Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Thursday, December 31, 2015


An Apocalypse need not have a 'calamitous' ending.
Prognosticators contend there may be a new dawn breaking!
Our future could even be brighter this New Year impending...
Confronted by challenges seemingly beyond resolving,
A grassroots campaign by Republican leaders is spreading
Like wildfire over our whole nation and is fast evolving--
You see many sad-eyed unemployed - to their own selves talking..?
Perhaps, venting their futile "BOOs!" against the current regime.
Socialist over-spending welfare states make people's lives grim;
End Barack Obama's misdirection; We've enough of him.

Monday, December 28, 2015


Think big, but also we must do things right.
Hence, Uncle Sam's armed forces should not fight
Islamic moderates 'mongst the Shiites;
Need we oust Assad from the Syrian Heights?
King Abdulla has left his mortal coil...
Besides, we'll have no need for Saudi oil,
If we but OK the Keystone pipeline.
(God checks a leader's soul, not his bloodline.)

Sunday, December 27, 2015


Beware of self-centered power-seeking Ambition;
Entanglement with Pelf could lead to obfuscation.

I'm hoping for a less intrusive regime but kind...
Let's not vote for President one who leads from behind;
Let us select one who to mere skin color is blind.
Unusually large financial support from abroad
Makes one wonder if that contains a 'tit-for-tat' code.
It's time for total transparency in government;
No more 'negotiating' with foes, no more appeasement!
Exact from our next leader the above commitment.
Do vote The Donald or The Doctor for President!!!

Friday, December 25, 2015

CHRISTMASTIME (Skep, talking to himself)

Christ, I am in pain,
Here in bed again....
Rue what you ate, Lout;
If in excess, Gout
Soon will knock you out.
May your situation
Act as reminder,
So you'll be kinder
To your own corpus.
It's not God's purpose
Making you feel pain;
Eat well but be sane!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Atlantis was not an isle swallowed by the sea;
That was ETs' space-time craft when they came to see
Less technologically skilled humans who were
Actual ancestors with lifelines the ETs share.
Now we see above more UFOs transiting...
They are our future selves or brothers visiting!
I am transmitting this plea:-'Extraterrestrials,'
Succor us out of our many WOES & TRIALS!!!


Sunday, December 20, 2015


One vote in Wisconsin equals fifty in California?!!
Did you hear any plaint from percipient Intelligentsia?
Did you know some Electors anticipate Cornucopia?
It seems to me manifestly unfair to give so much weight
To Wisconsinian votes; Aren't Californians just as great?
Your Voting Power, Citizen, you should never delegate!
....(non potest delegare...!)


Uncle Sam seems to be getting weak, growing old;
No longer being led by patriots strong and bold.
Could he still win a war? Or are his feet now cold?
Let not that cancer ISIL horde metastasize...
End times for mankind won't be such a big surprise,
Since nuclear bombings can be our Planet Earth's prize.
Ask not that Lame Duck where he's trying to lead us...
My hope:- That the Righteous will yet be Victorious.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

MELISSA (A Birthday Wish For Our Daughter-in-Law)

May you always walk in beauty under God's Light;
Endeared and treasured by Galahad, your Good Knight!
Let guardian angels gift you with sweet surprises,
Including a healthy baby, your huge Success!
So here's a toast on your natal day occasion...!!
Soon we'll have another birthday celebration,
As we pray for your safe 'infanticipation'.


Incessant wars and fruitless wrangling;
No end to our 'strategic' fumbling.
Should homo sapiens keep on stumbling
And criticizing, even shaming...?
Now most everybody is blaming--
It's 'feckless' Obama, our poor King!
The truth:- Marionettes are not at fault;
You are ruled by Earth's Guardians Occult.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Many, many years ago some Crusaders were marauders;
Out of their wicked actions seeds of Hate against invaders,
Nascent for so long in many Muslims' hearts, are now ablaze!
Such is hatred's karmic consequence, it's a circular maze.
Thus the oppressors today could be the oppressed in the past;
Every evil deed done, God's counter action is also cast--
Rivers of blood caused by the barbarians in the Middle East
Shall flow to another generational cycle - at least...

MEMO (An Addendum)

Muslims are taught that it was Archangel Gabriel
who instructed the Prophet Mahomet who in turn dictated
from memory to his scribes what is now the Holy Quran.
Without a doubt, neither Archangel Gabriel nor the Quran
allowed Muslims to kill women, children, non-combatants,
or other innocent people.
Consider the Quran the True Tree. But the Sharia is
like a vine that has climbed up the branches of the Tree
and is now threatening to choke the Tree to death. The
Sharia provision mandating the slaying of 'infidels' was
very likely directed against unChristian Crusaders invading,
pillaging and committing reckless 'collateral damage' to
countless Muslims. These 'Crusaders' supposed to defend
pilgrims to Jerusalem were not 'fide' to God's Commandments,
hence- infidels. But that tragic period has ended a long
time ago,
We are now in the 21st century. Many civilized nations
frankly abhor many Sharia impositions on Muslim men and
women, particularly cruel and unusual penalties and the
irrational belief that all Americans and Jews are infidels!!!
To be blinded, befuddled and guided by the illogic of an
obsolete and barbaric aberration can only lead to a TRAGIC

Saturday, December 5, 2015


Scientists have seen the Higgs bozon+ at last;
CERN* gave just a fleeting glimpse...(it moved too fast),
Instantly vanishing right after impact;
Every proton does contain it, that's a fact.
Never disparage this other particle:-
Come, come...this is a familiar article--
Every human is also God's vehicle.

Fellow believers need no huge collider;
Actually, God is an 'Omni-insider'.
CERN, a most expensive machine, is slower...
Try seeing our God Almighty thru prayer.

+(also called the God particle)
*(The Large Hadron Collider)

RESIGN (in re the San Bernardino tragedy)

Resign, Sir, please, as Commander-in-Chief;
Expect ISIL to commit more mischief.
Stop looking so pathetic, a failure...
I hope Joe Biden can be our savior.
Give him the reins, he'll bomb our foes to Hell!
Now bid Khomeni and his ilk "Farewell..."

Thursday, November 26, 2015


"I did not know that!" An ordinary citizen might say...
Majority rule in this nation does not always hold sway.
Perhaps, if otherwise, Gore would have won the Presidency;
Let's junk the Electors and vote as a true democracy!
Are you at all familiar with any of the Electors?
Unseen and unknown by most people, they have no detractors,
So these 2000 plus elitists select our President;
If so, they may already know the next White House resident?!
But 'delegated' voting makes 'vox populi' impotent.
Let every concerned and qualified citizen cast his vote;
Egregious, tho', and most unfair, if we don't count his ballot.

Sunday, November 22, 2015


Breathes there no patriotic Muslim who would rather fight,
Instead of fleeing from ISIL, that barbarous blight?
There must be a way to help these countless refugees...
Train them, arm them, then teach them to use SWAT strategies.
Every able-bodied adult Arab should be used;
Reject asylum if combat duty is refused.

Extermination of Western Civilization
Never did Prophet Mahomet even envision;
Do know:- Murder as 'jihad' is Satan's revision.

