Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Will of God

The Prime Mover and Creator is beyond comprehension;
He knew well in advance Mankind will be snared by Temptation,
Entrapped countless times by Lucifer, Lilith, and their minions!
Were Free Will and Common Sense gifts or disguised impositions
Intended to facilitate Homo Saps' descent to Hell...?
Like fools, the diff'rence between pyrite and gold we could not tell;
Like a lark unable to fly out of the mire where it fell...
Our only hope is to rely on Jesus Christ, Our Savior.
Full Faith in His Divine Mercy tilts the odds in our favor.
God did not conspire with the Devil to lead us to Hellfire.
Our doom and/or destiny is shaped by our own soul's desire:-
Did you have a glimpse of God's Plan for His Multiverse entire?


What can connect us to a place light years away?
Of course, a wormhole...but we can't crawl thru today.
Resort to Imagination is easier;
Maybe, even cheaper, safer, and speedier.
How fast is the speed of thought? It's swifter than light...
Our mind treats Orion's belt just an 'instant' flight.
Let's not belittle homo sapiens' potential;
Each human can evolve and reach realms celestial!

Friday, April 24, 2015


Give those misguided terrorists their just deserts,
Remind them that to covet by itself perverts.
A pox on the leaders of these hordes should suffice;
New interpretation of God's Law would be nice:-
To live and let live, to tolerate one's neighbor;
Unless in self-defense, killing we should abhor.
Sharia's outmoded mandates should be repealed;
Production of nuclear bombs should not be concealed.
Existence of ETs, if true, should be disclosed,
And all government cover-ups must be exposed.
Consider granting Mankind a flash of Gnosis;
Enlighten us Lord so we may know where Peace is.

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Sunni versus Shiite,
Twins who each other fight;
Undoubtedly absurd,
Poisoning Allah's word...
Is there no magus there?
Does any Imam care?
Is there no Peace to share?
The signs are ominous;
You're both preposterous!


Some players love to show their prowess right away...
The pool hall hustler hides his skill most every day,
Repeatedly losing in pocket billiards...so--
After a while, he bets a huge fistful of dough.
The game he chooses, however, is three cushion,
Enticing his victim to a grand conclusion...
Guess who will deal with our foes in the same fashion:-
You guessed right, Uncle Sam has a bold solution!

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Remember this, ISIL:-
Every human you kill
Taints your whole soul with blood,
Red-soaked slime flouting God!
In spite of your masked face,
Brutal deeds leave their trace
Until the end of days...
Take heed while you're able;
It's not impossible,
Our God is Merciful.
Null your hate; Be grateful!


Be not rash when crossing the Rubicon;
Aspirants, your secrets will soon be known,
Revealed to the public and analyzed,
Examined thoroughly and criticized.

Your past faults and failings will be displayed;
Over and over your gaffes are replayed...
Until you wise up, quit, then it's over!
Regrettably, you don't have the lucre.

Campaigning for Executive Power
Humbles your pie and empties your wallet.
Engage not with whales if you're a mullet.
Seek the Presidency when you have Cush!
This race will be between Clinton and Bush.


Every thing that exists appears to be moving:-
Solar systems around their suns are revolving,
Subatomic particles are oscillating,
Even our spiral galaxy is gyrating;
Neighboring Andromeda hunts us--for mating..?
Clearly we are fated to collide and merging.
End times for men, supermen will be emerging!


So live that when you're called to join the ghostly host,
You'll softly sigh and give a smile for naught is lost--
Because you dared to delve in Art, Truth, and Beauty,
And sought to share God's Bounty which is your Duty...
Rewarded friend and foe with acrostic treasures,
In spite of challenges, obstacles, and pressures.
Tonight or tomorrow the Grim Reaper may come;
Exit with grace and pray you will be welcomed Home!


A tale whispered to me by an extraterrestrial:-
Convinced by Watchers/Guardians to make culling real,
Obedient Bergdahl agreed to be 'captured' by foes;
Next, captive exchange must be made, so the story goes...
Soon five enemy prisoners had to be set free.
Prisoner Bergdahl too is released, but woe is he!
In truth, he could not say he was following orders.
Rice did call him a patriot like his fellow soldiers...
As usual the scheme unraveled and now he is blamed,
Could be convicted a deserter, then jailed and shamed.
You do not believe it? I think he is being framed!

Saturday, April 18, 2015


Best that you don't slay your misguided foe
If he is fleeing from you, let him go.
Give him time to learn as well to suffer,
Friendship too you may thereafter offer...
As God reminds:- "Do unto your neighbor--
"Verisimilitude--you've My Favor
"Or My Judgment, if you've been less than kind.
"Reap what you sow; Always keep that in mind."

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Begin this April morn with a heartfelt "Thank You!"
Our Lord Jesus chose this day for us to renew;
Unceasing hallelujahs shout "HE HAS RISEN!"
Quite apt now to be reborn and to reach for Zen:-
Uproot weeds of greed that seek to choke our garden,
Expunge obsessions that blind and burden one's soul...
Thanks be to Christ Jesus, HAPPY EASTER to all!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

SYMPHONY (An Easter Harbinger)

So live that when the call comes for you to join the ghostly host,
You go not weeping, cringing, or fearing that your soul is lost.
Mayhap you were weak and imperfect as any homo sap
Pursuing pelf, power, pleasure--all that transitory crap..?
Have the courage and determination to turn back to God!
Our Heavenly Father does welcome back His prodigal clod;
No need to join in yon lost souls' deafening cacophony...
Your contrite plea will sound sweeter than the angels' symphony!