Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Friday, December 30, 2016


There is a way how you, if ill, your Self may heal:-
Regard your mind as part of our Lord's firmament;
Ask God for help and He will answer your appeal...
Never even doubt! His healing light will be sent--
Quivering multicolored shafts will emanate
Unbidden from a tiny pinpoint in your head.
It is better that you focus and concentrate;
Leave other concerns if you can, but you must dare.
Let nothing distract you, for those shafts must be led
Into that part of your corpus that needs repair.
The healing takes time, so always do this while in bed.
You should thank God because you're ever in His care!

*(This is a slightly revised version from a similarly
entitled piece published in "Mostly Acrostics".)

Thursday, December 29, 2016


Unveiled to me just now--this Palestinian intent:-
Looks like killers of Israelites are pensioned off!
These inciters and incited are malevolent!
I fear even their children are poisoned by this guff:-
Monthly paid 'pensions' for murdering innocent Jews!
An Apocalypse might soon lay waste to Palestine...
This warning comes from a coalition of the Righteous:-
Unless Sanity & Peace returns to Levantine,
May the rulers there feel the Wrath of the Lord Divine!


A Lame Duck is leaving a big muck from his poops,
Gyrating smugly with no excuses, no 'Ooops!!'
He makes no reasonable explanation,
As tho' he cares not a bit for his action!
Since he does expose our ally--Israel
To grave harm, will you let this Duck duck?... Do tell!

*(Query to the President-elect.)

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Interminable war amongst members of the human race
Notwithstanding Christ's promise to peacemakers is a disgrace.
There's more than enough nuclear bombs now to destroy our planet.
Enough already, humans! There are better things to do yet...
Remember Earth is but a tiny speck in our Milky Way;
My dream is to find New Eden/s no matter how far away.
I would like to be able to travel beyond Orion,
Not I personally but by Man's super-able scion.
And so our species should in time spread to countless galaxies!
But these high hopes and fascinatingly imagined journeys
Lose potential when nuclear war becomes a reality.
Extinction is our fate if we persist in stupidity.


When Peace is dashed and good conduct takes a nose dive,
Extreme maneuvers might be needed to survive..?

No need to murder just to seize a neighbor's land;
Entreat Almighty God, ask for His Helping Hand:-
Engage in peaceful strategy...Diplomacy!
Do not resort to violent Contumacy!

You do still have a 'disengagement' policy.
On what basis now must that be abrogated..?
Unless people's brains have become desiccated!

God gave us in the past leaders with common sense;
Ought we to treat their 'treaty' pure foolish nonsense?

*(MEMO for the Israelites & the Palestinians)

Friday, December 23, 2016


A new leader, a new regime, and a New Age!!??
New breakthroughs in Science, in all fields of Knowledge?!
The technocrats are kicking out the autocrats?
If so, could this be the curse of the Democrats?
Corruption, prevarication, cronyism
In government may be worse than terrorism!
Patriotism coupled with boundless Energy
Are our President-elect's innate weaponry!
Today I anticipate a new tomorrow!
I have high hopes we'll have greater strength, less sorrow;
Our children's children will explore the farthest stars!
No more greedy politicians and NO MORE WARS!

Thursday, December 22, 2016


Trump be nimble, please be quick;
Uncle Sam looks rather sick...
Rue not 'feckless' Obama
(Never solved our 'problema'!)

Reds having won the election,
Irate Blues have no more option...
Going, soon gone that toxic D.C. swamp,
Horrified crony leeches must decamp;
Trump and team will erase that Jayvee stamp!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Perhaps the 'Bubble' will burst;
Again, big banks will go first...
Come, come! Not at Christmastime!
I've got a present in rhyme:-
Friend, at Pacifica's Beach
Inhale God's fresh air - then preach:-
AMORE! Please don't forget!

*(drafted near the Pacifica Pier.)

