Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Friday, December 30, 2016


There is a way how you, if ill, your Self may heal:-
Regard your mind as part of our Lord's firmament;
Ask God for help and He will answer your appeal...
Never even doubt! His healing light will be sent--
Quivering multicolored shafts will emanate
Unbidden from a tiny pinpoint in your head.
It is better that you focus and concentrate;
Leave other concerns if you can, but you must dare.
Let nothing distract you, for those shafts must be led
Into that part of your corpus that needs repair.
The healing takes time, so always do this while in bed.
You should thank God because you're ever in His care!

*(This is a slightly revised version from a similarly
entitled piece published in "Mostly Acrostics".)

Thursday, December 29, 2016


Unveiled to me just now--this Palestinian intent:-
Looks like killers of Israelites are pensioned off!
These inciters and incited are malevolent!
I fear even their children are poisoned by this guff:-
Monthly paid 'pensions' for murdering innocent Jews!
An Apocalypse might soon lay waste to Palestine...
This warning comes from a coalition of the Righteous:-
Unless Sanity & Peace returns to Levantine,
May the rulers there feel the Wrath of the Lord Divine!


A Lame Duck is leaving a big muck from his poops,
Gyrating smugly with no excuses, no 'Ooops!!'
He makes no reasonable explanation,
As tho' he cares not a bit for his action!
Since he does expose our ally--Israel
To grave harm, will you let this Duck duck?... Do tell!

*(Query to the President-elect.)

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Interminable war amongst members of the human race
Notwithstanding Christ's promise to peacemakers is a disgrace.
There's more than enough nuclear bombs now to destroy our planet.
Enough already, humans! There are better things to do yet...
Remember Earth is but a tiny speck in our Milky Way;
My dream is to find New Eden/s no matter how far away.
I would like to be able to travel beyond Orion,
Not I personally but by Man's super-able scion.
And so our species should in time spread to countless galaxies!
But these high hopes and fascinatingly imagined journeys
Lose potential when nuclear war becomes a reality.
Extinction is our fate if we persist in stupidity.


When Peace is dashed and good conduct takes a nose dive,
Extreme maneuvers might be needed to survive..?

No need to murder just to seize a neighbor's land;
Entreat Almighty God, ask for His Helping Hand:-
Engage in peaceful strategy...Diplomacy!
Do not resort to violent Contumacy!

You do still have a 'disengagement' policy.
On what basis now must that be abrogated..?
Unless people's brains have become desiccated!

God gave us in the past leaders with common sense;
Ought we to treat their 'treaty' pure foolish nonsense?

*(MEMO for the Israelites & the Palestinians)

Friday, December 23, 2016


A new leader, a new regime, and a New Age!!??
New breakthroughs in Science, in all fields of Knowledge?!
The technocrats are kicking out the autocrats?
If so, could this be the curse of the Democrats?
Corruption, prevarication, cronyism
In government may be worse than terrorism!
Patriotism coupled with boundless Energy
Are our President-elect's innate weaponry!
Today I anticipate a new tomorrow!
I have high hopes we'll have greater strength, less sorrow;
Our children's children will explore the farthest stars!
No more greedy politicians and NO MORE WARS!

Thursday, December 22, 2016


Trump be nimble, please be quick;
Uncle Sam looks rather sick...
Rue not 'feckless' Obama
(Never solved our 'problema'!)

Reds having won the election,
Irate Blues have no more option...
Going, soon gone that toxic D.C. swamp,
Horrified crony leeches must decamp;
Trump and team will erase that Jayvee stamp!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Perhaps the 'Bubble' will burst;
Again, big banks will go first...
Come, come! Not at Christmastime!
I've got a present in rhyme:-
Friend, at Pacifica's Beach
Inhale God's fresh air - then preach:-
AMORE! Please don't forget!

*(drafted near the Pacifica Pier.)

Monday, December 19, 2016


A divided nation is getting worse.
No Clintonian supporter cares or knows;
Ah, but there is always the Karmic curse!
Reality flows where Falsity goes...
Clinton is backed by Soros' amateurs-
Hate-mongering, threatening Electors;
Yet Anarchy won't silence the Voters!

Sunday, December 18, 2016


Some unenlightened, mostly indolent asses
Think siding with Clinton-type liberal classes
Unlocks or will free them from impoverishment.
Protesters supporting HRC now question
Integrity of the machines' tabulation,
Denying therefore Donald J. Trump's election...
In truth, their complaint is a futile divertissement;
Three Hundred plus Electors are bound to vote TRUMP!
Your supporters' scheme, Madam, PLEASE FIND IN THE DUMP!

Friday, December 16, 2016


Sad-eyed Hillary-
Oldish, not carefree-
Revealed her crinkles,
Exposed deep wrinkles...
Looks like she forgot
On purpose--A LOT!
Even now she wants votes
Recounted!! (KARMA GLOATS!!)

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


It's Rex Tillerson--our President-elect's choice!
Now many high-ranking Republicans rejoice!
Vet his long EXXON record--his best resume!
Include, please:- an easy, quick confirmation day;
Don't let invidious critiques from defeated 'crats
Inject fear to his ties with foreign autocrats...
Use Amity to win--without rancor or pain:-
Sufi saying:- Turn foes to friends; Have more to gain!

Sunday, December 11, 2016


I thought I heard a yowling pussy cat..
Didn't realize 'twas but a Democrat;
It looks like Hillary's basket is full
Of prideful deplorables now woeful!
To see how the once mighty have fallen
Is a lesson from the long forgotten!
Count & recount, then depart crestfallen!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

ERGODIC (A palliative for some losers)

Every winner was a loser...
Retribution - Karma's bruiser;
God gives a taste of His Vengeance
Or His Mercy for Repentance.
Don't envy the victors today;
In your appointed time, you'll say:-
"Come, Nike! Now you're mine! HOORAY!

Thursday, December 8, 2016


The Presidency is a much, much tougher job than he thought;
Our President-elect at times looks somber, a bit distraught..?
Unusual that he hasn't yet picked his State Secretary;
Give him more time then for evidently he's in no hurry.
He must have been advised not to rush nor be rash in his choice...

Just now we're all speculating if he'll hear a friendly voice:-
Our President-to-be might choose a rich out-of-reach errant
Before he does his oath; If Romney, approval may be scant.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


As an ADM student I had a faith crisis,
Preventing me from performing laity duties;
Oft argued- There's no need for Christ's apotheosis,
Trying to get 'cleansed' by confessional forgivers;
Had maintained that most Cath'lics are childish myth lovers.
Epiphany for me took place between book covers
Out there at Barnes & Noble and at our library-
Saved by P.T. de Chardin's 'evolution' theory:-
I now believe that religious beliefs do mature,
Since we will merge with OMEGA POINT in the future!

Saturday, December 3, 2016


Prepare for the Dark Age that's forthcoming.
Reflect on our Sun's fire not becalming...
Observe how defenseless from EMP
Planet Earth's unshielded creatures would be!
Humans could become cave dwellers again!
Extinction impends, but who could remain..?
Clandestine guests--the extraterrestrials,
Yet they too may save some from these trials.

Friday, December 2, 2016


People who voted for The Donald to victory
Received his profuse and heartfelt thank you/s yesterday;
Our President-elect now from his Promontory
Prepares to weigh and select his comrades who will play
Exuberantly like him as well as steadfastly
Like storm-tested captains--experts in nation-steering
To right & safe ports, not crashing against shoals at lee.
Our Ship of State, debt overburdened, is floundering...
So Fellow Citizens, it's time for us to UNITE!
United States "under God" must always stand as one!
Count Mr. Trump's VICTORY the start to the BIG FIGHT;
Consider Success within view when the 'swamp' is gone.
Extricate us, Sir. from NAFTA & the TPP;
Stimulate economic growth via "Let us be"...*
Succeed with a strong, revitalized military!

*(Laissez faire).=

Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Remember human, you are no mere clay...
Eternal life is your true destiny;
The soul you have lasts for eternity
Unless God wills otherwise, come what may!
Reach out therefore to our God Almighty
No matter what challenges you today.