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Regard rabid dogs as prey but slay them with mercy.
As soon as you can, send them to Death's sweet sans souci;
Be swift lest they spread to others their insanity....
ISIL's poisoned fangs should be torn out with certainty;
Delayed Extraction could lead to a Calamity!

Deploy, Uncle Sam, your ultra secret weaponry...
Obey the impatient cry of your citizenry;
Give merciful end to these crazed beasts' ferocity;
Set free their souls and save civilized Humanity!

Monday, November 16, 2015


Obviously, this regime is like an old car;
Laggard, leaky, quite ready for 'descansar'.
Driver Obama chose a long-winding road,
Calmly sending a few 'advisers' abroad.
All around us are our foes, front and behind...
Right you are, Sir. The Battle is in the Mind.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


Suggestions on how to win the nomination:
Unveil to the voters your 'Great Plans', your vision--
Give the whole world, for instance, pure drinking water...
(Get Bill Gates' know-how on this important matter.)
Electric power via Tesla's invention
Should give global beneficial transformation.
Try improving, expanding your own proposals,
Instead of hurling ad hominem at rivals.
Our nation has a huge silent majority
Not shown by polls but can vote you to victory;
So speak 'Presidential', please, with sobriety.

Monday, November 9, 2015


I really wanted to rebuke and rage aloud!
Derisive, biased innuendos kept me cowed....
Is there an honest critic 'pure as driven snow',
Or seer able to peer into the past to know
Carson's adolescent missteps from long ago?
Yet whose fault are those crosses standing row on row?++++?

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Did they find body parts strewn amongst the wreckage?
Explanation as to their absence seems in shortage...
Let me then dip into my bag of speculation:-
It is possible there was a mid-air intrusion;
The other craft was an invisible UFO
Exploring zones it was wont to do eons ago.
Since space-time seems to be the ETs' 'home' dimension,
Constant visits are made by them to their Earth station...
ET could be me in the future, not a stranger.
Now I can only surmise the crew and each passenger
That were extracted and saved are all out of danger....

Saturday, October 31, 2015


Let expert negotiator The Donald captain our Ship of State.
I sense a grassroots surge, a tsunami that no one can abate.
Betrayed by amateurs and burdened by stacks of regulations
Entrepreneurs are forced to transfer to less taxing locations.
Review, improve on The Donald's proposed tax changes, if you can;
To temper Mr. Trump, Ben Carson as our Vice is the best man...
Your vote to restore transparency in government is our PLAN.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


"Preserve, protect, and defend"...our Constitution....
Let citizens forfend any violation,
Especially on-going breaches of our rights;
Don't rely on biased leaders with blurred insights.
Guard against foes of individual liberties.
Each must for Justice clamor, lest our freedoms cease.

Saturday, October 24, 2015


Stewards, awake! There is work to do for our survival's sake;
Time for us to give Mother Earth, mankind's only home, a break...
Every living human being is caretaker of this Sphere.
We've not been using our blue-green global gift with care, I fear.
All willing and able paterfamilias will be needed...
Raging typhoons, melting icebergs should not remain unheeded,
Droughts, toxic emissions--all these cause deadly environment.
Stewardship rating:- D (dismal) & NI (needs improvement)!!

Saturday, October 17, 2015


Like a reincarnated brook, Life travels on;
It flows and swirls around rocks searching for some fun,
Finally joins a river, then the deep blue sea--
Exactly what is happening to you and me...
So may our 'Sun' rain jolly good friends back to life,
Restart Life's race, though there be rocks, sorrow & strife;
Or,God willing, we can in His vast Realm wander
A soul 'reborn' to be honed more and to ponder
Divine Beauty, Truth, God's Multiverse of Wonder!

Thursday, October 15, 2015


Dare, Legislators, to move fast forward,
Unlike someone who moves like a laggard.
There are many problems that need solving,
Yet 'kicking the can' keeps them revolving.

Face those challenges and prioritize;
I fear Deep Depression could actualize:-
(Recession, unemployment prevalent...!)
Send Bills of Change now to our President,
Then we, the people, can make apt comment.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Not once but twice you took the President's solemn oath;
Elected for two terms, I'm afraid you'll waste them both...
Victorious, using your pen and phone for law-making,
Evading check and balance barriers, now you're King!
Regrettably, you're using kid gloves against our foes.
Must we allow these ISIL hordes to increase our woes?
Our nation needs a leader who'll wield the coup de grace,
Relenting never to cut short beheaders' Hurrah;
End their mad dream lest there be another Gomorrah!

Friday, October 9, 2015


Violence is just routine nowadays, per our President;
I guess our guns will be confiscated without our consent.
Our right to defend ourselves with arms will be diminished soon--
Like road-kill, it will be wasted--a blind street-crossing raccoon.
Executive Order interdicts while Congress is in gridlock;
Nonetheless, Grandpa will face armed felons without his flintlock!
Chipping away at or chopping off The Second Amendment
Exposes an amateur's agenda, Mr. President....

Monday, October 5, 2015


Looks like calling them 'terrorists' is not all right;
Our citizens and friends are not afraid to fight.
Give them a more appropriate appellation;
It's obvious they have distorted their religion;
Conceding that they are misguided doesn't mean
I'm terrified by barbarians with souls unclean.
A more apt nomenclature for these hordes of fools:-
Non-enlightened brainwashed saps, Lucifer's doomed tools!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

AMBITION'S REWARD (Query to Hillary)

Are you happy pursuing that Presidential post?
Mayhap you can endure the hassle, afford the cost,
But now you may have second thoughts; Should you still go on?
It's too late to back down, though campaigning is no fun...
To keep smiling and/or donning on 'confident' masks,
I suspect, are becoming rather wearisome tasks.
Odds, Hillary, are (per pollsters) not in your favor;
No Sweet Victory will the winner ever savor,
Since this nation's next President will be awarded/
Rewarded with huge problems, like borders unguarded,
Enormous debts that are spiraling unabated,
Widespread violence by rogues with bloodlust unsated,
And intransigent colleagues with egos inflated....
Reflecting further on the impending election,
Dare you still wish to pursue that Rodham obsession?

Monday, September 28, 2015


Hilarious for Hillary to go campaigning (grubbing for votes),
Instead of clearing up the air first of some voters' doubting thoughts.
Let us briefly conjecture on that tragic Benghazi affair...
Likely, if not certainly, there must have been non-terrorists there;
Avoiding collateral damage must have been the main culpa.
Regarding her Denver server, her 'inexcusable' faux pas...?
Yet the emails were made 'hackable' to mislead the foe, ha, ha!

(On a similar vein, see Subterfuge posted Aug. 21st.)

Friday, September 25, 2015


So now Uncle Sam has at last become 'famous'...
How sad to be described as pusillanimous!
Our 'agreement' with Iran is not a treaty;
Do call it, if you wish, a disguised entreaty,
Done to appease the Iranian powers-that-be.
You do have signed scraps of paper, Mr. Kerry....


As the campaign continues, I now realize
My earlier forecasts may not materialize;
Even my hope that we'll have a laissez faire state
Appears destined to end inside a trash bin fate.
Could it be "Let me be" is no longer our goal?
Unless I'm wrong, Liberty empowers us all!
Let not Initiative be drowned by 'regulation'.
Political rivalry brews a hot concoction,
Aggrandizement of self--main topic of discussion..?

