Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Monday, September 30, 2013


Secret wish list of good old Uncle Sam:-
Extremists will with us soon coexist;
China's economic boom is a sham;
Russia's help in keeping peace will persist;
Europe and the Middle East will unite...
Truth to tell, baser instincts will resist.
Stop kowtowing; Drive fears and woes to flight!

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Logic and foresight were absent in the
political arena yesterday.
Antics in demagoguery and ad hominem
argumentation held sway...
May our lawmakers find some common ground
so to avoid a government shutdown;
Earnest pursuit of a sane health plan
should not end in a train wreck or a letdown.
"No need to axe a whole apple tree down,"
insists this knowledgeable orchard man;
"Trim it, prune it and it will bear fruit;" so
too, I hope, will the Obamacare Plan.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Take a hike, Stress and Sorrow,
Off to better climes I go;
Maybe, close to Orion's belt
Or where mighty King Leo dealt
Roars of vigor to Planet Earth,
Rousing weaklings to prove their worth:-
Out of your bed; Get up, sleepyhead!
Wake up, old Skep; You are not yet dead!


Twilight and evening star
Will my Love from afar
Into my dreams come stealing
Like Psyche most appealing?
I wish to leap up but my strength is gone,
Gone, all gone--youth's passion and springtime fun;
Hasten to my bedside Ethereal One,
Throw me a kiss...my sojourn here is done.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Debate the issues calmly, Gentlemen;
Obamacare should not rip us apart;
Good health for all, great goal! Amen, Amen!
May a compromise provide a new start...
A left hand and a right have but one heart;
Two sides must work together to succeed.
Indeed, waste no more time, Senator Reid;
Change your stance, Sir. Don't let the nation bleed.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


He who does not take care of his body gets sick
Eventually, but a person who has chosen
A healthy regimen should be allowed to pick
Less expensive health care coverage to lighten
That burden,considering his good state of health.
However, my lifetime health contract is true wealth.

Change not one phrase or word in our Med coverage;
Our consent to any change must first be secured.
Vex us not with more fees; we're now in our dotage!
Everyone listened and all of us were assured:-
"Regardless of Obamacare's new provisions,
"A person's choice of health plan will be respected."
Grant then what we have chosen without conditions.
Exempting some but not all must be rejected.
Save Our State. Let not the masses be dejected.

Monday, September 23, 2013


It seems that UFO sightings these days are no longer rare;
Debunking attempts may even be deemed lack of savoir-faire.
Eyewitnesses include high officials and personages;
Not even scientists could claim these are unreal images.
There are more insightful cosmologists whose bold emphasis,
In line with Albert Einstein's unique space-time hypothesis,
Forsakes usual laymen's extraterrestrial explanation.
In fact, these beings are signaling us to change direction:-
Explorers visiting their past from our very own future...
Did you see yourself? Time to MATURE before your DEPARTURE!

Sunday, September 22, 2013


A rush to judgment oft-times is unjust;
Perspectives change when results clear the dust.
Our President cautiously refrained from
Loosing the 'dogs of war' to overcome
Or oust Syria's head Bashar al-Assad.
Getting Mr. Putin's help is not bad;
If fractious rivals can calmly unite,
An end to bloodshed should soon be in sight.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Deployed by extremists, the whole Earth is destroyed...
Impacting mightier than a huge asteroid,
New York, New Jersey, then the entire U.S.A,
Old and young and most living things wasted away...
Some microbes or germs may have survived the onslaught.
A gathering of ghosts now watch what Hate has wrought:-
Unheeding Christ's counsel to LOVE one another,
Returning harm for hate against one's own brother;
Shall we, like the extinct dinosaurs, all smother..?

Saturday, September 14, 2013


There is a kind of disability in the world today.
Regrettably both wealthy elitists and the bourgeoisie
Are easily blinded and misguided by this affliction;
God's gifts are wasted on mere wealth and power acquisition,
Entirely ignored or forgotten is Our Lord's dimension...
Disasters, calamities, raging floods seem unabated.
Your godless focus and endeavors will never be sated.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


SETI caught a signal in binary code from outer space--
Extraterrestrials are trying to contact the human race:-

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Don't be too cocky nor high and mighty.
Inspire your neighbors thru humility.
Visualize the three blind men and their views...
If interfaith calls, we should not refuse.
Salvation via Christ's resurrection
Is not the only path to Perfection;
Our whole human race is bound to attain
Nirvana (or God's Heavenly Domain)!

Sunday, September 8, 2013


But be prepared for a possible EMP attack;
Expect our enemies to utilize this cheap-o tack.
With electronic weaponry incapacitated,
A ground-troops kind of war may have to be initiated.
Recall how Perseus slew Medusa by using his shield?
EMP 'shields' too are needed in today's battlefield.

Saturday, September 7, 2013


'Crossing the red line' is a hazardous diversion;
'All or nothing' is likewise a risky excursion.
Take care, look before you leap; Are we just 'saving face'?
Check and review the facts; Do we have a winning case?
Having superior weaponry may not be enough;
Pinpoint bombing may not destroy that hazardous stuff.
How will we catch poison gas released in the atmosphere?
Ramping collateral damage could result, I fear...
Amateurs in the art of warfare should not disclose
Stratagems to be taken, but now the whole world knows.
End the quandary:- The citizenry is your boss...
Saying 'See you later' to our foes is no great loss.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Written reproof may be mightier than the sword.
Ofttimes Lex Talionis fails but not our Lord's Word...
Rabid beasts totally possessed by the Devil
Lose self-control, become utterly uncivil.
Death's solution seems deserved, yet I cavil;
Peace amongst the world's nations will not be attained
Even if al-Assad's contagion is contained.
Ask, I pray, the World's Council again to impose
Counter measures to restrain but not to depose,
Ere he goes, he must live and learn too, I propose...

Monday, September 2, 2013


We ought not to choose between Charybdis and Scylla;
Our Ship should neither favor the al-Qaeda nor Hezbolla.
Regrettable, indeed, slaying civilians by poison gas.
Let Uncle Sam, however, demonstrate gallantry and class;
Deliver only selective and pinpoint demolition,
Present to the United Nations clear justification.
Enforcing measures to destroy Syria's chemical weapons
As well as similar stockpiles in the hands of rogue nations
Could hardly be objected to by our peace-loving neighbors.
Eliminate hate proselytizers so to end all wars!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

BORGLUM (On the Syrian problem)

Blasted and carved out of an ugly peak,
Out there at Mount Rushmore, they seem to speak:-
Recklessness will never win victories.
Gaze at our faces then go sculp World Peace!
Look not with fear at your foe's countenance.
Underneath his skull is mere ignorance,
Mild chastisement should be a wiser stance...