Turn your back on mundane trivialities;
Our focus--not just on frivolities.

Gifted by God with immortality,
Our souls should evolve with vitality;
Don't shirk Duty:- GO SERVE HUMANITY!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Don't be precipitate.
Rather be a bit late,
Act circumspect but right
In choosing who will fight
Next to you in draining
That 'swamp' sans much training.
Have someone by your side
Experienced but not snide,
Someone not a Quisling,
Will not be a weakling
And will pursue your goals
More true comrade, not false.
Please feel his hidden pulse!

Sunday, November 27, 2016


An overworked Mother hears some brats babbling...
No peace for her when her children are squabbling;
Gave one of her kids a bigger slice of cake,
"Unfair!" the others raged, making their home quake...
Indeed, Power Abuse triggers rebellions;
Shiite versus Sunni, at war like lions...
How soon will either of these fools gets vanquished?
Expect Mother Earth to banish the tarnished?
Don't guess:- Both will be punished, will be vanished!

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Election night had its nerve-wracking ups and downs,
Undoubtedly,  the TV news caused doubts and frowns.
Pro-Democrats thought Trump had little chance to win;
However, at past midnight the margin turned thin...
Oppressed, forgotten people did turn out to vote--
Rejected the current regime with a BIG NAUGHT!
In many homes (and pubs) the hoi polloi gathered--
A vict'ry celebration none could have smothered !

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


***In a parallel universe...***

Chelsea and Ivanka as young girls were playmates.
Of course, they studied at Stanford and were schoolmates...
Now, they are grown up, married & baby-sitting;
Chelsea wanted Hillary to stop campaigning;
On the other hand, Ivanka dreamt her father
Clinch the USA Presidency, none other...
These two friends thus conspired to help one another.
Indeed, Hillary took her role as grandmother;
On the other hand, Trump triumphed by a landslide!
No surprise:- Two young Moms are now beaming with pride!

(Congratulations & Best Wishes to All !!!)

Saturday, November 5, 2016


A few more days before November eight...
Will there be more news to humiliate
And maybe disqualify HRC?
Keep digging, Mr.Comey; Soon you'll see
Extremer acts by Madam Hillary.

Victimizing victims is contrary *
Obviously to ethical behavior;
This is apt to her dissembling nature:-
Even just one FALSEHOOD will taint 'omnibus'!**
Remember Benghazi! Her LIE was ODIOUS!

*(The disaster victims in Haiti &
other places.)
**(From the maxim- Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.)

Friday, November 4, 2016


Was it Obama himself who said
Hillary was his 'worst' appointee?
Alas, but both did much to degrade
This nation's world stature, plain to see!
Ah, now we the people will be heard:-
With achievements like huge piles of turd,
A tsunamic turnout of voters
Soon will wash away 8 years of waste!!
To your precincts, Voters, please make haste;
Expel all those deceiving monsters!

Sunday, October 30, 2016


Unequal justice
Needs to be righted;
Everybody sees
Quid pro quo blighted
Under HRC's
Abuse of power...
Let no one cower;
Justice will be blind.
Untruths fog the mind,
So let him review
The emails anew...
Comey's main function,

*(..or more election distraction???)

Friday, October 28, 2016

TIME TO GO (A Note for HRC)

That Presidential job is too much of a bother...
It's time for you to be a true doting grandmother!
My fear is that unsolvable tasks will confront you,
Enormous problems and widespread blame will affront you;
Thus, you'll become the scapegoat of B.O.'s failed regime.
One other course:- Refuse that cup bitter to the brim;
Grant that transient victory to Donald J. Trump;
Our world will thereafter make a HUGE GALACTIC JUMP!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Callous Hillary
After Benghazi-
Lied, won't say sorry,
Lacks transparency!
On Election Day
Use her own words; Say-
"Stand down", too, and pray!


Thursday, October 13, 2016


Against all odds and perhaps against his better judgment
Donald J. Trump chose to joust against the Establishment;
Vitriolic slurs are now cast against him to his dismay...
Our fear--that Hillary's dissembling may carry the day!
Consider, citizen, the plight of our nation today:-
A horde of madmen seeks to slay us...as in Benghazi,
Can you in good conscience still choose to vote for HRC?
You can't rely, friend, on the entrenched elites in D.C.!

Sunday, October 9, 2016


Feigning compassion, an artful expertise--
Learning it requires many years of practice...
Ask Hillary how an earthquake made her rich,
So too how she & Bill reached their topmost niche!
Hillary could sell the White House with her pitch!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


I heard from Hillary a generalization;
Maybe it could also be a self-revelation...
People have 'implicit bias', according to her.
Let's check the dictionary, see what we can gather...
'Implicit' means 'not expressly stated', hence 'covert'.
Could Hillary then be biased...a secret convert?
If all of us have bias, what is yours, Hillary?
The synonyms for 'bias', per the dictionary:-
Bent, preconception, predilection, and prejudice;
It seems 'bent' and 'crooked' are similar maladies.
And yet why vote for one with a penchant for lying?
Safer to vote Trump, bent on building and triumphing!

Sunday, September 18, 2016


This impending election is like turning to a new page;
Use the moment wisely and exercise your right of suffrage!
Ruminate and ask yourselves:- Are you pleased with B.O.'s regime?
No?! Then your only choice is Donald J. Trump; Go, vote for him!
I'm confident the silent majority will make him win.
No Obama legacy--only some scraps for the trash bin:-
Greed, incompetence , and waste by his ogre bureaucracy....

Please turn to a new page, voters, for our nation's history!
Out from his Tower, The Donald will restore democracy;
In our battle against ISIS, we will capture Victory,
No more futile negotiations with those crafty barbarians;
The Donald will have a mighty alliance with the Russians!

Friday, September 16, 2016


Why trust Hillary?
Here's her 'Trust' degree:-
You have to agree
There was no video;
Rest assured she knew!
Useless to argue...
She used her power
To grub for lucre.
Her charity works
Include perks and smirks;
Let her Foundation
List each donation,
Ask for what nation!
Remember she's Obama's surrogate.
Your vote for her won't change our dismal state!*
*...nor veer our nation from a tragic fate.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Did Hillary's phrase- 'basketful of deplorables'
Endear her to many undecided notables?
Perhaps not to the unbiased, percipient voter.
Listening to her simply revealed her character;
Obverse and adverse consequences have taken place:-
Regretting misjudgment, she displayed her smiling face...
After she collapsed trying to reach her limousine!
Bad week for HRC, the Democrat Party's Queen.
Let's commiserate, for she's the one deplorable--
Exactly synonymous to the word PITIABLE!

Saturday, September 10, 2016


These days we hear mention every hour the names
of Donald Trump and Hillary
Repeated by TV and Radio hosts from morn till night--a
long commentary
About these two candidates'
demerits, mistakes, weaknesses, and/or achievements...
November 9th and thereafter their
disputations and sarcastic 'compliments'
Soon will fade away and Justice for
all shall reign under Donald J. Trump's regime.
Creation of more jobs will inevitably follow Laissez Faire's paradigm.
In a few years the doldrums in our economy will be a thing of the past;
Extraordinary breakthroughs in Science will be achieved by Mankind at last!
New knowledge about Homo Sapiens' place in God's Cosmos will
make us strive further;
Christianity & Mohammedanism will evolve and merge into One Faith
with One GOD/Father!
'Extraterrestrials' will guide souls to the New Eden where
all worthy creatures ultimately gather.


It seems improbable that there are 'extraterrestrial' beings here;
MUFON, however, as well as some scientists think otherwise...
Perhaps, a squadron of UFO/s or USO/s need to appear
Right above the White House rooftop to convey their challenge and chastise!
Obama as a world leader was given the task to cull the barbarians;
By failing to complete his job, his successor must assume the burden.
Assistance by us will necessarily include some civilians
By inducing 'force majeure' disasters and accidents now and then.
Let go of your hubris that you are the apex of God's Creation...
End obsessive GREED so you may join our Galactic Federation.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Survival of the fittest is an implacable verity;
Unless one has adequate fortitude and flexibility,
Remaining unchanged, refusing to adapt could cause one's ruin!
Vicissitudes are ever in flux; hence, one must evolve to win.
In government, current circumstances show what leaders must do.
Vacillation in tackling our indebtedness is a No...No!
Allowing unvetted 'refugees' here is inadvisable!
Leave laggards behind and lame ducks alone...they're unreliable.

