Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Anxiety, uncertainty, and dread
Now grip investors from moving ahead.
Government welfare expands, more free bread,
So millions choose the welfare rolls instead.
Taxpayers are fleeing or have long fled...
Sic semper welfare states:- dead broke or dead!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Here on his second inaugural, I ask "Why,
Under a brooding, overcast, and weeping sky?"
Men have not changed much, we may e'en have become worse;
Indebtedness in the trillions is our curse.
Look how supremely confident our Prez'dent is!
I hear Lincolnesque words, but there's something amiss.
Triumphant today, but tomorrow more sorrow;
Yesterday's debts were due, again he must borrow...

Sunday, January 20, 2013


I coughed and coughed, and got cuffed to my bed;
No Muse came to my aid, they all have fled;
For more than a week, I felt quite useless,
Limp like an old soiled piece of rag, listless;
Utterly inutile, I raged and raged!
Enough, I said, I'm tired of being caged.
Now, these viruses must be driven out:-
Zap them and zip them down the Devil's throat;
A blue flame shall singe their toxins to naught!

Friday, January 4, 2013


As we begin a new year with daunting changes,
New phrases are coined to reflect the challenges.
A game of 'kick-the-can' is what our leaders do,
But I'm afraid that can will soon roll out of view;
Yon 'fiscal cliff' is more than 16 trillion deep.
Sobriety in spending we must vow to keep;
Solutions dilatory dig deeper abyss.
Like it or not, we ought to tighten belts, or miss
Our chance toward economic growth's direction;
Oppressive charges have no justification.
My challenge to high officials:- Serve without pay...
Since President Hoover can do it, try his way!