Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Friday, August 29, 2014

ENDURE AND PROSPER (Health Tips rephrased.)

Endure, escape the aches of corporeal misfortune;
No human from bouts against bad humours is immune.
Don't curse the Fates, nor Death's icy embrace importune.
Use hydrogen peroxide--two spritzes to your drink,
Re-oxygenate your cells, you'll be hale in a blink.
Eat food sprinkled with baking soda, no need to skimp.

Ask not what Big Pharma's latest pill can do for you.
Nay, do not vacillate when ill; Relax and renew;
Defending corpuscles require lots of oxygen:-

Provide them with breaths of smog-free air by the ocean.
Rely on alternative natural therapies!
Our pain-killer pills today are like silent harpies!
Search the worldwide web for breakthroughs and discoveries
Pertaining to your particular type of disease.
Explore postings on food-grade hydrogen peroxide;
Rid tumors from your body- your good health is your pride!

(Read 'blink' to mean about a month.)

Saturday, August 23, 2014


Our God Almighty moves all of and/or in creation,
Moves huge galaxies bound for union and/or collision;
Now it is being theorized by most astronomers--
In some future time, the heavens will have bright 'newcomers',
Predictable and logical outcome by the merging
Of two spiral galaxies, so what will be emerging
Thereafter could be named Galaxy Andro-Milky Way.
Entirely possible humankind has long flown away...
New universes, I trust, have been created for man;
Could we not from solid flesh escape and God's Cosmos scan?
Evolve into pure energy beings...? Of course, we can!

(Since scientists say matter and energy are but two sides of the same coin.)

Thursday, August 21, 2014


God as the First Recycler is also the Greatest.
Out of star- and space dust He made us humans the best!
Demigods (to be?), we too are creative creatures;
Influenced by our id, we have self-centered features.
Super ego gifted, we have altruist's potential;
Given eons to evolve, we can reach celestial
Realms--so long as we are not destroyed by 'extremists'.
Evildoers cannot win, Frank J. Tipler insists;
After much recycling work, God will not disappoint,
Those deserving peacekeepers will reach Omega Point.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Of course, men do many horrendous things;
Men do foolish, wicked, egregious deeds.
No man is straight; We're like crooked saplings...
In truth, our populace has spread like weeds.
Saints, sinners, idiots, and philosophers,
Comedians, murderers, Christ followers--
If overcrowded, what are we to do?
Each happening:- Revolt, war, or to-do
Needs God's Consent or Accommodation;
Corrected by His Divine Reaction,
Eventually He shows His Intention....

Sunday, August 17, 2014


Released from this constricted stage of sham,
Our jesting friend mayhap will find 'Who Am';
But surely, Robin, you must know you are
Indestructible, for you are a Star!
New gig at a non-alcoholic bar
Will have to wait awhile for your rebirth...
If Sorrow came, what comes next should be Mirth.
Let not the weeping and gnashing of teeth
Linger too long; Soon after crossing Lethe,
I pray you be given new assignment
And come back to spread joy and wonderment.
May you- your own Self- learn to consecrate,
So to escape a Richard Cory fate!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Half evil, half divine is a human being...
You can not be sure with which half you are dealing.
Be careful when you rely on others' beliefs;
Religious garb oft hides a storehouse of mischiefs.
Is the Vatican Bank keeping good company?
Did it, as alleged, launder ill-gotten money...?

Sunday, August 10, 2014

HARBINGER (Memo for ISIL, et al.)

How gentle was that touch by Uncle Sam's little finger!
A few more sorties and perhaps a tremor would linger...
Refuse to be persuaded and Sam's flying robots will
Blast your deluded followers and beheaders until
Into bloody pieces they will all fall into Hellhole!
No terrorist can escape Satan's claim and final call;
Give up that goal, that mad dream of a global caliphate.
Express your reverence for God by spreading Love, not Hate;
Return to civilized behavior, it is not too late.

Saturday, August 9, 2014


Bedraggled and unkempt, a raven came to perch
Uninvited on my car's hood...I guess to search
For scraps of the ham sandwich it saw me eating.
Formally bowing, it cawed and croaked a greeting;
"Old man," it continued, "could you throw me a scrap?
"Out here I fear I would not last in this cold snap."
"No way!" I jeered, so it deposited its crap.
Selfishness, it seems, is a self-inflicted trap....

Friday, August 8, 2014


Just the facts are what we the people want.
Useless to spin, prevaricate, or rant...
So when will these investigations end?
Transparency has fled, let's not pretend.
They're your appointees--pure as driven snow?
Hilarious overstatement--that you know.
Exposed to public view, the 'lost'emails!
Few now believe the IRS' TALL TALES....
Accept their 'courtesy' resignations;
Culprits must go; Do try new directions.
Turn back and let entrepreneurs be free;
Show the world you can CHANGE FAST, if need be!

Sunday, August 3, 2014


Lame ducks are not expected to move fast...
A strategy of forbearance, slow-but-sure is being cast?
Give ISIL time to form a caliphate?
Get moving at last when it is too late?
A threat from the North Korean leader
Remains ignored, too daft to consider?
Don't underestimate these crazies, Sir.


The power of the human mind has not been measured truly;
How deep it could plumb, how swift its speed, we still know not fully.
Our thoughts can surpass the speed of light thru imagination...
Undue focus, though, on trivial goals narrows our attention;
God gave a KERNEL of His Creative Power to each of
His homo creatures so they may share the fruits thereof with LOVE...
To thwart that Divine Intention is to invite EXTERMINATION!

Saturday, August 2, 2014


Knight in grey armor, they thought you were invincible,
Now many terrorist groups believe you are feeble!
Use your never before witnessed secret power now!
Cut the serpents' heads, watch their brainless tails flee, and how!
King of robot drones, I know you are no knucklehead;
Let the whole world know Uncle Sam is way, way ahead...
Extricate yourself from that sinkhole you have stepped on;
Head back to laissez faire, you have two more years to run.
End our angst, reduce regulations and exactions,
Act to halt CEO flight and HQ inversions;
Do meet with rival party leaders and compromise.
Stop leading from behind; It seems safe but is unwise.