Monday, September 5, 2016

I THINK T.....

I hear Hillary coughing!
'Tis her allergies stuffing
Her nose and throat from bluffing;
I fear she is really sick.
Now you should know whom to pick:-
Knight errant for the masses-

Saturday, September 3, 2016


Obama's legacy to the United States:-
Broken promises, killers traipsing thru our gates,
An imminent collapse of the U.S. dollar...!
Maybe he has become the most unpopular
And 'feckless' Commander-in-Chief in history
Since citizens first proudly hoisted Old Glory...
Last triumph:-("Tear down this wall!"- Reagan's defiance),*
Except now we're being threatened by barbarians!
Gargantuan waste by Obama's bureaucracy,
Angst to businesses in the brink of bankruptcy
Caused by mile-high complex rules and regulations.
Your vote for Donald Trump will end these perversions!

Friday, September 2, 2016


Forgetful Hillary--this fact is beyond dispute.
Our source is Madam herself; Hence, no one can refute.
Regarding some lost cellphones, she also can't remember...*
Gathered from TV, she smashed one phone with a hammer!
Eventually her ailment could lead to Alzheimer;
The truth about our candidates' health should be revealed,
Fragility, lack of energy can't be concealed.
Unfit to be our President, one who falls asleep...
Let not our foes slaughter our citizens like tame sheep!

*(Supposedly 13 misplaced cellphones)


Don't insult Hillary Rodham Clinton during the debate-
In fact, 'praise' her work as Obama's Secretary of State.
Smile and chuckle when she oontinues to call you a racist;
Everyone knows that's a standard lie from the Demoncrats' list.
Negativity and ad hominems won't solve anything;
Graciously point out some of your proposals she's now copying,*
And with Presidential power, she'll continue abusing!
Give her therefore a long strong rope to lasso and hang herself;
Extremely flawed, she will be exposed by her ill-gotten pelf!

*(JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, for instance.)

Sunday, August 28, 2016


Lilith, Adam's first wife, was doomed to crawl in the tall grass.
It seems her avatar still seeks the highest post, Alas!
Lying, pandering, deceiving are the tools of her trade;
If you're not cautious, you'll be caught in a toxic charade.
Those who call Donald Trump a racist will themselves be judged.
Hillary's slurs made her own muck from which she can't be budged!

Friday, August 26, 2016


A fresh start is what our many Muslim brothers need.
Few realize how fast radical Islamists breed;
Religion twisted by the Great Deceiver's minions
Entices and entraps the naïve by the millions!
Shall we retrace their steps and start from the beginning..?
Hadith and Sharia were never Gabriel's spinning;
Sharia provisions do vary from place to place...
The Ten Commandments, however, no man may replace!
Addenda or comments by human interpreters
Regretfully have become the tools of corrupters...
Trust & obey God; His Mandates are plain, clear, & terse.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Do explain why you allowed those Americans to die in Benghazi;
Explanation should have been made before your race for the Presidency.
Firstly, you could have made your 'Mea Culpa' for your prevarication.
Expect leniency if your loyalty was tested on that occasion.
Nevertheless, the citizenry should have been told the whole true story...
Should Barack Obama continue to remain guiltless in history?
Expose him then; Let not his 'Stand Down' order be forgot or transitory.
Let a lame duck try stepping thru the muck.
Escape when and if you can or be stuck.
Since your own missteps end at his table,
Shouldn't he also explain...if able?!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Help is on the way;
Even Trump's foes say-
'Liberal' cats may
Pack and scoot away...

I am afraid Hillary Clinton will fall;
Short circuits in her brain may make her stall...

Outages will of course occur;
No need for Madam to suffer...

There are more important things in life than pelf or power.
Having peace of mind- in politics you cannot gather;
Enjoy the role that now suits you best--as a grandmother!

Why not just let Donald J. Trump steer our flound'ring Ship of State?
A proven Achiever, Negotiator, he'll save us from a calamitous fate!
Your timely retirement too, Madam, you'll soon appreciate.

Thursday, August 18, 2016


Power has a tendency to intoxicate:-
Obama empowered himself to confiscate,
Pursuant to his new (?) Executive Order,*
Supposedly during periods of disorder,
If national security is imperiled.
Court complaints and judges' counsel will all be stilled.
Like a popsicle melted by the summer sun
Every right and everything you own will be gone!

*(It seems there are various Executive Orders,
some unnumbered, authorizing asset or resource
seizure and confiscation in the interest of
'national security'.)

Friday, August 12, 2016


Soros, billionaire amicus of the Obama regime
Must be shaking his head to see proof irrefutably grim.
Uttered by Hillary-('I did not lie!')-smudged Reality.
Did her brain suffer a 'short circuit'? She can't see Falsity?
Go then Good Citizens and demonstrate your keen percipience:-
Elect Dynamic Donald Trump, listen to your Good Conscience!
Don't ever forget Hillary's 'pay-for-play' experience!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


"Frailty, thy name is woman!"
Rodham Clinton, what's your plan?
Ask yourself:- If elected,
Is my physique afflicted
Limber enough to complete
Tasks challenging and replete???
Your 'NAY' shall be no defeat!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Vex not this not too dumb person with blatant lies!
Explain:- Truth from your lips to Chelsea swiftly flies,
Xenoliths then take over when you talk to us...
A video was a fabrication, quite obvious;
Then when you headed this nation's State Department
It seems that you had a 'pay-for-play' involvement..?
Oblivious of State Department regulations,
Unconcerned re uranium sales/acquisitions,
Shall you hasten Apocalypse to all nations??!!

Sunday, August 7, 2016


Loud demonstrations and lamentations cannot erase
A mounting twenty trillion dollars of indebtedness,
Unless our more percipient leaders decide to replace
Gargantuan wasteful consumption by simply spending less...
However, we must follow strictly a stringent budget.
Allowing unchecked printing dollars plus more borrowing
Balloon further that fragile bubble--our huge deficit.
Let us on Election Day choose The Donald to fix it;
Expectant citizens want a future less harrowing!

*(The acrostics "Interlude" & "Laughable"
are lifted from my earlier selection entitled
"Mostly Acrostics" after some corrections & updating.)

Saturday, August 6, 2016


I bravely travel quite alone at night,
'Neath my warm sheets by out-of-body flight;
'Tis but my restless soul, never sleeping,
Exploring places that I've been keeping
Recorded in magnificent glory,
Locked in my heart--a vivid memory
Untouched by Time:- Our manse, a 2-story...
Did not Grandma's demesne stand over there?
Evanescent..! Not e'en an empty chair....

Friday, August 5, 2016


Zeroing on the current 'zygosis' debate-
Your unborn child's fate is not yours to terminate.
God alone should decide what is appropriate;
Omniscient Creator gave that child a soul,*
So to serve Him and to test humans-one and all.
If Pro-Choice adherents refuse to believe me,
Someday surely they will regret their INFAMY!

*When the male sperm finally comes into contact with
the female ovum, a kind of minute brief spark occurs--
sometimes noticed during in vitro fertilization. This
is supposed to confirm the divine intervention and
introduction of the soul to the human embryo. Human
life has began, hence protected under God's 6th Commandment.

Sunday, July 31, 2016


Soon or late, this sojourn will end;
Octogenarians must forfend.
Just in case I too must depart
Or am to make another start-
Understand, please, my foolish heart:-
Return my ashes to that hill*
Near Nanang's* place where Time stood still.

(*that small hill east of and facing
our Grandma's house.)