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Presidential candidates should be puissant,
Unafraid to solve tasks herculean, unpleasant.
Individual promises are solemn pledges,
So state them clearly and bravely, without hedges.
Sidestep thru 'ad hominems' no valid issue.
Argue with facts and with one's own common sense view.
Neither the prolix nor the puerile ought to be
Tagged as the Republican Party's Nominee.

Sunday, September 20, 2015


I loved and loved countless times, but each time I lost.
Now in my old age, I'm asked:- Who did I love most?
After considerable thought, I guess--just one:-
Myself, I must confess, for all 'sweethearts' are gone.
One by one my youth's past heart throbs somehow vanished;
Reputedly, I was at fault, perhaps tarnished:-
A poor poet, even worse, a clumsy lover!
Thus, sadly/thankfully, sweet romance was over.
Agenda of women, I've yet to discover....

Saturday, September 19, 2015


Carly Fiorina does have a persona,
And Donald Trump did not refer to her 'cara'.
Rush not to judgment; He was seeing her aura...
'L' could mean Lilith who gave Man knowledge of Sin.
'Y' could signify 'Yang', the counterforce of Yin;
'F' does not mean female 'feo', Spanish pidgin.
I think The Donald sensed in her a secret gene;
Outwardly not akin:- he roars, she's serpentine.
Regardless, they are both Republicans with class,
I do hope their campaign will not run out of gas.
Nonetheless, only one is bound to win, alas...
A king in Man's jungle or queen in cobra grass...?

Thursday, September 17, 2015


Now that the second debate session is over,
Ask voters what, if any, did they discover;
I, myself, did actually readily conclude
Vortices of their debate whirled around one dude,
Eye of the storm--Dr. Carson's gentle Etude.
The Donald's maneuver to act with politesse
Easily ignited Fiorina's finesse....

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Shameless government leaders are engaged in skullduggery,
Kowtowing with, even bowing to a clever enemy...
Unashamedly telling Marines to give up their weaponry,
Leaving to Hoothies' hands our embassy, our 'territory',
Like cowardly lemmings fleeing from foes imaginary.
Did anybody explain the reason for this lunacy?
Uncle Sam's soldiers are supposed to guard, not grant leniency.
Granted no consulate staff was harmed because of this bargain,
Giving in and/or up must result in some loss and/or gain...
Every win in love, politics, or war requires some MONEY!
Rage or weep as you wish; As for me, it's no longer funny.
You're right; We lost honor and some money to keep our honey.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


Vestiges of a half-forgotten dream:--
Achingly sweet strains of a farewell theme,
Ghostly shapes and shadows did pass me by;
All seemed to be floating up to the sky.
Rudely awakened by a siren's blare,
I stumbled toward my window to stare:-
Excellent view of the ambulance crew,
Stretched on the stretcher was someone I knew...

Saturday, September 12, 2015


Today I stamped down on some ants exploring my bathroom floor.
Reduced to lifeless motes, they shouldn't bother me any more...
In half an hour, about 10 score more crawled thru our front door.
Voltaire observed that stubborn believers in absurdities
Inevitably will commit horrific atrocities...
And so, I crushed and swept the dead ants toward our backyard wall.
Like so, ISIL should be treated, lest we be the ones to fall!
Indeed, their belief that they would be rewarded for killing
Totally helpless civilians and children is appalling;
I do believe these demon-possessed invaders are insane.
Enlighten and civilize them? Barbarians they will remain,
So stamp them all down, Uncle Sam; Give no quarter, give no gain!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

To B.O. (A Brief Reminder)

By now the citizenry must have an inkling,
A growing suspicion that that sound of crackling
Reminds one of a wildfire approaching faster
And nearer to home; Who's stoking this disaster..?
Cast blame on those who distort the Quran's teachings,
Knaves who violate Prophet Mahomet's preachings.

Of course, you know who else must also share the blame,
Because you thought only 'JayVees' were in the game--
Against mere greenhorns blinded by absurdities....
Must you still let them commit more atrocities?
A single swipe should end all their barbarities!

Saturday, September 5, 2015


We no longer look in wonderment when the sun comes out,
Or in awe when the moon and stars follow their nightly route;
No longer express delight when a new born infant cries...
Did God have anything to do with our 'burger and fries?
Every beat of our hearts, every breath we're able to make--
Remember:- Our Lord allows these to happen for our sake.
Maybe, we're trying to survive, against demons battl'ing;
E'en so, let's not make a bad situation more unsettl'ing.
No need to rage in anger, no need to weep in anguish,
Trust God to put all in order, our worries will vanish!

Friday, September 4, 2015


There are some prognosticators that proclaim
It's now time to elevate our Leaders' aim.
Matured perspectives of the Powers-that-be
Encourage them to attempt diplomacy
To stop bloody warfare in the Middle East;
Obama currently is trying at least...
Let the parties realize strife is futile.
Empower them to seek détente for a while
And achieve lasting global Peace thereafter.
Do lead us away from the Sites of Slaughter....

Monday, August 31, 2015


Prideful people oft times forget that physical bodies must
Return to Mother Earth as heaps of ashes or scattered dust.
If at the Gate you are asked, then state what you did accomplish:-
Did you do your duty, all your mundane assignments finish?
Existence in modern man's jungle is brief, ephemeral;
Fools and/or foolhardy humans ignore the Realm Spiritual,
Uncaring, even arguing that God is a childish wish...
Look out, Earthling, you are but a microbe in a petri dish!

Saturday, August 29, 2015


Inevitably our Sun will die, astronomers predict;
No living thing can survive what a dying star can inflict.
Earth and its sibling planets will in 5 billion years be scorched,
Voracious bloated Sun will swallow all after we are torched...
It seems that we may yet avoid this horrible destiny:-
Transform ourselves worthy to join a luminous company--
A non-corporeal, wholly spiritual or ethereal throng...
But many may find in this New Paradise they don't belong.
Let us then, while still able, strive to be Just and Virtuous,
Evolve into energy beings (also known as UFO/s and USO/s).

Thursday, August 27, 2015


Black Knight, the Lord must have sent you some disappointments,
Enemies execrable, difficult assignments...
Let not these contests or challenges buckle you down.
Our Lord will reward you with success, a haloed crown.
Victorious Knight, continue batt'ling Satan's minions,
Eschew and scoff at their vain and worldly temptations;
Do find your name amongst the Lord's beloved scions!

[ For Dr. Carson...May his tribe increase.]

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Out of the gloom that covers all,
New global foe we can't forestall
Shall steal our world from our control,
Leaving most devices useless
And modern techno-man helpless...
Urgent is this 'hot' reminder,
Great is the EMP danger!
Hence, have our weaponry shielded:-
Try, ere the onslaught is wielded.

Monday, August 24, 2015


Some 'terrorists' may be thinking
Uncle Sam is clearly sinking,
Perhaps into deep bankruptcy;
Exactly their expectancy--
Ruination of our nation;
Make that a vain and failed notion.
Enlightened, egalitarian supermen
(Now called ET/s) bring us lasting Peace... Amen!

