Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Thursday, November 26, 2015


"I did not know that!" An ordinary citizen might say...
Majority rule in this nation does not always hold sway.
Perhaps, if otherwise, Gore would have won the Presidency;
Let's junk the Electors and vote as a true democracy!
Are you at all familiar with any of the Electors?
Unseen and unknown by most people, they have no detractors,
So these 2000 plus elitists select our President;
If so, they may already know the next White House resident?!
But 'delegated' voting makes 'vox populi' impotent.
Let every concerned and qualified citizen cast his vote;
Egregious, tho', and most unfair, if we don't count his ballot.

Sunday, November 22, 2015


Breathes there no patriotic Muslim who would rather fight,
Instead of fleeing from ISIL, that barbarous blight?
There must be a way to help these countless refugees...
Train them, arm them, then teach them to use SWAT strategies.
Every able-bodied adult Arab should be used;
Reject asylum if combat duty is refused.

Extermination of Western Civilization
Never did Prophet Mahomet even envision;
Do know:- Murder as 'jihad' is Satan's revision.

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Regard rabid dogs as prey but slay them with mercy.
As soon as you can, send them to Death's sweet sans souci;
Be swift lest they spread to others their insanity....
ISIL's poisoned fangs should be torn out with certainty;
Delayed Extraction could lead to a Calamity!

Deploy, Uncle Sam, your ultra secret weaponry...
Obey the impatient cry of your citizenry;
Give merciful end to these crazed beasts' ferocity;
Set free their souls and save civilized Humanity!

Monday, November 16, 2015


Obviously, this regime is like an old car;
Laggard, leaky, quite ready for 'descansar'.
Driver Obama chose a long-winding road,
Calmly sending a few 'advisers' abroad.
All around us are our foes, front and behind...
Right you are, Sir. The Battle is in the Mind.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


Suggestions on how to win the nomination:
Unveil to the voters your 'Great Plans', your vision--
Give the whole world, for instance, pure drinking water...
(Get Bill Gates' know-how on this important matter.)
Electric power via Tesla's invention
Should give global beneficial transformation.
Try improving, expanding your own proposals,
Instead of hurling ad hominem at rivals.
Our nation has a huge silent majority
Not shown by polls but can vote you to victory;
So speak 'Presidential', please, with sobriety.

Monday, November 9, 2015


I really wanted to rebuke and rage aloud!
Derisive, biased innuendos kept me cowed....
Is there an honest critic 'pure as driven snow',
Or seer able to peer into the past to know
Carson's adolescent missteps from long ago?
Yet whose fault are those crosses standing row on row?++++?

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Did they find body parts strewn amongst the wreckage?
Explanation as to their absence seems in shortage...
Let me then dip into my bag of speculation:-
It is possible there was a mid-air intrusion;
The other craft was an invisible UFO
Exploring zones it was wont to do eons ago.
Since space-time seems to be the ETs' 'home' dimension,
Constant visits are made by them to their Earth station...
ET could be me in the future, not a stranger.
Now I can only surmise the crew and each passenger
That were extracted and saved are all out of danger....