Thursday, July 28, 2016


It seems improbable that there are extraterrestrial beings here...
MUFON, however, as well as other scientists think otherwise.
Perhaps a squadron of UFOs or USOs need to appear
Right above the White House roof, there to send their challenging chastise.
Obama as world leader was given the task to cull barbarians;
By failing to complete his job, his successor must assume the burden.
Assistance by Guardians will necessarily affect some civilians,
Because induced disasters and accidents could occur now and then.
Let your hubris go, human; You are not the apex of creation!
End your petty wars so you may join the Galactic Federation!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


In the Holy Quran, we note God's command:-"THOU SHALT NOT KILL."
Now, jihadists, who told you to kill innocent people still?
Continued slaying/pillaging won't provide a caliphate.
Reject barbarisms or be doomed to an accursed fate!
Educated Muslims, enlightened mullahs, time to speak out;
Do your duty as learned leaders:- Time to lecture and shout:-
In today's 21st century world, we must live in PEACE,
Because nuclear war could spell the end of the human species.
Let not madmen in pursuit of global power kill us all...
Extinction lies in their hands; No need for asteroids to fall!

Monday, July 25, 2016


I had, I think, an out-of-body experience...
Nobody in the crowd felt my etheric presence:-
An 'election email' scandal was unravelling;
Not only millennials, even their elders were yelling:-
Injustice against Bernie Sanders was committed!!
The DNC chairwoman's emails - not disputed,
In legal Latin parlance "Res ipse loquitor"-
Exposes biased judgment by the executor!
Schultz, despite long service, had to be shown the back door.

Friday, July 22, 2016


ISIS does not pose a grave threat to Uncle Sam;
No need to refuse sanctuary to refugees;
Definitely helpless and harmless (as I am...)
Employment increased; Hence, joblessness should decrease.
Never has the world been less violent than now!
I must keep my promise to close Guantanamo!
A few domestic violence won't break my vow!
Let me level the playing field before I go...!

(...and if I can't, I may declare Martial Law!)

Thursday, July 21, 2016


When in disgrace for being such a 'feckless king',
Obama all alone in bed may be thinking...
"Elites and lobbyists in D.C. ruined me!"
"Fie upon it, ah fie! Is this my legacy?"
"Uncle Sam now is on the verge of bankruptcy..."
"Let Trump steer this Ship so the blame won't fall on me.!"

("Alas, Hillary, falsity has put victory in jeopardy...")

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Get G.H. Bush/s' advice:- *
ETs are more techno wise;
On land and sea they are here
Resurveying this old Sphere.
G.H. Bush, I suspect, knows
ETs have come back because
Here has also been their home,
Back from time trips they have come!
Urgent now that they come out,
Since they are our kith no doubt;
Humans, we will have their clout!

(...and even if we won't, we
would be forced to UNITE.)

Saturday, July 16, 2016


The horrific scenes of terrorized people spread fast
All over the United States from across the sea,
Collected by media videos and smart phones, they're cast
Into our various receiving sets for all to see.
There is a noticeably unusual frequency-
Coinciding senseless killings with a crowded event;
On Bastille Day in Nice, for instance...And even here:-
Now some voters are wary attending Trump's Big Tent,
Since he is oft disrupted by fomenters of fear.
Elections, conventions are hazardous; Don't forget!
No GOP crowd would want to be a 'soft' target.
To be without arms is to give foes TACIT CONSENT!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Comey's report re Madame Hillary-
Outre and out-of-sync! Many agree
Most factual findings do INCRIMINATE,
Ergo:- No good reason to exculpate!;
Yet he says there was 'EXTREME CARELESSNESS..."
So Lynch now decides 'NO PROSECUTION!'
Ruthless partisans cause much confusion;
Each careless act must be Court-filed, no less!
Past investigations to the A.G.
Ordinarily are weighed by Jury;
Reluctance to do so seems comical...
Tragic, no longer apolitical!!!

Monday, July 11, 2016


Sometimes even non-celestial bodies do a syzygy:-
Your candidate plus The Donald plus hilarious Hillary
Zeroing in a straight run for the US Presidency...
You're shocked! Comey's exculpatory report seems much too strained.
Good grief, looks like Lilith's sharp claws can no longer be restrained,
Yesterday's race is now a zigzagged contest unconstrained!

Sunday, July 10, 2016


'Post hoc ergo propter hoc.'
Obama as a lame duck
Soon will show his legacy;
Thus, his real worth all shall see.
Many unresolved questions-
Obama's wrong directions...
Results--not good; No wonder
This leader does not murder
Enemies... Here's his answer:-
"May they live long and suffer!"

Friday, July 8, 2016


Americans killing other Americans...
That's exactly what those Islam jihadists want-
Reinforcing their global 'terrorism' plans;
Our war strategy against them seems rather scant,
Considering that televised acts of hatred
Infected the mind of one vet making him rabid.
This madman was heard to cry out:- "The end is near!"
Yes, indeed! Disharmony brings Chaos, I fear.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


John D. Gartner's recent piece entitled "Which way do I vote?'*
Opines whoever has strength to win in 2016 needs wisdom to govern.
Compare the two nominees' respective attributes--Please Note:-
Unabashed Hillary tries to mimic an accent...Southern???
Look now at Donald J.'s unfettered energetic display--
A straight-shooter transparent and cloudless as a summer's day;
Regard Madam's murky Obama agenda... Let us pray!!

*Which Way do I Vote?--page 96, July/August 2016 Reader's Digest ed.

Saturday, July 2, 2016


Half-measures cannot quell radical Islamists;
One arm tied to one's back won't beat the terrorists.
Besides the battleground is in their brainwashed minds...
But Muslims should know Mahomet himself reminds:-
"Let no man harm another, so both be not harmed."
Enlightened Sufis, Imams--are you not alarmed?
Do not delay:--Have all your followers disarmed!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Distorters of Allah's 6th Commandment-
Intractable pillagers Satan sent,
Supposedly to kill all 'infidels'...
This word is what Rabid Evil impels!!
Orlando, Florida and Istanbul
Recently were ravaged--like some mad bull
Trampled and slew innocent people there...
Every futile curse as well every pray'r
Resounded from all corners of the world!
See Sorrow's Flag at half-mast droop and furled...

Monday, June 27, 2016


Hillary seeks to continue Obama's agenda;
I hope you won't fall for their deceitful propaganda.
Left-leaning so-called "Liberals" will bankrupt Uncle Sam;
Look at the past records of these two 'Leaders'--Shameful Sham!
Are you a dolt that you would trust her and still vote for her?
Read her retort..."some Americans died...what does that matter?"
You must indeed be blind if you condone that past slaughter.


A tip for Bernie:-
Tomorrow you'll see
Insane berserkers,
Pre-paid provokers
Fomenting riots!
Obviously idiots
Risking Martial Law.
Barack can do go:-
Expanding his 'Rules,'
Reigning over Fools.
Nixing Elections!
E'en for our scions!

Friday, June 24, 2016


To Voters:- Please be patriotic and use your common sense.
Remember Benghazi, San Bernardino- NO DEFENSE!!
You have leaders who apparently are mere amateurs
Controlled by lobbyists or maybe even saboteurs!
Our government is an ogre of a bureaucracy.
Many businesses are being dragged into bankruptcy,
Manufacturers are looking for better locations;
Our 'war' against ISIL needs more aggressive solutions.
Now is the time to rise above partisan politics...
Say it loud & clear; No need for elegant semantics:-
Enemies of Uncle Sam, Uncivilized Terrorists..,
Nevermore shall we tolerate Radical Islamists!
Soon a more able leader will captain our Ship of State;
Elect The Donald! He'll give our foes their deserved fate!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


The Leftist Media-
House of Perfidia!
Experts in spinning,
Lying, redacting,
False news reporting;
Twisting Trump's language,
Inking his image
So he'd look stupid...
This is what they did:-
Made intentional
Edit to total
Deletion of Donald J. Trump's Muslim Ban--'TEMPORARY,'
In order to make him look racist, cruel, arbitrary;
Another clumsy attempt to mislead our citizenry!