Sunday, August 23, 2015


Charisma is an inexplicable power that attracts
Huge throngs of people eager to listen to unvarnished facts:-
A sack full of miscues, blunders, and unfulfilled promises
Racked up by the current administration now comprises
Inexhaustible fodder to rouse voters against the Left;
So who is trumpeting, with curled lips ranting, never bereft?
Magnetic personage, 'the Donald', says our ills he'll assuage;
All pollsters agree Righteous Donald leads at this early stage.

(May he not be gobbled fast by his rivals like a naked sausage!)

Friday, August 21, 2015

SUBTERFUGE (A Speculation)

Speculating why Hillary preferred a private server--
Unguarded far away in a bathroom somewhere in Denver...
Because she may have been induced to make certain her emails
(Top-secret preferably) would be seen and read like entrails,
Exposed to foreign diviners who hack with their prying eyes...
Remember too there's a link between Russian and Chinese spies.
For all the foregoing reasons, there's a likely temptation
Uncle Sam would create some confusion or obfuscation:-
Giving Secretary Clinton a new defense test result.
Example:- Our nation is shielded from all forms of assault!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Those consumed by Hate and Rage will in Hellfire burn;
Obsessed with Pelf and Self--to Poverty return.
Reduced to the vile dust, all tyrants arrogant;
Mendacious thieves and scammers always fall in Want.
Egregious killers will suffer their victims' pain,
Nerds' bad acts cause reactions again and again.
To escape Vengeful Torment, FLY HOME WITHOUT STAIN!

Sunday, August 16, 2015


Confronting unfamiliar entities
Has oft compelled long-warring enemies
Agree to abating hostilities,
Lest both their embattled communities
Lose to a strange untested intrusion...
Extraterrestrials' [secret] invasion
No longer should from the World be hidden.
Give Mankind cause to unite unbidden,
Explore friendship with Planet Earth's 'Guardians',
Seek New Horizons thru strong alliance.

Saturday, August 15, 2015


Organizations, cliques, tribes, most associations
Grow fast and large, spread far and wide in all directions.
Regrettably, they soon lose moral motivation--
Entirely obsessed with their own self-preservation

(When threatened, they become dangerously inimical...)

Oft stooping to the level of savage barbarians,
Resorting to murdering innocent civilians,
Gas poisoning humans and other living creatures,
So trust no Ogre to be bound by mere signatures...

(Be they military, religious, or political.)

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Flamboyance could decide who'll be the nominee;
Logistical and financial support will be
As always required in an election contest...
Most polls favor what political 'pros' detest:-
Billionaire Donald Trump and his braggadocio!
Of course, he seems brash, but his HONESTY does show.
You can't fault him for his manner of debating,
Although his rivals may find him disconcerting.
Next time, guess who'll improve his approval rating...?
Could Bush or Carson rise above Trump's golden hair?
Expect 'the Donald' to display more of his FLAIR!!

Monday, August 10, 2015


Radiance may soon be observed to light up our President's face...
All at once his countenance will be aglow with joy and grace,
Definitely resembling a sudden transfiguration!
Intervention by some divine force is the explanation...?
Absolutely not because of the Iran deal's completion.
No, no! I think he'll now pursue Nicola Tesla's vision--
Called Wardenclyffe project, it promises a cheap solution:-
Energy inexhaustible for the whole world's consumption!

(Gift Mankind with almost free electrical energy,
Mr. President, and you would in effect render
obsolete Iran's need for heavy water enrichment.)

Friday, August 7, 2015


Though there are many faiths, there is only one Religion:-
Recall Jesus Christ's brief, simple, and final injunction?
Unless you are gifted with true divine comprehension,
This in our physical world is our path to Perfection:-
Help others with Love, and to God give your full Devotion.

Thursday, August 6, 2015


Eventually Barack Obama's term will terminate;
Vexatious rules he ordered, Congress will eliminate.
Extravagant spending by government will be curtailed.
Next time, any 'kicking the can' attempt will be assailed;
The vacillators will be out-voted, left in the cold.
Unworthy high officials will be impeached or recalled.
Authentic transparency in government shall take place;
Lying politicians will do jail time, be in disgrace.
I do hope I am not just engaged in wishful thinking...
The citizenry's trust in big government is sinking!
It's high time our leaders serve and govern FOR the people.
Exaggerations, blatant fabrications will topple
Soon and surely this ruling regime wont to dissemble.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Scientists theorize that all of us came from a Black Hole;
Knowing this and more facts, our black brethren should proudly stand tall.
Inexplicably, fair-haired beauties are what most men adore...
Nordic blonde and blue-eyed types attract the opposite sex more.
Colors that are dark are thought to hide many secret powers.
Ominous black actually is the union of all colors!
Let us not forget our species came from the Dark Continent.
Obviously, our dark gene as part of our body complement--
Recessed during the Ice Age--is still in our genome's content!

Friday, July 31, 2015


Gargoyles are supposed to guard the buildings they are attached to,
And who is guarding Uncle Sam's White House now--a mulatto?
Reliable--? One can see he has no attachment to it;
Golfing he fancies... As for Uncle Sam, I fear--not a bit...
Our foes crowded the streets and were cheering, gleefully dancing,
Yelling "Allah Akbar!", like maddened, raucous devils prancing!
Looks like they already have nuclear bomb capability.
End times for us is no longer a mere possibility?/!

Monday, July 27, 2015


Perhaps, it is true there is too much deceit in politics,
On stage, on TV, even when campaigning to village hicks.
Let those simpletons pick any grain of truth from mounds of chaff.
I'm afraid promises of transparency would make one laugh...
Today Big Brother has become more secretive than Sasquatch;
Integrity has lost much value under our leader's watch...
Continuous lying to the populace should be a crime!
Somebody non-political may run to the front this time.

(like Donald Trump!?)


What are we waiting for?
Haven't heard them before?
Are we now deaf and blind?
Too tolerant, too kind?
Appearing on TV,
Rhoumani states with glee-
Every American
Will be killed by Iran;
Every Jew, and they can...
When they can NUKE us all!
And so they want to stall,
In order to complete
Their bomb that would defeat
'Infidels',(meaning us)!
Now, isn't that marv'lous!
Getting that 'treaty' signed
Frees Iran from its bind;
Old sanctions will be gone.
Rogues are chanting...they've WON!!..???

Saturday, July 25, 2015

WHY NOT IMPEACH (An Acrostic for our Leaders in the U.S. Congress)

Why not impeach a repeat scoffer of our Constitution?
Have you forgotten your oaths, your function, your obligation?
You groan and gripe about our 'King' seating on the White House 'throne'.
Not only does he legislate with his pen, he'll use his own phone!
Of course, he'll use his veto power too whenever he could...
Then ere his term ends, Uncle Sam may be sabotaged for good!
If I were you, gentlemen, I'd give him a taste of IMPEACH.
Maybe attempting it will just be a futile over reach;
Perhaps...But inaction will not provide any solution.
Elect a replacement? But who will win in that election?
A year and a half from now, besides, will be a long, long wait...
Conspirators could be planning to give us a Doomsday fate!
HIDING 2 'SECRET SIDE TREATIES??' with Iran is what we hate!

(vox populi!)

