Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Distorters of Allah's 6th Commandment-
Intractable pillagers Satan sent,
Supposedly to kill all 'infidels'...
This word is what Rabid Evil impels!!
Orlando, Florida and Istanbul
Recently were ravaged--like some mad bull
Trampled and slew innocent people there...
Every futile curse as well every pray'r
Resounded from all corners of the world!
See Sorrow's Flag at half-mast droop and furled...

Monday, June 27, 2016


Hillary seeks to continue Obama's agenda;
I hope you won't fall for their deceitful propaganda.
Left-leaning so-called "Liberals" will bankrupt Uncle Sam;
Look at the past records of these two 'Leaders'--Shameful Sham!
Are you a dolt that you would trust her and still vote for her?
Read her retort..."some Americans died...what does that matter?"
You must indeed be blind if you condone that past slaughter.


A tip for Bernie:-
Tomorrow you'll see
Insane berserkers,
Pre-paid provokers
Fomenting riots!
Obviously idiots
Risking Martial Law.
Barack can do go:-
Expanding his 'Rules,'
Reigning over Fools.
Nixing Elections!
E'en for our scions!

Friday, June 24, 2016


To Voters:- Please be patriotic and use your common sense.
Remember Benghazi, San Bernardino- NO DEFENSE!!
You have leaders who apparently are mere amateurs
Controlled by lobbyists or maybe even saboteurs!
Our government is an ogre of a bureaucracy.
Many businesses are being dragged into bankruptcy,
Manufacturers are looking for better locations;
Our 'war' against ISIL needs more aggressive solutions.
Now is the time to rise above partisan politics...
Say it loud & clear; No need for elegant semantics:-
Enemies of Uncle Sam, Uncivilized Terrorists..,
Nevermore shall we tolerate Radical Islamists!
Soon a more able leader will captain our Ship of State;
Elect The Donald! He'll give our foes their deserved fate!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


The Leftist Media-
House of Perfidia!
Experts in spinning,
Lying, redacting,
False news reporting;
Twisting Trump's language,
Inking his image
So he'd look stupid...
This is what they did:-
Made intentional
Edit to total
Deletion of Donald J. Trump's Muslim Ban--'TEMPORARY,'
In order to make him look racist, cruel, arbitrary;
Another clumsy attempt to mislead our citizenry!

Saturday, June 18, 2016


God, who is Most Kind and Just, gives each individual what he deserves;
Endure Fortune's slings and arrows but sample also its sweet hors d'oeuvres.
There are breakthroughs in Health Science and technology to help Mankind,
Yet many of these advances are unpublicized, hence hard to find...
Our leaders, I suspect, have conspired with one another so to make
Us unaware of Superior Beings on guard for Planet Earth's sake--
Reining in exponential increase of our fertile population,
Seeing to it that man-made pollution won't end in our extinction.
Hereinbelow are their forecasts re the Presidential election:-
A populist BUILDER will win Uncle Sam's Commander-in-Chief post;
Reliance by voters on Hillary due to her lies will be lost;
Enlightened millennials won't vote and Bernie's dream will fade like a ghost.

Friday, June 17, 2016


May I suggest the following for you to do, dear Sir:-
Ask for advancement of the homo sapiens situation;
Kneel before the Watchers, if need be...(You will make a stir.)
Explore the feasibility of changing direction.
A right course should lead us to breakthroughs more precious than gold.
Make explanation to the general population...
Enable citizens to understand; Be true, be bold!
Nine billion plus humans in our small Planet must be culled?!!
Do ETs in fact control population growth on Earth?
Superior Beings exist in this Cosmos; There's no dearth....


Do not attempt to explain an issue
If you sense that the time is not yet due.
Stop spreading surmises, mere suspicion...
Airplane disaster causes are legion;
So while the media may still theorize,
There will be others* who will realize
External unseen forces intervened--
Rescue by ET/s must have supervened!

*(others--like me...)

Saturday, June 11, 2016


Voters! Voters! Vote for Achiever Donald J. Trump!
Our goal is to get out of our Economic Slump!
The interest we pay on our huge indebtedness
Exceeds more than my own biased surmise-Pure Madness!
The only chance we have of crawling out of this hole:
Repatriate funds, welcome back laissez faire, no more dole,
Unless the aid receiver will fight for Uncle Sam,
Make war against our foes not for feckless show nor sham;
Place your bet on Mr. Trump and we'll win the GRAND SLAM!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Good grief! Some TV debates turn into pure gibberish!
Instead of listening to reasoned argumentations,
Blowhards and braggarts try to out shout each other... I wish
Big-hearted TV hosts would veto rude interruptions.
Even ladies should not be allowed to scream, shriek, or squall;
Remember-- Freedom of Speech also has limitations...
If a guest has the floor, there ought to be no free-for-all!
So, Friend, what did you learn from that program we were viewing?
"Hate to admit it, Skep; Because of the din, mostly nothing."

Sunday, June 5, 2016

OBAMA (re - the transgender order)

O 'King' who issued that outrageous directive-
By all means, send your daughters to some public school
And see if they as well your own spouse would not grieve...
My hope is that no impostor won't make you a fool
And prove how utterly short-sighted your new rule!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Entrancing Ella Valentine
Left Heaven's Gate for Planet Earth...
Looked helpless but is healthy, fine.
All kith and kin welcomed her birth:-
V. dePeralta's family
And all of the Alvarez/es
Loved Ella at sight--sooo cuddly!
Expect more as she progresses:-
Nature reveals Miss Valentine,
Tomorrow's Miss Beauty & Brains,
Imperatriz or Miss Sunshine!!!
Never we mind, e'en if it rains;
Ella hails from the realm Divine!

(Ella is our first grand daughter.)