Saturday, June 18, 2016


God, who is Most Kind and Just, gives each individual what he deserves;
Endure Fortune's slings and arrows but sample also its sweet hors d'oeuvres.
There are breakthroughs in Health Science and technology to help Mankind,
Yet many of these advances are unpublicized, hence hard to find...
Our leaders, I suspect, have conspired with one another so to make
Us unaware of Superior Beings on guard for Planet Earth's sake--
Reining in exponential increase of our fertile population,
Seeing to it that man-made pollution won't end in our extinction.
Hereinbelow are their forecasts re the Presidential election:-
A populist BUILDER will win Uncle Sam's Commander-in-Chief post;
Reliance by voters on Hillary due to her lies will be lost;
Enlightened millennials won't vote and Bernie's dream will fade like a ghost.

Friday, June 17, 2016


May I suggest the following for you to do, dear Sir:-
Ask for advancement of the homo sapiens situation;
Kneel before the Watchers, if need be...(You will make a stir.)
Explore the feasibility of changing direction.
A right course should lead us to breakthroughs more precious than gold.
Make explanation to the general population...
Enable citizens to understand; Be true, be bold!
Nine billion plus humans in our small Planet must be culled?!!
Do ETs in fact control population growth on Earth?
Superior Beings exist in this Cosmos; There's no dearth....


Do not attempt to explain an issue
If you sense that the time is not yet due.
Stop spreading surmises, mere suspicion...
Airplane disaster causes are legion;
So while the media may still theorize,
There will be others* who will realize
External unseen forces intervened--
Rescue by ET/s must have supervened!

*(others--like me...)

Saturday, June 11, 2016


Voters! Voters! Vote for Achiever Donald J. Trump!
Our goal is to get out of our Economic Slump!
The interest we pay on our huge indebtedness
Exceeds more than my own biased surmise-Pure Madness!
The only chance we have of crawling out of this hole:
Repatriate funds, welcome back laissez faire, no more dole,
Unless the aid receiver will fight for Uncle Sam,
Make war against our foes not for feckless show nor sham;
Place your bet on Mr. Trump and we'll win the GRAND SLAM!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Good grief! Some TV debates turn into pure gibberish!
Instead of listening to reasoned argumentations,
Blowhards and braggarts try to out shout each other... I wish
Big-hearted TV hosts would veto rude interruptions.
Even ladies should not be allowed to scream, shriek, or squall;
Remember-- Freedom of Speech also has limitations...
If a guest has the floor, there ought to be no free-for-all!
So, Friend, what did you learn from that program we were viewing?
"Hate to admit it, Skep; Because of the din, mostly nothing."

Sunday, June 5, 2016

OBAMA (re - the transgender order)

O 'King' who issued that outrageous directive-
By all means, send your daughters to some public school
And see if they as well your own spouse would not grieve...
My hope is that no impostor won't make you a fool
And prove how utterly short-sighted your new rule!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Entrancing Ella Valentine
Left Heaven's Gate for Planet Earth...
Looked helpless but is healthy, fine.
All kith and kin welcomed her birth:-
V. dePeralta's family
And all of the Alvarez/es
Loved Ella at sight--sooo cuddly!
Expect more as she progresses:-
Nature reveals Miss Valentine,
Tomorrow's Miss Beauty & Brains,
Imperatriz or Miss Sunshine!!!
Never we mind, e'en if it rains;
Ella hails from the realm Divine!

(Ella is our first grand daughter.)

Monday, May 30, 2016


Record this occasion part of a GRAND promotion:-
Here's a toast to Grandma! Time for a celebration!
Our Best Wishes for you to have a bright, joyous day,
Not just for today but your whole life thru; And please stay
Devoted Lola to Ella for more years to come--!
A grand role we would like to share till we are called Home.

From Lolo Skep & Flor

Sunday, May 29, 2016


A gathering of Donald J. Trump's supporters
Must be prepared to face well-financed 'protesters',
Better denominated-PRE-PAID DISRUPTORS-!
(I fear financed by some billionaire corruptors!)
Expect more rallies will be marred by violence....
No voter should stand for this kind of ambience!
Can't the authorities trace the financial source
Egging these saboteurs...? (They can but won't, OF COURSE!???)

Thursday, May 26, 2016


This clue from Skep should stick...
Hurl it around and quick;
If you're weary or sick,
Sad, your future looks bleak,
Sore-limbed and feeling weak..,
Have a solo dream flight
On our Lord's Divine Light;
Use your own soul and mind
Loose-- set them free to find
Direction back to God!
Shake off dirt, swipe off mud;
Turn back to stage pristine,
In thought and deed, be clean.
Covetousness and Doubt-

Friday, May 20, 2016


Atheists do not believe in a First Cause;
They're satisfied with proximate causes,
Hence, no need for a Creator because
Each rose bush can only produce roses.
If God is Good, would He create Satan?
Some agnostics pose two Powers for Man:-
The Yin and the Yang, per Chinese sages;
Still who made these two Powers? Make a guess.

Sunday, May 15, 2016


Deceit is the Devil's tool;
Employ it, become a fool!
Consider that video news-
Enterprise so hilarious,*
Impossible to explain
To voters at her campaign.

*(Read 'hilarious' to mean 'injurious*)

Saturday, May 14, 2016


Go forth and multiply
Or else our race may die.
Find, Man, your own soul mate;
Offspring - do procreate.
Reject infanticide;
The Lord abhors suicide.
Harm no one:-(LOVE*your Guide)!

*(God is Love.)

Thursday, May 12, 2016


The race to the White House has many bumps and ruts,
Requiring candidates to have strong shocks and struts.
It seems till now some non-campaigners are hoping
Convention delegates will simply go shopping-
(Knowing Trump & Bernie won't stand for puppetry):
Examples:- Joe Biden in lieu of Hillary;
Romney, Rubio, or Cruz... with whom I can't agree.
Your choice is as good as mine, LET VOTERS BE FREE!


The tremors we are feeling are the Lord's-
Repeated warnings to all who have strayed;
Earthquakes can be more persuasive than words..!
Maybe, He is asking when we last prayed..?
O Lord, oft we forget, but we do need you;
Remind us to keep you always in view,
So our safe Homecoming will continue.

Monday, May 9, 2016


I want you to know I'm going to vote for The Donald,
Not because he speaks like an ivy league-bred debater.
The fact is he has an aura that makes schemers appalled.
Ryan and Hillary are like birds of the same feather;
I have reason to suspect both didn't want "to rock the boat".
Not because of similarity of national goals;
Self-centered career continuation was what they sought.
I'll vote for who TRUMPets the Truth, not those whose words were false!
Could lies from leaders have any intrinsic value...? NAUGHT!

Sunday, May 8, 2016


In this material realm there is nothing
Made of matter that is impregnable....
Per scientists, there is this tiny thing
Reported to be quite unstoppable,
Easily passing thru thick Planet Earth,
Granite and certainly even thru us:-
Neutrino, almost sans mass since its birth,
A particle from God...For what purpose?
Big Bang probably spewed neutrinos first,
Let loose to check out the path of Cosmos...
Even mine too? Neut, do your worst!

Thursday, May 5, 2016


Make room for our Lord God;.
You're no impervious clod.
Sense his Holy Presence!
Think not this is nonsense;
Eyes closed, you can see Him.
Righteous know it's no whim,


Say you:- Hand you your Freedom,
Teach you gratis your Wisdom...
Remember Salvation's price..?
Use your gifts for your big slice,
Get going and chase your dreams...
Give your best effort! It seems
Logistics in sweat and tears
Ensure your Success with Cheers!!


Let there be Light!
End, please, our Night;
Time to end Wars!

Too deep the scars,
Hate still rages,
Rogue ISILists,
Evil, spurious,

Brainwashed Sadists!
Enlighten us

LORD! Please erase
Gross human race!
Hand our FREEDOM,
Teach us WISDOM!

Monday, May 2, 2016


Laugh at that housefly knocking its head
Against my bedroom's glass window pane!
So like a candidate named TrustTed...
The perks and power he wants to gain
Did blur his usually sharp brain.
If that housefly would just turn around
There's an open door to its freedom!
Could Ted Cruz be trusted to astound?
He should back Trump so triumphs will come!