Friday, July 24, 2015


Visionaries are vehicles:- Gautama, Mahomet,
E'en Christ--are God's Envoys sent to teach us not to forget
Heaven or the Perfect State is our True Destination.
I (regrettably) suffer from Man's usual dysfunction;
Constantly distracted, tempted by worldly possessions--
Like new cars, luxurious life styles, and other attractions;
Example:- Christ warned re the needle's eye and the camel..
Sometimes I forget when using my clunker to travel.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Trump can trump the elitists and political pros;
Rue his off-the-cuff critiques and comments but he knows
Unabashed straight talk the common people understand.
Maybe his skills are what we need in our distressed land?
Populi Vox, Sir Donald Trump, is your magic wand!

Monday, July 20, 2015


"Vengeance is Mine", sayeth the Lord;
E'en so, don't be a spineless turd.
Never kneel down to beheaders;
God's chosen never surrenders...
Every human 'dies' anyway.
Ask your foe for some time to pray--
Not for yourself alone, so say:-
"Christ forgive him, for he is blind;
Expand, illumine his dark mind!

Thursday, July 16, 2015


It matters not how charged with punishments the scroll,
No killer's sword can pierce my impregnable soul;
Vain shall the wicked batter down my temple's gate,
I am by God shielded from an inglorious fate!
Civilizations may ultimately vanish,
Tomorrow Earth's corporeal life may all perish...
Unscathed by Apocalyptic events, my soul
Shall join the Righteous:- All for God & God for All!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


We may be slipping and sliding down a dangerous road,
Ruining Uncle Sam's much respected image abroad.
Our objective is to insure that Iran will have no
Nuclear weapon to make, sell, or use against any foe;
Grant therefore no concession without thorough inspection.
Reassurances won't tie Plants to a peaceful function.
Our road to Armageddon will be but a short distance
Away unless Iran could be persuaded to change plans.
Don't prove to the world how doltish are the Americans!


Emotionally naïve dreamers (like I) don't win.
Manipulated by cold, masterful deceivers,
Betrayed by close friends, allies, even by their own kin!
A pox on all schemers, scammers, tricksters, and fraudsters!
Rely never on their pie-in-the sky promises;
Rid your mind of high hopes--like living in luxury,
Acquiring sudden riches thru high-pressure pitches,
Since more often than not you end up in beggary.
Surprise that phisser with delay, not wishing to play...
Make some more excuses and in the end NEVER pay!
Eventually that con-man gives up and goes away...
No use toying with me, I've lost my naivete.
Thrice stung in the past, I think now I'm wiser today.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


Hybrid Man, you're not upright;
You keep stumbling in your Night.
Bred into you is God's Light,
Radiance to restore your sight...
If His Love you focus on,
Demon pitfalls will be gone!

Must you creep weak-kneed on Earth,
Always limp with Woe, sans Mirth?
NOW, stride tall and SHOW YOUR WORTH!

Saturday, June 27, 2015


The truth is that we are not alone in God's vast Multiverse.
Regard with doubt those redacted reports, cover-ups, or worse...
Unusual to order our Armed Forces:- "Don't fight UFO/s!
"Those ETs do have superior weapons; Don't treat them as foes!"
Hurl missiles at them and whate'er you fire will strike you instead.
We must curb our hostility lest we be harmed or left dead;
It is wiser to befriend them and learn more from these beings;
Let us find how and why Time & Space seem to them mere playthings...
Let's gather, absorb, and use their superior technology;
Our dog-eat-dog world may also learn some new theology...
Unaided by these Guardians, we could have turned Earth desolate;
To pass thru our star-brethren's Stargate, we must demolish Hate!

Saturday, June 20, 2015


If I were God, I would make all people aware
Futility would be the end result to dare
Ignore or flout the 6th Commandment not to kill.
Why murder when by His Will the soul survives still?
E'en if nuclear bombs or gamma rays are employed,
Released from its corpus, it remains undestroyed!
Egregious deeds like the slayings at Charleston
Gave momentary doubt the Devil may have won...
Omniscient One, may your Divine Will be done;
Deflect Hatred from our hearts, don't leave us alone.

Thursday, June 18, 2015


To demonstrate or voice out your grievance,
Remember Gandhi's style of remonstrance.
Act humbly, peaceably; Be civilized.
Stop looting and leaving stores vandalized.
How fitting:- Trash trashes; Don't look askance!


Israel versus Iran,
Go-between American;
Netanyahu joins the game...
In due course, the world's aflame!
Tragic end we must avoid:-
Every nuke must be destroyed!


Use words as weapons in the battlefield;
Let us not to proselytizers yield...
Those brainwashed barbarians must be re-taught.
It is the peace-seekers' duty who ought
Make plain and clear the meaning of 'jihad'.
Atrocities will not make Allah glad.
To end their genocidal cruelties
Use the Quran scholar's abilities.
May his words win the War and bring us Peace.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

DISENGAGE (Another Memo)

Disengage yourself from the turmoil of politics;
Insulate yourself from opportunistic cronies.
Stay calm though many 'advisers' are in hysterics;
End your trust/reliance on self-seeking phonies.
Never surrender the American Dream to rascals!
Go back to the breakthrough point of your life's adventures...
Ask yourself:- Was your performance mere theatricals?
God knows you made some missteps and some expenditures,
Even so, righteous/resilient Uncle Sam endures.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

LEGACY (Memo for President Obama)

Let not your term expire without endeavoring to inspire;
Engage actively and with resolve our nation's problems dire.
Give no excuse nor embellishment to miscues in the past;
Accomplish with bipartisan support something that will last...
Correct the Ship of State's direction before it is too late;
You, if you wish, can vanquish that so-called global caliphate!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Read this with some reservations, if you wish:-
Empires rise and fall, many species vanish...
Planet Earth's placement at the 'Goldilocks' zone
Likely was pre-selected and God-designed;
Also, we are apparently not alone.
Clear, convincing proof to an inquiring mind:-
Extraterrestrials, UFO/s, USO/s
Made contact with and helped us human beings
Eons ago and they still do...(This one knows!)
No, they're not illusions or imaginings;
They are here to help us start 'New Beginnings'!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Quixotic--to joust against a giant windmill;
Unusual--to be persuaded to join ISIL...
Insane--to pray that Allah destroy all Christians;
Xposed--ISIL's true 'face' thru its savage actions.
Our query:- Why attempt to destroy Uncle Sam?
To set up your global caliphate? What a sham!
If not even Sunni nor Shiite can agree,
Could not the rest of us also wish to be free?

Monday, June 8, 2015


That infant is looking at you with her trusting eyes;
Have you, Jihadist, the heart to kill her where she lies?
Uncounted are the numerous slain you've left behind!
Go lightly, you may stumble over them; Are you blind?,
Stop killing the helpless, your Prophet said; Please be kind!


The slaying of children, women, and other non-combatants
Has shocked even the moderate Muslim non-participants;
Unless ISIL halts this horrendous and barbaric practice
God will surely render unto these thugs His Divine Justice...
Shall we witness His 'Reminder' before the winter solstice?

