Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Saturday, October 31, 2015


Let expert negotiator The Donald captain our Ship of State.
I sense a grassroots surge, a tsunami that no one can abate.
Betrayed by amateurs and burdened by stacks of regulations
Entrepreneurs are forced to transfer to less taxing locations.
Review, improve on The Donald's proposed tax changes, if you can;
To temper Mr. Trump, Ben Carson as our Vice is the best man...
Your vote to restore transparency in government is our PLAN.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


"Preserve, protect, and defend"...our Constitution....
Let citizens forfend any violation,
Especially on-going breaches of our rights;
Don't rely on biased leaders with blurred insights.
Guard against foes of individual liberties.
Each must for Justice clamor, lest our freedoms cease.

Saturday, October 24, 2015


Stewards, awake! There is work to do for our survival's sake;
Time for us to give Mother Earth, mankind's only home, a break...
Every living human being is caretaker of this Sphere.
We've not been using our blue-green global gift with care, I fear.
All willing and able paterfamilias will be needed...
Raging typhoons, melting icebergs should not remain unheeded,
Droughts, toxic emissions--all these cause deadly environment.
Stewardship rating:- D (dismal) & NI (needs improvement)!!

Saturday, October 17, 2015


Like a reincarnated brook, Life travels on;
It flows and swirls around rocks searching for some fun,
Finally joins a river, then the deep blue sea--
Exactly what is happening to you and me...
So may our 'Sun' rain jolly good friends back to life,
Restart Life's race, though there be rocks, sorrow & strife;
Or,God willing, we can in His vast Realm wander
A soul 'reborn' to be honed more and to ponder
Divine Beauty, Truth, God's Multiverse of Wonder!

Thursday, October 15, 2015


Dare, Legislators, to move fast forward,
Unlike someone who moves like a laggard.
There are many problems that need solving,
Yet 'kicking the can' keeps them revolving.

Face those challenges and prioritize;
I fear Deep Depression could actualize:-
(Recession, unemployment prevalent...!)
Send Bills of Change now to our President,
Then we, the people, can make apt comment.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Not once but twice you took the President's solemn oath;
Elected for two terms, I'm afraid you'll waste them both...
Victorious, using your pen and phone for law-making,
Evading check and balance barriers, now you're King!
Regrettably, you're using kid gloves against our foes.
Must we allow these ISIL hordes to increase our woes?
Our nation needs a leader who'll wield the coup de grace,
Relenting never to cut short beheaders' Hurrah;
End their mad dream lest there be another Gomorrah!

Friday, October 9, 2015


Violence is just routine nowadays, per our President;
I guess our guns will be confiscated without our consent.
Our right to defend ourselves with arms will be diminished soon--
Like road-kill, it will be wasted--a blind street-crossing raccoon.
Executive Order interdicts while Congress is in gridlock;
Nonetheless, Grandpa will face armed felons without his flintlock!
Chipping away at or chopping off The Second Amendment
Exposes an amateur's agenda, Mr. President....

Monday, October 5, 2015


Looks like calling them 'terrorists' is not all right;
Our citizens and friends are not afraid to fight.
Give them a more appropriate appellation;
It's obvious they have distorted their religion;
Conceding that they are misguided doesn't mean
I'm terrified by barbarians with souls unclean.
A more apt nomenclature for these hordes of fools:-
Non-enlightened brainwashed saps, Lucifer's doomed tools!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

AMBITION'S REWARD (Query to Hillary)

Are you happy pursuing that Presidential post?
Mayhap you can endure the hassle, afford the cost,
But now you may have second thoughts; Should you still go on?
It's too late to back down, though campaigning is no fun...
To keep smiling and/or donning on 'confident' masks,
I suspect, are becoming rather wearisome tasks.
Odds, Hillary, are (per pollsters) not in your favor;
No Sweet Victory will the winner ever savor,
Since this nation's next President will be awarded/
Rewarded with huge problems, like borders unguarded,
Enormous debts that are spiraling unabated,
Widespread violence by rogues with bloodlust unsated,
And intransigent colleagues with egos inflated....
Reflecting further on the impending election,
Dare you still wish to pursue that Rodham obsession?