(Postscript- Gamblers say:- "You win some, you lose some.")
(Savants know:- Every win is a loss...and every loss is a win!)

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Collude in this race 'gainst The Donald and you'll get occluded
Or even worse...
Let me be terse:-
Let Nominee selection via delegates be ended-
Don't be archaic!
Electing officials thru 'backroom deals' should be suspended;
Rely on Vox Populi!
Sirs, please hearken to our Plea!

Monday, April 25, 2016


Preparing still to make your final selection
As to who you should vote for as our President?
Try 'Mere Outsider Man' to weigh your decision...
Refuse to trust stooges of the Establishment!
It is time that the common people's voice be heard:
Our clear choice is where the grassroots surge is centered:
The Donald- He builds, he gives and serves--and prospered!

Friday, April 22, 2016


Friend, do jihad against yourself, not against others;
Against your egocentric id, not attack brothers.
No learned mullah would ask you to commit murder;
Ask your own good common sense, what was Allah's Order?
The Prophet said "Harm no one so that you be not harmed."
If you face Death, your soul is deathless--be not alarmed!
Come back to our Global Tent of Civilization;
Save Islam's tradition of PEACEFUL EDUCATION..!


There must be a better way to convince ISIS...
Revising God's mandate will lead to global crisis.
Ask Quran scholars and perhaps they'll advise you
God's sixth commandment is not an obsolete view.
Exempted are non-Muslims from Sharia law;
Dreaming of the past, Ayatollahs come and go...
YOU, Modern & Conservative Muslim, SHOULD KNOW!

(HATE cannot resurrect a
long dead & ruined CALIPHATE.)

Thursday, April 21, 2016


I hear Donald J. Trump's supporters cheering!
Now the fog at the arena is clearing;
Expect chameleon voters to be steering,
Veering ever closer to the Frontrunner,
Impressive New York State primary winner-
The Donald, Billionaire Negotiator!
A diverse group loves this 'Outsider' Victor.
But will there be RNC chicanery?
Let not phantom delegates use trickery!
Elect Trump for President-- End of Story!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Harbingers are God's usual messengers,
As troubling nightmares often bring bad news
Regarding plagues and impending dangers,
But my premonition also gives clues...
I awoke this morn to news on TV,
Numerous shocks and quake activity!
God Almighty to Mankind is saying:-
Earth's Ruling Class is no longer praying;
Remember Me, lest quakes will be taking
Satanic leaders down: I alone am KING!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Mr. Donald Trump, may your tribe increase,
And may your rivals' opposition cease...
Your grassroots campaign caused a tsunami
Your charisma has engulfed Miami;
Outpouring floods from East Coast to the West!
Unintended--NEW Voters In Protest...
Watch these 'meek' silent majority vote-
In rejection to what our feckless 'King' has wrought.
Now only four hundred delegates must be sought!


Belief in Presidential candidates' promises
Requires knowledge of preconditions and premises...
A President must enforce a law IF it exists;
Indeed, no free schooling if Legislature resists.
No Roe vs. Wade improvement if SCOTUS desists...
Who voters must choose should be a good negotiator-
Achiever but fair in dealing - a major factor.
Shall I mention here who authored "The Art of Dealing"?
He seeks to serve but finds there is "delegate-stealing"...!
Elect The Donald; don't be brainwashed by snide curses;
Do kick out lying liberals from the premises!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


'Tis April, and all candidates are campaigning in earnest.
Rules on delegates allocation few people really know;
It seems the Rules preparers were biased, unfair, dishonest.
Unless a candidate is supported by the status quo
More delegates end up for rival/s with votes next to nothing!
Perhaps you hear a Jabberwocky RNC galumphing??
Have no fear, lend an ear to Mr. Donald Trump triumphing!!

(With apologies to Jabberwocky author, Mr.Lewis Carroll)

Aspire to be among the legal luminaries' best;
Respect and respond to Life's many complex challenges.
Indeed, you'll find that Life here on Earth is a life-long test.
Endeavor to emulate (even surpass) past sages!
Lex is Dura..? Your Love and Hard work will win the contest!

From Ninong Tito Skep

Monday, April 11, 2016


I thought the citizen's right to vote is inalienable,
Not saleable for any price nor even transferable;
And yet many voters don't know there are 'special' delegates...
Legerdemain masters to whom a candidate supplicates
In order that the million votes cast for him would not be trashed.
Equal vote's protection is by party machinery smashed!
No cabal of delegates should have dictatorial power
Annulling millions of votes, not even one ballot of one voter!
Be warned Convention delegates; Please hearken to the Soter:-
Let not the Elites entrap you with more Power and Lucre;
Endeavor to be just and let rectitude be your armor!

Sunday, April 10, 2016


Be aware, Citizen, of backroom deals...
Elitists are cooking a plot that steals
What you've voted for as our President
Against or simply without your consent.
Romney as nominee may be chosen!
Expel plotters, please, lest we be riven!

Friday, April 8, 2016


Was that a dream or just my wistful, wishful thinking?
I thought (perhaps imagined) I had become a King!
So on that balding Skep's top, there arose my Castle*;
High above the crowd's razzle-dazzle and the hassle
Forwarded to my laptop--junk mail I've to delete...
Up there arguing with TV host and the elite,
Laptop opened and activated, I do word tricks...
Try watching TV and constructing more acrostics!
Have you read, critiqued some of my word calisthenics?
I am inviting you to my Castle*--it is free!
No charge; You may or may not with my pieces agree.
King am I only when I'm working at my blogsite;
If you wish, share pieces you like with friends, it's all right.
Nothing tried, nothing gained; though this wordsmith proposes--
God alone, our Almighty Creator, DISPOSES.

(**my Castle--is my blogsite:-http://skepsplace.blogspot.com

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Wisconsin gave Bernie momentary victory;
It seems that happenstance hardly ruffled Hillary...
So Ted Cruz too had a sweet fleet taste of the action;
Can their victories carry them to nomination-
Or these their last hurrah in their dream for election?
New polls apparently favor Trump & Hillary;
Speculating Establishmentarians can't agree...
It seems their plan was for the lady to defeat Trump;
Now that that scheme is awry, who'll we be calling 'Chump'??!!

Saturday, April 2, 2016


Since God Almighty is Omniscient,
You also must at times be percipient;
Let us admit that He knew from the start
Lucifer would rebel, be an upstart!
Our justification or best excuse:--
God made Satan too clever to refuse??
In constant battle against the Devil,
Strength of Man's soul is honed, thus our Free Will
Must scoff at his schemes...No need to cavil...

Thursday, March 31, 2016


Make America greater that ever!
All our foes should be stamped out forever!
Knight Triumphant Donald Trump:- Imagine
Election results should show - You Will WIN!
And so, you as Builder-Negotiator
Must prove you are Uncle Sam's Protector;
Erect that tall border wall you promised,
Restore our hopes and dreams that had vanished,
Infuse our Military with New Might,
Compel jihadists to flee from our sight.
At long last, Uncle Sam shall win again...
World Peace and Prosperity we'll regain:-
"In hoc - Vox populi - vinces!" I hear...
No more lying Demoncrats, have no fear!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Awake, fellow Uncle Sam's citizens!
Who are these 'Rules Committee' denizens
Attempting to stifle the People's Voice?
Know they not that Donald Trump is our Choice?
Expect us to just creep speechless sans noise?
Crawl into the depths without a ripple?
Is this government still for the people..?
The Powers-That-Be seem mostly cripple!
It's for this reason we choose Donald Trump--
Zealous Builder, he'll make all idlers jump,
Energetic, leader charismatic,
Negotiator expert, he's Fantastic!
Saboteurs be Warned:- FATE CAN BE TRAGIC!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

DEUS VULT (A Note to the RNC Elites)

Don't steal Donald Trump's votes;
Each pro-Trump vote denotes
Unqualified support...
Supplant not our Effort!

