Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


I heard from Hillary a generalization;
Maybe it could also be a self-revelation...
People have 'implicit bias', according to her.
Let's check the dictionary, see what we can gather...
'Implicit' means 'not expressly stated', hence 'covert'.
Could Hillary then be biased...a secret convert?
If all of us have bias, what is yours, Hillary?
The synonyms for 'bias', per the dictionary:-
Bent, preconception, predilection, and prejudice;
It seems 'bent' and 'crooked' are similar maladies.
And yet why vote for one with a penchant for lying?
Safer to vote Trump, bent on building and triumphing!

Sunday, September 18, 2016


This impending election is like turning to a new page;
Use the moment wisely and exercise your right of suffrage!
Ruminate and ask yourselves:- Are you pleased with B.O.'s regime?
No?! Then your only choice is Donald J. Trump; Go, vote for him!
I'm confident the silent majority will make him win.
No Obama legacy--only some scraps for the trash bin:-
Greed, incompetence , and waste by his ogre bureaucracy....

Please turn to a new page, voters, for our nation's history!
Out from his Tower, The Donald will restore democracy;
In our battle against ISIS, we will capture Victory,
No more futile negotiations with those crafty barbarians;
The Donald will have a mighty alliance with the Russians!

Friday, September 16, 2016


Why trust Hillary?
Here's her 'Trust' degree:-
You have to agree
There was no video;
Rest assured she knew!
Useless to argue...
She used her power
To grub for lucre.
Her charity works
Include perks and smirks;
Let her Foundation
List each donation,
Ask for what nation!
Remember she's Obama's surrogate.
Your vote for her won't change our dismal state!*
*...nor veer our nation from a tragic fate.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Did Hillary's phrase- 'basketful of deplorables'
Endear her to many undecided notables?
Perhaps not to the unbiased, percipient voter.
Listening to her simply revealed her character;
Obverse and adverse consequences have taken place:-
Regretting misjudgment, she displayed her smiling face...
After she collapsed trying to reach her limousine!
Bad week for HRC, the Democrat Party's Queen.
Let's commiserate, for she's the one deplorable--
Exactly synonymous to the word PITIABLE!

Saturday, September 10, 2016


These days we hear mention every hour the names
of Donald Trump and Hillary
Repeated by TV and Radio hosts from morn till night--a
long commentary
About these two candidates'
demerits, mistakes, weaknesses, and/or achievements...
November 9th and thereafter their
disputations and sarcastic 'compliments'
Soon will fade away and Justice for
all shall reign under Donald J. Trump's regime.
Creation of more jobs will inevitably follow Laissez Faire's paradigm.
In a few years the doldrums in our economy will be a thing of the past;
Extraordinary breakthroughs in Science will be achieved by Mankind at last!
New knowledge about Homo Sapiens' place in God's Cosmos will
make us strive further;
Christianity & Mohammedanism will evolve and merge into One Faith
with One GOD/Father!
'Extraterrestrials' will guide souls to the New Eden where
all worthy creatures ultimately gather.


It seems improbable that there are 'extraterrestrial' beings here;
MUFON, however, as well as some scientists think otherwise...
Perhaps, a squadron of UFO/s or USO/s need to appear
Right above the White House rooftop to convey their challenge and chastise!
Obama as a world leader was given the task to cull the barbarians;
By failing to complete his job, his successor must assume the burden.
Assistance by us will necessarily include some civilians
By inducing 'force majeure' disasters and accidents now and then.
Let go of your hubris that you are the apex of God's Creation...
End obsessive GREED so you may join our Galactic Federation.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Survival of the fittest is an implacable verity;
Unless one has adequate fortitude and flexibility,
Remaining unchanged, refusing to adapt could cause one's ruin!
Vicissitudes are ever in flux; hence, one must evolve to win.
In government, current circumstances show what leaders must do.
Vacillation in tackling our indebtedness is a No...No!
Allowing unvetted 'refugees' here is inadvisable!
Leave laggards behind and lame ducks alone...they're unreliable.

Monday, September 5, 2016

I THINK T.....

I hear Hillary coughing!
'Tis her allergies stuffing
Her nose and throat from bluffing;
I fear she is really sick.
Now you should know whom to pick:-
Knight errant for the masses-

Saturday, September 3, 2016


Obama's legacy to the United States:-
Broken promises, killers traipsing thru our gates,
An imminent collapse of the U.S. dollar...!
Maybe he has become the most unpopular
And 'feckless' Commander-in-Chief in history
Since citizens first proudly hoisted Old Glory...
Last triumph:-("Tear down this wall!"- Reagan's defiance),*
Except now we're being threatened by barbarians!
Gargantuan waste by Obama's bureaucracy,
Angst to businesses in the brink of bankruptcy
Caused by mile-high complex rules and regulations.
Your vote for Donald Trump will end these perversions!

Friday, September 2, 2016


Forgetful Hillary--this fact is beyond dispute.
Our source is Madam herself; Hence, no one can refute.
Regarding some lost cellphones, she also can't remember...*
Gathered from TV, she smashed one phone with a hammer!
Eventually her ailment could lead to Alzheimer;
The truth about our candidates' health should be revealed,
Fragility, lack of energy can't be concealed.
Unfit to be our President, one who falls asleep...
Let not our foes slaughter our citizens like tame sheep!

*(Supposedly 13 misplaced cellphones)


Don't insult Hillary Rodham Clinton during the debate-
In fact, 'praise' her work as Obama's Secretary of State.
Smile and chuckle when she oontinues to call you a racist;
Everyone knows that's a standard lie from the Demoncrats' list.
Negativity and ad hominems won't solve anything;
Graciously point out some of your proposals she's now copying,*
And with Presidential power, she'll continue abusing!
Give her therefore a long strong rope to lasso and hang herself;
Extremely flawed, she will be exposed by her ill-gotten pelf!

*(JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, for instance.)