Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Thursday, August 30, 2012


See that old man dozing on his front porch,
Erstwhile exemplar who passed on the torch;
Portray him as cosmologist sterling.
Thinks he:- He knows why the world is whirling,
Expanding and twirling--at God's command,
Moving like a top on the Master's Hand.
But now here comes the Labor Day parade...
Exit--cosmic dreams; Enter--Life's charade,
Roaring crowds disperse and soon thereafter
September's jobless woes drown out laughter.
On cue, next will come on stage October,
November, December! Do they portend
God's judgment:--Cyclic rebirth or Man's end?

Monday, August 27, 2012


An asteroid as large as Manhattan,
Perhaps destined to wield the coup de grace
Out from the Ort Cloud, will it finish Man?
Civilization ends like Gomorrah?
Are we all in God's sight contemptible?
Like the dinosaurs, shall our race vanish?
Yes, but our souls are incorruptible;
Promised by Christ, we too shall not perish,
Soul/Energy is indestructible;
Eternal Life is no whimsical wish!

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Nights make me fly to Dreamland across time
On soft-winged moonbeams that keep filt'ring in;
Some past and future scenes come pouring in...
Those beck'ning shades were my partners in crime--
All urging me to cross the River Styx!
"Legs, Orly, Bloney...guys, you've gotta wait.
"Give me more time to do my acrostics;
"I fear our world is in a sorry state,
"An Apocalypse end could be my fate..."

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Somebody should point out that global economy
Is cyclic:- Rapid growth will dip to recession,
Maybe, even to depression and anomie;
Politicizing won't solve the situation.
Let laissez-faire be incentivized to venture,
Invade the global market thru innovation;
Chronic stimuli can lead to misadventure.
In lieu of more taxes, reduce regulation.
The cycle will oscillate back to rapid growth;
Young capitalist entrepreneurs, be not loathe...

Sunday, August 19, 2012


I have to tell the world lest I forget these dreams:-
Nighttime opens the mind to anguished cries and screams...
So many people in the streets, all in despair,
I saw some throwing paper money in the air,
Groups ransacking and gangs in bloody free-for-all.
How did our mighty nation come to this downfall?
Take a look at our 'dead presidents' in huge heaps!
Scatter more as our Lady of Liberty weeps...

Friday, August 17, 2012


So softly on my balding pate a droplet fell;
I knew 'twas but a harbinger, it wished to tell:-
"Let not the rain catch you out here, old man; Go home
"Ere you get soaking wet... You're safe where you came from."
Needless to state, in the dry confines of my car
Came this sobering thought as from a shooting star:-
Each storm you send me, Lord, drives me to where You Are!

Thursday, August 16, 2012


There is no such thing as transparency;
Heads of State are bound never to disclose,
Even in an extreme emergency.
Presidents don't tell e'en when the world knows...
Read tight lips when there is risk of total
Extermination. Is there need to hide
Secrets when chaos can become global?
If our Earth's two hemispheres will get fried,
Do they scare or care and just smile and stall...?
Every star supposedly has its twin:-
Nemesis then, which is our Sun's, may call...
Can he be stopped if he comes rushing in?
You can bet your whole quanta, not at all.

HUMILITY (A Prognostication)

How did these motley ephemerons figure out-
Using planetary motion could bring about
Multi-ringed Saturn within Curiosity's scan?
It seems that there is more than meets the eye in Man;
Looking so fragile and weak, yet he's no looney
If he knows E=MCsquared...(No puny!)
This race will soon equal the best of creation:-
Your new member in Galactic Federation!??!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Self-examination must be performed:-
Your motivation oft becomes deformed.
Can you honestly state you go to church
Or temple as part of your life-long search,
Pursuing the Holy Grail, or aloud
Hallelujah-ing with a servile crowd,
All praying for some temporal award?
Next time, we ought to give Him due regard:-
"Thank you, Lord, your Love is our Best Reward."

Monday, August 13, 2012


Storms and high floodwaters do not a doomsday make;
Your gen'rous help will give the flood victims a break.
Monsoon season, I believe, will soon be over;
Bright sunny days will help our country recover,
If only we have the good sense to discover
Our forests and rivers never should be abused,
Slum shelters under bridges should not be excused.
Individual initiative and prompt action
Should save us from floods and plagues thru sanitation.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Pinoys pick up foreign words easily;
Our countrymen abroad quite readily
Learn when their bosses are truly angry
Yowling or just exhausted and hungry.
God made Pinoys not only bilingual;
Language-adepts, most are multilingual...
Our skills gather not just surface meanings,
Tho' unspoken, we sense thoughts--our gleanings.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


By the wayside, I saw a leafless, lifeless twig;
Useless, so it seemed, slashed off from its tree--a fig.
Luckily, I have a small front yard garden, too.
With plants bursting in bloom, acrostics quite a few;
Aha, a timely prop, this stick could surely be!
Rhyming acrostics in my book, the world should see,
Kept proud and unbowed by a dead twig from a tree.
Someday when I'm dead, will my 'stics be props? Maybe...

Monday, August 6, 2012


By Jove, old man, don't lose the power of your mind;
Use the strength of your imagination to find
Long forgotten realms where once you ruled and tarried...
"Where up my castle's tower, I boldly carried
"A maiden fair with raven hair and big black eyes?
"Last night I seemed to hear her laughter and her sighs;
"Remember her? Of course, I do know where she lies.
"Kingdoms vanish, but in my heart Love never dies!"

Saturday, August 4, 2012


'Blame everybody but yourself'- is how politicians thrive,
Urging their raucous supporters to rely on promises,
Raising unfav'rable stats, citing global problems to drive
Likely rivals from running for high government offices.
Every economist knows not just one person is to blame;
Sadly, all of us took part in creating this world malaise.
Quodlibet:- We are all in a quicksand...Put no one to shame.
Use the situation to endure derision with good grace...
Economic growth and expertise should soon gain worldwide praise!

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Blame, blame, blame! Blame the cruel Fates,
Uncontrolled inherited traits;
Read the lines written on your palm:-
Long life and riches... What a sham!
E'en now at age seventy-nine,
Skep is wont to complain and whine:-
Quo vadis, fellow homo sap?
U-turn now and follow Christ's map,
Ere you fall into Satan's trap!