Vox Populi is right!
Use Donald to UNITE!
Let not charisma vex...
TRUTH is Suprema Lex!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


May I inquire why we keep attempting to slash off the snakes
Entangled and spitting venom from Medusa*Gorgon's head?
Doesn't lopping off her whole head be simpler, for Heaven's sakes?!!
Uprooting a tree with deadly fruit would be better instead...
Since ISIL claims responsibility for the Brussels rout,
Advise them God too knows, and Allah will uproot them all out!

*(read 'Medusa'--Middle East...)

Friday, March 18, 2016


Acting 'Presidential' may only be an act;
Donald Trump, however, speaks the unvarnished fact:-
Violence (he said "riots") may indeed erupt,
If conspiratorial delegates can't be stopped
Casting majority rule down the garbage heap...
Elbow out tame sheep, not enraged bulls wounded deep!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Good Uncle Sam is scoffed and sneered at by terrorists;
Out there amongst the jihadists this image persists:-
'Demonic' capitalists are totally godless;
Like Lilith, their almost naked women are shameless...
Enlightening these poor brainwashed people seems fruitless.
See how many times our olive branch is trampled down!
See now their leader's horns hidden by his turbanned crown?

Monday, March 14, 2016



(The Donald anti-establishment phenomenon
is but the reflex response to the D.C. cartel...)

Sunday, March 13, 2016


Just tell the citizens the facts, Madam;
Unclear why lips are sealed tight like a clam.
Shall we simply continue to surmise,
To speculate..? We won't apologize:-
That 'Stand Down' order--wasn't that from you?
How come there was no attempt to rescue?
Explain the need for those repeated lies,
Fake video story told by you and Rice,
And yet you knew the truth right from the start!
Could there be a reason close to your heart?
There were favored people who joined that fray?
Said tender-hearted you,"Stand Down, Please Stay!"???

Monday, March 7, 2016


Forewarning:- A year from now the insults and the bickering-
Offshoots of today's campaign will fade away in early spring.
Rubio's and The Donald's warnings will get little attention;
Graver challenges, complex problems will confront our nation.
Our elitist Electoral delegates may choose ROMNEY
The likely successor of 'feckless' King Obama, you'll see...
Thus the D.C. cartel will again thwart our vox populi!
Every vote during the primaries will then be nullified???
No wonder Establishmentarians are being vilified!

Saturday, March 5, 2016


Truth, although imagined, can still sprout out.
Rioters during that Benghazi rout
Used this treacherous, underhanded clout:-
Trotting amongst the terrorists were kids,
Hobbling behind were some women as shields,
Women in burkas carrying babies,
Inn'cent captives of beasts mad with rabies!
Let Hillary then accept her faux pas;
Let Obama do his mea culpa;
Our Lenten duty now is to forgive.
Useless to point blame, though we do still grieve.
To all Homo Saps:- Let's live and let live!

Monday, February 29, 2016


Just because the People's House in D.C. is white,
Uncle Sam's President cannot be black as night?
Skep says vote for a better Black Knight - Ben Carson,
The candidate with keen insight and foresight on;
If Trump wins because of his popular appeal,
Call for Vice - Ben Carson to advise and to heal;
Elect this pair:- Uncle Sam's Yin-Yang, the BEST DEAL!

Sunday, February 28, 2016


Impending elections create campaign turbulence;
No candidate can afford to display indolence.
Here's my suggestion, my urgent recommendation:-
Accept the citizens' majority decision;
Let not elite Electors impose their solution...
Expel from Uncle Sam obsolescent flatulence!

Friday, February 26, 2016


Perhaps the Millennials' lingo has evolved beyond my ken;
However, I sometimes try to get involved as best I can.
A book titled "When Generations Collide" has helped a bit:-
The phrase 'phat dude' coined by young new employees became a hit.

Dispel the thought that the words refer to a fat gentleman;
Unless the book's authors Lynne Lancaster & David Stillman
Did not deviate from the compliment's signification:-
Exemplar Good Boss The Donald--its personification!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

TRUMP (His formula for Success)

Talk straight to the populace heart to heart;
Reach out to the bourgeoisie to impart
Urgent need to end a leftist regime...
Must make our future safer and less grim;
Pick a tough Leader- DONALD TRUMP- that's him!

Monday, February 22, 2016


How challenging indeed this Presidential campaign must be!
Appearances scheduled for you to speak at far-flung places,
Regardless of stormy weather or how spent your energy...
Delineating on your vision and covering all bases
Will have to be clearly aligned with the Conservative stance;
Old positions from which you have evolved and already dumped
Require repeated emphasis in light of your better plans...
Knaves try to blur your message, Mr. Trump, but you've got them TRUMPED!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

BE A WINNER (More for The Donald)

Best man will win! In your mind you must know you can;
Emphasize your expertise--Adroit Businessman!
Analyze, improvise to resolve our Troubles,
We must strike hard and fast till that Ogre crumbles.
If we delay, the world may think we're weak and blind;
Never in battle appease nor lead from behind,
Never let our military strength be surpassed;
Extirpate our foes with our secret weapon's blast!
Raise the laissez faire flag to our Ship of State's mast!

Friday, February 19, 2016

STING (A caveat for Bernie's Milllenials)

Stay away from pie-in-the-sky dreamers;
They could be misinformed rabble rousers.
In this world you can get nothing for free:-
No schooling without some gratuity...
Go for Bernie and bankrupt our country!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

CLEARHEADED (For The Donald)

Could you remain clearheaded without being empty headed,
Leap high above the crowd and not land in hot water scalded,
Exhibit tolerance without a smidgin of arrogance,
And on occasion give rivals their well-deserved come-uppance?
Reveal then your opponents' record of failed undertakings,
However, concede that we're all imperfect human beings.
Expand on your vision to make America great again,
Admit that that goal is for ALL of the people to regain!
Devote your negotiating skills and your business expertise
Entirely to improving, updating government service.
Destroy those who would harm us and lead all nations to World Peace!

Sunday, February 14, 2016


Earth bound souls from Heav'n cast out soon become earthbound.
Attracted to worldly goals, they become muck-stuck;
Returned for more testing to this harsh battleground,
Their trivial passions oft create a mental block...
Have you too forgotten the realm from whence you came?
Beside you there is always the Lord to guide you.
Of course, Greed & Pride may drag you to Satan's game;
Unless you're careful, you'll be recalled to renew.
No devil-possessed spirit can be Heaven bound;
Don't serpent-crawl; live upright from the sullen ground!

Friday, February 12, 2016


Be illumined and focused when selecting a new leader:-
Elect one who is not a deceiver nor a panderer,
Not an amateur, a SuperPac puppet, nor saboteur;
Choose please not a wastrel who will destroy our children's future.
A leader should not appease nor delay subduing our foes;
Reckless actions with collateral damage he should oppose;
Simply stated, he must hearken to and follow God's guidance...
Our Ship of State he must steer away from Peril's Storm-tossed dance.
Now vote for Ben Carson, our ailing nation's best healing Chance!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Cronyism plagues powerful politicians,
Robs taxpayers' funds, hoodwinks naïve civilians;
Outwardly showing concern for the downtrodden,
Making sure ill-gotten wealth is kept well hidden;
Niggardly, laggardly aiding Vets bedridden
If not dead or dying in some dirty alley...
But the Powers-that-be in Washington, D.C.,
Unbeknownst to the citizens of this country
Shall keep fav'ring cronies, hence never fair nor free!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Seekers of the highest elective position of this land
Ought to be adroit, fiery, nimble, not sounding weak nor bland;
Be emphatic, dramatic; Look resplendent, magnificent...
Rouse the apathetic:- (Voters follow the most confident!)
If you falter, if you're vague, you cannot be the President.
Emulate Jesus Christ, the Anti-Establishmentarian
Teacher; Be a Goodwill Messenger, serve as a true Christian.
You are no magician, but you must be a good tactician!

