Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Friday, January 31, 2014


Complain not when your wishes have not as yet come true;
Okay to try again, but make sure they're best for you.
Maybe, there are hazards ahead that you could not see;
Perhaps you need only wait, for what will be will be.
Let God decide the time or season when to harvest,
And weep not that your share is meager for He knows best.
Inspired not in a palace but 'neath a Bodhi tree,
Nirvana was by Buddha reached with felicity!
Think not therefore of pelf for that is pure vanity!


Intelligence quotients need not be high;
Not many can reach that genius level.
Initiative, however, can defy
The wise man gazing at his own navel...
If I don't get up and mail this 'please' piece--
A chance to jump-start that 'level field' quest,
Tomorrow this fanciful dream will cease.
I'm asking for a substantial bequest;
Vox populi, I'm sure, supports my dare:-
Each voter should be made a MILLIONAIRE!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Obsessions can befuddle and misguide the human mind.
Believers of the Quran are to their own kind UNKIND--
Since Shiite and Sunni, both followers of Mahomet,
Engage in endless fray to the dismay of their Prophet.
Supposedly the Sunnis follow their leader's bloodline;
Slaying Shiites who believe otherwise is therefore fine?
Indignation amongst Muslim scholars is NOT ENOUGH!
Oppression must end and friendship must not be met with Rebuff.
No distinction between our Almighty God and Allah,
So Peace be with you all-- Al Qaeda as well Hezbollah!

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Since this is President Barack Obama's last term,
Unusual suggestions are being bruited about:--
Grand-gifting could make the nation financially firm.
Give us a thousand bitcoins each; "Thank you, Sir!" we'll shout.
Each citizen will instantly be very grateful,
Since all Americans will soon become 'millionaires'.
To 'level the field' this way is not being boastful;
In fact, this gesture is trivial to the billionaires...
Oh, but not so indeed to the voting multitude.
Need you doubt who will thereafter prove their gratitude?


Compassion that gushes and leaps
Out of the depths of your kind heart
May need reining in lest it keeps
Pouring gifts into Mammon's cart.
A progressive bureaucracy
Supposedly seeks to aid and heal
Severely battered bourgeoisie;
Instead, fat cats and scammers steal
Our hard-earned heartfelt charity...
Next time, be sure it's the real deal.

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Three minutes...from now,
I am not sure how--
My rage will be spent,
How swift my ire flies;
Enflamed pyre soon dies.
A calm mist descends;
Love soothes, makes amends,
Stupid anger ends.

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Rue the legislators in Washington, D.C.
Incumbent leaders seem mired in complacency;
Going thru the motions of tightening spending,
Making 'Caps' supposedly, but they keep pending
All plans to effectively (even if slowly)
Reduce our huge national debt substantially.
Only the heartless or the fool can fail to see
Lack of fortitude amongst the powers-that-be.
Even lying seems OK...What a tragedy!

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Cosmologists declare there are more stars than
all the grains of sand on Planet Earth;
Extrapolating as to the number of earth-like
planets, they say there's no dearth.
Regardless of attempts by world leaders
to deny or downplay their existence,
There could already be some space- and/or
time-travelling visitor aliens
Among us, and if so, what is their intent
or purpose--are they our friends or foes?
I have a theory there are at least two
types of extraterrestrial UFOs:-
Non-inimical energy beings who could be
yourselves from the far future;
The others may be less altruistic--with their
physical bodies, I can't be sure...
You, I, and all gravity captive beings need
eons to evolve and endure.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Camilo R. Flores is hereunder memorialized by
Acrostic--in hopes I could convey my belated good-bye:-
My Uncle was an able, much respected trial lawyer,
Intrepid defender of Justice, never a Truth betrayer.
Let the record show Life's hazards and travails he faced them all.
Oh, Lord, please welcome home CAMILO RIMANDO FLORES' SOUL!

Sunday, January 5, 2014


No need to scoff at our President, for he had good intent.
Alas, a Big Brother and a Nanny-type of government
Never suited an independent-minded diverse people...
Now we see a health care house of cards experiment topple;
Yet this failure should give him and all of us better insight:-
Safeguard citizens' rights from bureaucratic abuse and spite.
The much touted agenda of creating a level field
Attenuates initiative and produces a poor yield.
The sad plight of several socialist-ruled nations today
Exposes the direction we must avoid without delay!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


By all means, be moderate in all political issues,
Extremists on both sides of the aisles are equally 'Bad News';
And we should stop 'kicking the can' re our huge indebtedness...
Create incentives to attract more business enterprises.
Entitlements promised and earned should always be respected;
No taxpayers' funds should end up being misused or wasted.
To let bureaucrats decide our health care options is absurd.
Ridiculous to assist tyrants who could not keep their word.
"In God We Trust", but never in an intrusive Big Brother!
Since all of us are stuck in this small biosphere together,
To live and let live should be safer than bombing each other.