Friday, May 22, 2015


Revealed in a rather disturbing dream,
A Biblical tale replayed, it would seem...
Bad seed and rotten fruit in two caskets
Are being squashed into garbage baskets:-
No need to be coy-it's in Rabani!
ISIL thugs too in Mosul and many

More places--( like Sodom and Gomorrah )--
On target for destruction by Allah,
Since He is ignored by the jihadists;
Unless they change and become pacifists,
Like leaves at fall, they will fall--God insists!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Exponential increase in population,
Nuclear weaponry in proliferation,
Demon-possessed hordes wantonly pillaging,
Active volcanoes rumbling, lava-raging,
Noxious viruses spread their deadly potions;
Greed and corruption defile many nations,
Eventually we will have no more options...
Reaching the tipping point--Is that our death wish?
Eons ago, why did Atlantis vanish?
Did we become high-tech only to perish?

Friday, May 15, 2015


Time for mankind to know the truth;
ETs helped Early Man uncouth,
Left megaliths and geo glyphs,
Left their traces on plains and cliffs.
They led us to this techno-age,
Hastened us to our 'modern' stage.
Even now they must be watching
Trouble spots that may need patching,
Roaming Planet Earth's seas and skies,
Urging our leaders to tell lies.
Time to stop being so devious:-
Humans evolve; ETs are us!


("Tis a tale told by an idiot full of sound
and fury signifying nothing...")

It seems there's a Greater Power behind the throne.
Don't you sometimes suspect leaders are not alone?
I fear our President acts like a marionette,
Obeying 'Superiors'--; His secret Cabinet
Countermands his wishes and orders now and then.
You'll know why:- ETs, please come out to the open...!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother Earth

(This is one of my earlier pieces not in acrostic form, but could
probably be sung to the melody of "America, the Beautiful").

Unbeautiful, for smog-dimmed skies,
For acid-laden rain,
For crumbling walls of Arctic ice ,
And rising ocean main...
O Mother Earth, O Mother Earth,
What have we done to thee!
Thy realm defaced
By toxic waste
On land, in air, at sea...

Unbearable, car-gridlocked lanes,
Refuse and fuel spills,
For barren hills, infertile plains,
For climate change that kills;
O Mother Earth, O Mother Earth,
Alas, what have we done!
We face the wrath of our own Sun
With our Shield almost gone!

Dear Mother Earth, we're learning how
To nurture thee and spurn
The spread of poisoned air, we vow
Lest all thy children burn!
Our battle cry, dear Mother Earth:-
Go green, go green, lush green!
Clean power for global rebirth.
Back to a world pristine!

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Why are we in so much trouble?
How come our world is a-tremble?
You cannot feel the vibration?

Nothing but Lies and Deception!
Our Greed and Envy devastate,
Turning Altruism to Hate.

Let us rein in Covetousness.
Our world wants Loving Tenderness...
Vindictive, selfish ones will grieve;
Each of us must give Love--to Live!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Will of God

The Prime Mover and Creator is beyond comprehension;
He knew well in advance Mankind will be snared by Temptation,
Entrapped countless times by Lucifer, Lilith, and their minions!
Were Free Will and Common Sense gifts or disguised impositions
Intended to facilitate Homo Saps' descent to Hell...?
Like fools, the diff'rence between pyrite and gold we could not tell;
Like a lark unable to fly out of the mire where it fell...
Our only hope is to rely on Jesus Christ, Our Savior.
Full Faith in His Divine Mercy tilts the odds in our favor.
God did not conspire with the Devil to lead us to Hellfire.
Our doom and/or destiny is shaped by our own soul's desire:-
Did you have a glimpse of God's Plan for His Multiverse entire?


What can connect us to a place light years away?
Of course, a wormhole...but we can't crawl thru today.
Resort to Imagination is easier;
Maybe, even cheaper, safer, and speedier.
How fast is the speed of thought? It's swifter than light...
Our mind treats Orion's belt just an 'instant' flight.
Let's not belittle homo sapiens' potential;
Each human can evolve and reach realms celestial!

Friday, April 24, 2015


Give those misguided terrorists their just deserts,
Remind them that to covet by itself perverts.
A pox on the leaders of these hordes should suffice;
New interpretation of God's Law would be nice:-
To live and let live, to tolerate one's neighbor;
Unless in self-defense, killing we should abhor.
Sharia's outmoded mandates should be repealed;
Production of nuclear bombs should not be concealed.
Existence of ETs, if true, should be disclosed,
And all government cover-ups must be exposed.
Consider granting Mankind a flash of Gnosis;
Enlighten us Lord so we may know where Peace is.

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Sunni versus Shiite,
Twins who each other fight;
Undoubtedly absurd,
Poisoning Allah's word...
Is there no magus there?
Does any Imam care?
Is there no Peace to share?
The signs are ominous;
You're both preposterous!


Some players love to show their prowess right away...
The pool hall hustler hides his skill most every day,
Repeatedly losing in pocket billiards...so--
After a while, he bets a huge fistful of dough.
The game he chooses, however, is three cushion,
Enticing his victim to a grand conclusion...
Guess who will deal with our foes in the same fashion:-
You guessed right, Uncle Sam has a bold solution!

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Remember this, ISIL:-
Every human you kill
Taints your whole soul with blood,
Red-soaked slime flouting God!
In spite of your masked face,
Brutal deeds leave their trace
Until the end of days...
Take heed while you're able;
It's not impossible,
Our God is Merciful.
Null your hate; Be grateful!


Be not rash when crossing the Rubicon;
Aspirants, your secrets will soon be known,
Revealed to the public and analyzed,
Examined thoroughly and criticized.

Your past faults and failings will be displayed;
Over and over your gaffes are replayed...
Until you wise up, quit, then it's over!
Regrettably, you don't have the lucre.

Campaigning for Executive Power
Humbles your pie and empties your wallet.
Engage not with whales if you're a mullet.
Seek the Presidency when you have Cush!
This race will be between Clinton and Bush.


Every thing that exists appears to be moving:-
Solar systems around their suns are revolving,
Subatomic particles are oscillating,
Even our spiral galaxy is gyrating;
Neighboring Andromeda hunts us--for mating..?
Clearly we are fated to collide and merging.
End times for men, supermen will be emerging!


So live that when you're called to join the ghostly host,
You'll softly sigh and give a smile for naught is lost--
Because you dared to delve in Art, Truth, and Beauty,
And sought to share God's Bounty which is your Duty...
Rewarded friend and foe with acrostic treasures,
In spite of challenges, obstacles, and pressures.
Tonight or tomorrow the Grim Reaper may come;
Exit with grace and pray you will be welcomed Home!


A tale whispered to me by an extraterrestrial:-
Convinced by Watchers/Guardians to make culling real,
Obedient Bergdahl agreed to be 'captured' by foes;
Next, captive exchange must be made, so the story goes...
Soon five enemy prisoners had to be set free.
Prisoner Bergdahl too is released, but woe is he!
In truth, he could not say he was following orders.
Rice did call him a patriot like his fellow soldiers...
As usual the scheme unraveled and now he is blamed,
Could be convicted a deserter, then jailed and shamed.
You do not believe it? I think he is being framed!