Friday, February 5, 2016


The Hadith and the Sharia are Apocrypha,*
Addenda* not authorized by Gabriel nor Allah.
Let's recheck what Moses' tablet actually did say:-
Engraved thereon:-"Thou shalt not another human slay."
Search in vain where it orders the killing of all Jews
Or of all Americans! The reason is obvious--
For every human is where the Divine Flame abides,
Since every soul has a corpus in which it resides,
And so:- Killing a harmless human defies God's word;
Thus, pillaging, committing genocide and discord
Are all attributable to that Master Tempter..!
Now go and choose your path:- to God or to Lucifer??!

(**authored by imperfect humans like all of us.)

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Learn from the past,
Evolve at last;
Adapt or die,
Reach ever high,
Never fear Change;
Accept, though strange
And bad moments
Pile up like rocks in your heart;
Tomorrow make a new start!

Sunday, January 31, 2016


Don't be surprised if in a not too distant future
Uranium will produce a nuclear peradventure;
More than thrice unpublicized plant meltdowns did occur.
Must we continue to ignore the risk...and suffer?
Iran's alleged peaceful electric energy goal
Expands easily to nuclear bombs against us all...
SURPRISE! Corium will also be giving them a call!

Thursday, January 28, 2016


Grotesque behavior is oft times laughable;
Remember, public acts are observable...
Objects of art were draped and hidden from view
To keep Rouhani's eyes from getting askew!
Except, I think, a bit of cultural shock
Should persuade him to help enlighten his flock.
Quite presumptuous, though, to make assumptions...
Unlettered Muslims have innate conceptions;
Educated ones admire Art Creations.
Respect one another's idiosyncrasy...
You hide Art? That's a mental deficiency!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Some victims of barbarians were like sheep,
Led to slaughter without a bleat or peep;
Americans too may be massacred,
Unless the killer cells here are conquered...
Giving them asylum as 'refugees',
Trebles our fears to sure-fire certainties.
Extend better protection to us, please!
Re-armed, we can walk boldly & in peace!

SCOTUS (A Note for the Supreme Court Justices)

Soon after the San Bernardino tragedy,
Commander-in-Chief proposes this remedy:-
Our right to bear arms will be tampered with again!
The Constitution's guarantee is clear and plain;
Unless constrained, he will legislate with his pen...
Surely, Sirs, You won't let this mockery happen!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

POTUS (A Note for the Winning Candidate)

Please don't be a secret Saboteur
Or just a gullible Amateur;
Take the front seat in World Leadership.
Use techno-skills for one-upmanship,
Stay away from risky brinkmanship!

Thursday, January 21, 2016


(The Science Channel on TV reports a ratio of
80% good microbes to 20% bad can still keep
the human corpus in quite a healthy condition.)

Be aware of the many conflicts raging within you;
Everyone is invaded by a motley microbe crew.
A 20 to 80 percent ratio of bad and good
Warring microbes can keep most humans in a happy mood....
Another war between your Super Ego and your Id
Retests the strength and weaknesses of your spiritual grid.
Every covetous thought hid in your mind you must get rid!

Monday, January 18, 2016


Vote wisely this time; End Obama's 'kingly' ministration;
Our Ship of State is now wallowing in perilous waters.
That taxing leftist route he sailed to was a misdirection...
Elect Builder, Negotiator, Top Favorite of Voters-
World-renowned, Successful Billionaire Businessman, Mr. Trump!
It's for sure he'll exceed many doubters' prognostications,
Since he'll never be any SuperPac's Marionette or Chump.
Enemies will learn our strength is beyond their expectations...
Let's also be more discerning in political affairs:-
You, Citizen, must stop Parties playing mere 'Musical Chairs'!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

POWER MAD (A Note to Personages in High Places)

Power intoxicates,
Oftentimes fabricates,
Will demand obeisance,
Expects full compliance....
Rule not like a tyrant-
More like a supplicant.
Always be God's servant;
Do be humane, SAVANT!

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Have you ever wondered how come on Planet Earth
****there's no end to senseless killings?
Our present location in
****our solar system does not have the capacity
Sustaining over seven billion human beings
****plus countless more living things
Trying to survive. thrive, evolve, and adapt
****to the best of their ability;
And so:- Various calamities are allowed to
****occur by our Planet's Watchers--
Guardians who have 'persuaded' many past
****and present leaders into controlling
Exponential population growth lest people
****suffer more or worse disasters!
Some empathy for leaders who had to face
****this quandary should be deserving.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


These events will take place in a parallel universe:-
Hillary will be elected the U.S. President;
Ex-President Obama's golf handicap will get worse;
After the Clinton/s' divorce and property settlement,
True to form, Bill will hurry back to his Passion & Curse-
Right back to Monica Lewinski for love and comfort!
In turn, Hillary will use "Rodham' when she takes her oath.
Candidly speaking, all will be happy - (Cupid's report...)
As for the events that will take place here affecting both:-
Losing the Elections seems probable for Hillary;
Sadly, Bill's past gallivantings won't fade from history.

BILLIONARE (A Note to the Powerball Jackpot Winner)

Be extra careful when you become very rich.
I think being middling poor is a safer niche;
Largesse can be a burden to the possessor,
Looking out always for the thieving aggressor...
Impossible for you ultra rich to be free,
Oft forced to hide from the world so no one could see
Not only your fears but also your frustrations.
Alas, you'll soon find no joy in your possessions...
I know you cried out for Help when in poverty...
Remember praying when your pockets were empty?
Ergo, Steward, now you must share the Lord's bounty!

Monday, January 11, 2016


Make no mistake,
A TRUMPet quake
Knocked me awake!
Enough! I'll hop,
And move to stop
Master of Flop:-
Expose Barack,
Ruler with knack
In passing 'laws'
Cumbered with flaws!
Acting as King,
Gun sales spiking!
Really asking
E'en entreating
And appeasing
The foes of Uncle Sam;
Alas, pure scam and sham!
GREAT our country
Again will be,

Sunday, January 10, 2016


God knows our secret thoughts, our sorrows and travails,
Our hopes and fears, and most certainly our emails.
Denying that there was no top-secret matter
Knowingly coursed thru a private Denver server
Now needlessly challenges credibility...
Our people are not submerged in stupidity!
Why not pass the muck to that Lame Duck in D.C.?
State bravely the Truth and serve with Integrity.

Friday, January 8, 2016


May President Barack Obama please apologize,
Accept you made some mistakes, and now you do realize:-
Knowingly issuing Orders, not even consulting,
Engaging the assistance of our nation's lawmaking
Authority (the U.S. Congress) may not be legal,
May indeed be later ruled as unconstitutional...
Entirely it's up to you to boost your Party's campaign;
Now must you firmly state:-(the buck stops at your desk) again!
Do concede and approve the measure sent to you to sign;
Show some accommodation; Even as 'King', be benign.


Verbosity cannot hide or muffle illogic;
Excuses cannot muzzle the ire of the Public.
Remember how Obamacare was shoved into law?
Ah, how many times must we suffer a regime's flaw?
Can we count on our leaders to come to swift rescue
In the event Grave Peril again comes to our view?
Try to "Stand Down!" while our people are being murdered!
You should by now know who emailed or phoned and ordered....

Monday, January 4, 2016


PEACE, please!
**Let's choose to walk a Peaceful path in Life;
END, Cease-
**Our penchant for bloody Warfare and Strife!
**Verging on a matter Sacrilegious...
Christ lost-- (??)
**Espousing Love and Peace to all of us.
++ (Death, in fact, makes the righteous VICTORIOUS!

Saturday, January 2, 2016


My empathetic sense is telling me
Only Trump and Carson are truly free.
They do want to serve; hence, not jittery.
I'm sure they're not goaded by Ambition;
Vox Populi will make the selection,
Exactly why they'll win the Election!


Madam, don't blame Trump for 'enlistment' calls from a recruiter;
Expect no support from voters fearing another slaughter.
Don't you agree the citizenry's safety is paramount?
Indeed, more attacks against Uncle Sam we cannot discount.
Our leaders from rival parties must unite against our foes!
Consider, debate, explore solutions to our nation's woes;
Refuse to waste precious time and energy on semantics;
Ignore ISIL proselytizers, they are doomed fanatics.
The Donald didn't mean a permanent halt to Muslims' entry;
You should know his proposed measure is purely temporary.