Monday, December 19, 2016


A divided nation is getting worse.
No Clintonian supporter cares or knows;
Ah, but there is always the Karmic curse!
Reality flows where Falsity goes...
Clinton is backed by Soros' amateurs-
Hate-mongering, threatening Electors;
Yet Anarchy won't silence the Voters!

Sunday, December 18, 2016


Some unenlightened, mostly indolent asses
Think siding with Clinton-type liberal classes
Unlocks or will free them from impoverishment.
Protesters supporting HRC now question
Integrity of the machines' tabulation,
Denying therefore Donald J. Trump's election...
In truth, their complaint is a futile divertissement;
Three Hundred plus Electors are bound to vote TRUMP!
Your supporters' scheme, Madam, PLEASE FIND IN THE DUMP!

Friday, December 16, 2016


Sad-eyed Hillary-
Oldish, not carefree-
Revealed her crinkles,
Exposed deep wrinkles...
Looks like she forgot
On purpose--A LOT!
Even now she wants votes
Recounted!! (KARMA GLOATS!!)

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


It's Rex Tillerson--our President-elect's choice!
Now many high-ranking Republicans rejoice!
Vet his long EXXON record--his best resume!
Include, please:- an easy, quick confirmation day;
Don't let invidious critiques from defeated 'crats
Inject fear to his ties with foreign autocrats...
Use Amity to win--without rancor or pain:-
Sufi saying:- Turn foes to friends; Have more to gain!

Sunday, December 11, 2016


I thought I heard a yowling pussy cat..
Didn't realize 'twas but a Democrat;
It looks like Hillary's basket is full
Of prideful deplorables now woeful!
To see how the once mighty have fallen
Is a lesson from the long forgotten!
Count & recount, then depart crestfallen!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

ERGODIC (A palliative for some losers)

Every winner was a loser...
Retribution - Karma's bruiser;
God gives a taste of His Vengeance
Or His Mercy for Repentance.
Don't envy the victors today;
In your appointed time, you'll say:-
"Come, Nike! Now you're mine! HOORAY!

Thursday, December 8, 2016


The Presidency is a much, much tougher job than he thought;
Our President-elect at times looks somber, a bit distraught..?
Unusual that he hasn't yet picked his State Secretary;
Give him more time then for evidently he's in no hurry.
He must have been advised not to rush nor be rash in his choice...

Just now we're all speculating if he'll hear a friendly voice:-
Our President-to-be might choose a rich out-of-reach errant
Before he does his oath; If Romney, approval may be scant.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


As an ADM student I had a faith crisis,
Preventing me from performing laity duties;
Oft argued- There's no need for Christ's apotheosis,
Trying to get 'cleansed' by confessional forgivers;
Had maintained that most Cath'lics are childish myth lovers.
Epiphany for me took place between book covers
Out there at Barnes & Noble and at our library-
Saved by P.T. de Chardin's 'evolution' theory:-
I now believe that religious beliefs do mature,
Since we will merge with OMEGA POINT in the future!

Saturday, December 3, 2016


Prepare for the Dark Age that's forthcoming.
Reflect on our Sun's fire not becalming...
Observe how defenseless from EMP
Planet Earth's unshielded creatures would be!
Humans could become cave dwellers again!
Extinction impends, but who could remain..?
Clandestine guests--the extraterrestrials,
Yet they too may save some from these trials.

Friday, December 2, 2016


People who voted for The Donald to victory
Received his profuse and heartfelt thank you/s yesterday;
Our President-elect now from his Promontory
Prepares to weigh and select his comrades who will play
Exuberantly like him as well as steadfastly
Like storm-tested captains--experts in nation-steering
To right & safe ports, not crashing against shoals at lee.
Our Ship of State, debt overburdened, is floundering...
So Fellow Citizens, it's time for us to UNITE!
United States "under God" must always stand as one!
Count Mr. Trump's VICTORY the start to the BIG FIGHT;
Consider Success within view when the 'swamp' is gone.
Extricate us, Sir. from NAFTA & the TPP;
Stimulate economic growth via "Let us be"...*
Succeed with a strong, revitalized military!

*(Laissez faire).=