Saturday, April 18, 2015


Best that you don't slay your misguided foe
If he is fleeing from you, let him go.
Give him time to learn as well to suffer,
Friendship too you may thereafter offer...
As God reminds:- "Do unto your neighbor--
"Verisimilitude--you've My Favor
"Or My Judgment, if you've been less than kind.
"Reap what you sow; Always keep that in mind."

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Begin this April morn with a heartfelt "Thank You!"
Our Lord Jesus chose this day for us to renew;
Unceasing hallelujahs shout "HE HAS RISEN!"
Quite apt now to be reborn and to reach for Zen:-
Uproot weeds of greed that seek to choke our garden,
Expunge obsessions that blind and burden one's soul...
Thanks be to Christ Jesus, HAPPY EASTER to all!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

SYMPHONY (An Easter Harbinger)

So live that when the call comes for you to join the ghostly host,
You go not weeping, cringing, or fearing that your soul is lost.
Mayhap you were weak and imperfect as any homo sap
Pursuing pelf, power, pleasure--all that transitory crap..?
Have the courage and determination to turn back to God!
Our Heavenly Father does welcome back His prodigal clod;
No need to join in yon lost souls' deafening cacophony...
Your contrite plea will sound sweeter than the angels' symphony!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

BELIEF (A Note to B.O.. with Query)

Believe in the non-verbal warnings of Percipience,
E'en if some 'friends' tell you it is nigh impossible.
Let Suspicion sway you, don't doubt your Intelligence!
Iran will have nuclear bombs; it's more than probable...
Erase their capability NOW, while you can!
Fail...and if Armageddon occurs, is that your plan???

Friday, March 20, 2015


We human beings need lots of water,
Alkaline and filtered would be better.
Throw away that which is chlorinated,
Even water that is fluorinated.
Risk no more being intoxicated!

Well water should be periodically
Inspected to insure it's totally
Safe, free from bacteria that harm or slay;
Drink 8 glasses of H2O each day...
One tall glass with three drops of H2O2
Makes you live longer, hale, and happier too!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Christ's message of 'Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men!'-
Has been ringing for over two thousand years...
Each time warfare breaks, I'm compelled to ask "When?"
End-times indeed can wipe away mankind's tears;
Rue or toast to this ending:- Christ returning,
Saving the righteous and the rest for burning!

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Prez'dent Obama is in a predicament,
Reason tells him not to reveal email content...
Emails of government officials that he read,
Def'nitely even those that from mobile phones were said;
Interesting bits of information retold,
Coming from the lips of so-called friends not so bold!
Ah, but such is the shaky stage of politics--
Many maneuverings, conspiracies, and tricks,
Ever in danger of being stabbed in the back,
Never at ease when he's supposed to hit the sack.
Thus, Critics, empathize:- Kindly give him some slack....


J.B. says:- "Just check the government archives,
"Each email is there unless trashed as each arrives.
"Belay the accusations; I want the public,
"Both Blue and Red to read all! I care not a lick.
"Unless I am mistaken, everything I wrote
"Somehow was retrieved whether I wished it or not...
"Hence, read on Good Citizen; From you I hide naught."

Sunday, March 8, 2015


How unjust is this to-do! Ah, how laughably
Inane and baseless to suspect that Hillary
Loathed using the government-provided pc/s,
Loved to hide her secret thoughts from her enemies!!??
All her emails are stored at her CPU's head,
Retrievable even without her 'go ahead'...
You can be sure Big Bro has long done this instead.

OGRE (dot) GOV

Our history records the rise and fall of powerful cliques;
Great empires lost to foes that used force as well as crafty tricks.
Rome declined due to over spending and over expansion;
Each time a huge aggrupation becomes an ogre nation
Good Fortune and Change for a Better Life are promised to all.
Our hopes for a bright future, however, took a steep downfall...
Voracious (dot) gov Gargantua has swallowed the banquet whole.

(To a 'Jihadist'):-- ASK GOD

Ask God:- "Am I doing all right
"Slaying people who do not fight,
"Killing children, raping women?"

God says:-"Your Conscience, please open;
"Oft have I told you:- 'Harm no one!
"Doom is your fate for what you've done!"

Saturday, March 7, 2015


Ataxia afflicts many departments of our government;
Today what was announced yesterday was not what was meant!
A lesson in semantics, convoluted word distortions
Xplains supposedly their failed actions or non-actions
In incidents where conflict and/or confusion arose.
Alas, it seems every miscue can be traced to our Boss!

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Another gory day of pillaging was done;
No one seems to know when these killers will be gone,
Grapevine says there will be beheadings tomorrow...
Uncertain if counter actions will be thorough.
In Syria, Libya, Nigeria, and in Ukraine
So many innocent people are being slain...
Help us, Lord! Behind Your Aegis may we remain!

Monday, March 2, 2015


Remember covetous ISIL,
Every human being you kill
Taints your souls with your victims' blood-
Red drippings, revealing to God,
In spite of your hooded faces,
Barbaric and foul deeds' traces
Until the end of your earth days...
Take heed now while you are still able.
Indeed, we are all accountable;
Our Lord, however, is Merciful:-
Now, to God--Let us be Dutiful!

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Another attempt to plumb the depths of
President Obama's philosophy;
Our leader says,(looking quite calm and suave):-
"Let them fight, so long as they don't harm me.
"Our drones and eyes in the skies will suffice,
"Guardians unseen protect our citizens;
"I need not send troops now, it is unwise...
"A ray blast will wipe out those denizens!"

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Apologies herewith I'm extending-
Perhaps I was in error contending
Our President was slow in defending,
Laggard in assisting and providing
Our allies and friends in the Middle East
'Gainst ISIL-that savage murdering beast!
I suspect Barack Obama has at least
A heart that forbears a brainwashed Islamist.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


At first, I felt discomfited, then became very angry:-
Portrayed on TV the other day was ISIL's savagery;
Offensive to most civilized people's sensibilities,
Look at beheaders actually commit their atrocities!
Only brutes by demons possessed could do such brutalities;
God may forgive them for they may have been completely brainwashed.
If so, their proselytizers should be the ones to be thrashed:-
A serpent cannot inject its venom when its head is bashed.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


A gambling man's advice:- 'Don't chase after a streak of bad luck';
Perhaps this is why our military is presently stuck.
Our President's scheme seems to be to use ourselves as the bait...
Let those beasts and snakes enter their cage...(I mean their 'caliphate');
Our weapons can more easily blast them to ashes and dust...
Great God's Vengeance 'gainst Quran distorters will end their bloodlust!
I see Peace and Prosperity spreading soon on Planet Earth--
A New Age dawning, giving the whole human race a Rebirth!

Monday, February 16, 2015


There are countless desperate people in our society--
Oppressed, depressed, jobless, and too proud to accept charity;
Oft times they join brigands, murderers in hopes that they may thrive...
Like most lawbreakers there is little chance for them to survive.
Al Qaeda, ISIL, Boko Haram, Abu Sayaf, et al.:-
Turn back, give up, there's absolutely no chance for you at all!
Escape Satan's thrall ere Death comes to give you your final call!!

Sunday, February 15, 2015


Cowards mask their faces when they pillage;
Obviously they do not have real courage.
Who taught these misguided hordes to believe
Allah would not only grant them reprieve--
Reward them even with houries seven,
Despite their having killed inn'cent children..?
Savage views and deeds can't be forgiven!

