prez'dent is!
I hear Lincolnesque words, but there's something amiss.
Triumphant today, but tomorrow more sorrow;
Yesterday's debts were due, again he must borrow...

Sunday, January 20, 2013


I coughed and coughed, and got cuffed to my bed;
No Muse came to my aid, they all have fled;
For more than a week, I felt quite useless,
Limp like an old soiled piece of rag, listless;
Utterly inutile, I raged and raged!
Enough, I said, I'm tired of being caged.
Now, these viruses must be driven out:-
Zap them and zip them down the Devil's throat;
A blue flame shall singe their toxins to naught!

Friday, January 4, 2013


As we begin a new year with daunting changes,
New phrases are coined to reflect the challenges.
A game of 'kick-the-can' is what our leaders do,
But I'm afraid that can will soon roll out of view;
Yon 'fiscal cliff' is more than 16 trillion deep.
Sobriety in spending we must vow to keep;
Solutions dilatory dig deeper abyss.
Like it or not, we ought to tighten belts, or miss
Our chance toward economic growth's direction;
Oppressive charges have no justification.
My challenge to high officials:- Serve without pay...
Since President Hoover can do it, try his way!