Saturday, February 14, 2015


Shirley Maclaine's "What If..." is her right to speculate;
Karmic consequences occur, there is no debate.
If soul energy is indeed indestructible,
Righting past grievous wrongs could become unstoppable.
Much trouble and woe today can be traced to our past
Iniquities! May we learn from our mistakes at last..?
Sadly, it seems we are chained to our Covetousness;
Homo Saps in this world may never find Happiness....

Thursday, February 12, 2015

EFFRONTERY (A Note for Uncle Sam).

Egocentric rulers become tyrants,
Fortifying themselves with sycophants.
For instance, there is a North Korean
Ruler trying to prove he's a Big Man...
Other example, a Horde Barbarian!
Never underestimate these beings--
Taunting, boastful satanic underlings
Equipped with deadly modern weaponry--
Really can produce global misery.
You must stamp them out NOW or be sorry.

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Getting up on a high horse is not cool,
Our Big Boss warned yesterday on TV;
Of course, he was booed acting like a fool,
For on the high horse yesterday was HE!

Friday, February 6, 2015


(God Speaks:--)

"I sent new life to Earth thru comets and meteors in the past,
"Gave this planet new beginnings for species...they did not last.
"I then gave you immortal souls, free will, imagination,
"Vast solar systems and galaxies for your exploration,
"Empirical secrets and Spiritual Truths for you to learn.
"Your slow progress to a superior status is my concern:-
"Obey your Conscience--(my silent voice that tells you if you're wrong).
"Use restraint, be careful; Don't follow blindly the brainwashed throng.
"My Patience is Infinite, but you must work harder, faster;
"You must have fortitude; Use all the skills that you could muster.
"Perhaps you will be ridiculed for being a pacifist
"Or even endangered with a fatwa by some terrorist....
"Why call yourself a Christian if Christ you cannot emulate?
"Excise from your own heart every tumor of rancor, every particle of hate;
"Remember your Omega Point destination, your True Fate!"

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


( Thou shalt not kill... )

There is in lieu of God no saner choice;
How then did Satan imitate His Voice?
Each time a radical Islamist kills,
Roaring that 'God is Great', the Prophet chills.
Even Gabriel, the Archangel, is shamed,
For he and Mahomet are being blamed
Or being named as the 'Justifiers'
Relied on by ISIL Terrifiers--
Excused for ignorance, but scholars know
Sharia does not command that blood must flow;
The 'infIDel' referred to is one's ID--
Or the evil voices within that bid
Poor Muslims to pillage, do genocide,
Negating God's law against homicide.
Our paths that we choose to reach God's Realm will show who are most fit;
We must stop killing now lest we fall down Hell's bottomless pit!

BIAS (A Note to B.O.)

Bias based on one's skin coloration
Is an ignorant person's confession:-
'A black man is the Demon's possession...'
Sir, time to refute that false perception!

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Inside the 'Book of Secrets' handed to each new President
Significant awesome covered-up facts become evident;
Indeed, from Truman to Obama this secret was revealed:-
There are Guardians to our Planet who prefer to be concealed
For the time being, to let us gain wisdom at our own pace...
It is hoped, in due course we'll meet our Protectors face to face;
Could we perhaps be qualified to join their Federation
That can travel to many strange worlds without inhibition?
It seems there is no barrier to these superior beings.
Our continuum is open for more UFO sightings...
Next time you see one, that could be your goodself waving Greetings!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

INSPITE OF YOU (Another Memo for Mr. President)

It was not because of you Mr. President,
Not on account of your Godzilla government,
Surely, not your numerous subalterns who lent
Perceivable growth to our stalled economy;
It was individual initiative mostly
That provided the impetus to businesses,
Encouraged to venture into enterprises
Offering products that justify expansion.
Free them, Sir, from unfair, excessive intrusion;
You must simplify and please reduce taxation.
Our nation keeps sinking ever deeper in debt.
Unless you change now, much regret is what we'll get!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

LET GO OF THE OLD WAYS (A Memo for Some Proselytizers)

Let go of the old ways...
Each age is a new phase.
Today's world is your place.

Grant all women Mercy,
Old and young leniency.

Open academies
For present day studies.

There's need for your teaching,
Helping beyond preaching:-
Each one should read and write

Or be left in the Night.,
Let's amend penalties,
Drop all brutalities.

Walk away from the past,
And breathe freedom at last--
You're no more a Barbarian;
Shake my hand, Civilized Man!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


We should use Reason when we argue; Let's be dispassionate;
Expose untruths, fallacies, false premises when we debate.
Admit our own faults, shortcomings, and biases, if any;
Refuse to engage in endless wars that cause harm to many,
Eschew invasions that could lead Mankind to Armageddon,
Avoid nuclear conflict lest most species on Earth will be gone.
'Love thy neighbor', Christ counseled; 'Harm no one', Mahomet enjoined...
Look at what Hate poisoned, what the so-called 'jihadists' purloined!
God creates and sustains all that exists by His Divine Will;
Our physical and spiritual parts without Him would be nil;
Despite God's clear command, bloody murders are committed still...
Since we are all His children, we ought never each other kill!
Can I be allowed to mention some glaring absurdities?:-
Houries (for suicidal 'Jihadists') are pure fantasies.
Invoking Allah while killing innocents is horrific;
Like crazed dogs, ISIL's killing hordes are pariahs--quite tragic.
Don't scoff at or revile these misled--'they know not what they do.'
Revise, update Sharia; Modernize, civilize its view;
Enlightened scholars should know the true meaning of 'infidel'...
Not non-Muslims, but one in whose soul Lucifer's minions dwell.

Monday, January 12, 2015


Failure after failure--and still more failures have burned the Left.
Is our President determined to leave our nation bereft?
Granted, not all problems we now face are of his own making;
Useless, though, to fund that Keystone project; He rules like a King!
Righteous lawmakers hope to secure a compromise somehow...
Every motorist voter agrees we need that pipeline now.

If we can spend a trillion dollars plus for the 'paperless',
There is no reason for making ourselves energy helpless.

Obviously, a liberal/socialist way of governing
Undermines economic growth, many nations are learning;
Trusting that our lawmakers will be equally discerning....

Saturday, January 10, 2015


How truly pathetic some uneducated Muslims are!
Unknown to them, Prophet Mohammed disliked going to war;
Moreover, Sharia was never written by Mahomet...
In truth, the Prophet did not know how to write, do not forget.
Let us concede for the moment that 'Islam' means 'Submission'--
To submit, not to madmen, but to God with full devotion!
It was Gabriel who urged that we all learn to have compassion;
You do jihad by vanquishing your id's evil intention.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Indeed, there are people who are insatiable;
Not ignorant, but hard-headed, inflexible.
Some crave for boundless wealth, Mammon--they've deified;
Altho' caged in gold, they are never satisfied.
There are some who wish to change their normal features;
It's unlikely one could copy just from pictures;
A face-change operation could cost a million!
But soon that counterfeit becomes an old scullion.
Let us not be blinded by ephemeral possessions,
Engage, rather, in pursuit of Our Lord's Many Mansions.