Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Friday, March 30, 2018


Thank You Lord God for Your Patience & Compassion.
Holy Week does give us respite for reflection;
All we ask today is for our leader's Success,
Not just for him to fulfill campaign promises...
Know, Lord, that we long for global Prosperity,
Yearn for universal Peace and Fraternity!
Our dream:- To live happy, healthier than before;
Unchain us from selfish goals so we may serve more.
Let humans able to reach other galaxies,
Other worlds and other intelligent species!
Reward Mankind, Lord, with deeper Enlightenment,
Deservedly via Jesus Christ's Sacrament....


Sore Loser keeps disrespecting our President,
Oft making herself a picture of malcontent.
But her present pathetic state is the karmic
Result of her 'pay for play' schemes-(toxic & tragic!).
Investigation is currently on-going,
(Equal Justice gives her--her day of reckoning)...
Tomorrow (or next year?) this 'play' will be ending!
Yes, ladies & gentlemen, they're all pretending.!??

Thursday, March 29, 2018


Responsibility on reaching adulthood:-
Ensure that God's Aegis is fully understood.
Simply NOT ENOUGH to know He's Omnipresent;
Perhaps even when trapped by the malevolent,
Our focus ought always stay on Christ's Righteous Way.
Nor must Satan's transient temptations make us stray...
So teach your children upon their Confirmation
Important NEVER to break from God's connection;
Be law-abiding, but follow first God's bidding!
Let us support what our President is building...
Endeavor to SERVE WITH LOVE; God is not kidding!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Query:- Why OK a measure you have not read??
Use then your powers as the Executive Head;
In the 'national interest',please GO AHEAD!
By all means, upgrade Uncle Sam's old weaponry;
Beware of China's Xi, for I sense treachery!
Let them see your Death Ray weapons' accuracy...
End gun-free zones; Safer--an armed democracy!

Thursday, March 22, 2018


Our duly elected President Donald J.Trump is under siege by minions of the Deep State.
Underhanded tactics (like unauthorized leaks) place Trump's plans to a doubtful fate;
There are some saboteurs already fired for their manifestly unlawful 'whispergate'---...
Repugnant to Equal Justice, not one leaker is facing any jail sentence!!!
Exactly what's the difference between "extreme carelessness" and "gross negligence";?

Thursday, March 15, 2018


'Politically motivated investigations'
Apparently are continuing with no end in sight!
STOP indicting minnows in foreign lands or jurisdictions!
The favored schemers of the past regime have not taken flight...
Dare we let them romp in glee, free to derail our President?
Unequal Justice diminishes our trust in government,
Enrages countless Trump supporters; Even I can't be silent!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Old Glory is flying at half mast again,
Letting us know another hero is slain..?
Don't tell me it happened at a gun-free zone!
Guns for self-protection citizens must own;
Let's be proficient in the use of small arms;
Our teachers can't help just by using their charms.
Rely on our Founding Fathers' keen foresight;
You need not act a coward in a gunfight!

Sunday, March 11, 2018


Our Federal Two-Party system may become obsolete
Because Party 'disloyalty' seems to be growing replete,
Specially now that Donald J. Trump is on the Driver's seat!
Our Diversity indeed ought not cause our Disunity;
Let us work in synergy with sincere commonality...
Excuse the gargoyles still attached to their own stupidity;
Soon they'll appreciate Trump's expertise in closing the real deal!
Even now candidates who sense constituents' discontent
No longer dare slur our Leader for seeking to improve our weal...
Come one & all to Donald J.Trump's Spacious/Salubrious Tent!
Escape from the clutches of Swamp leeches and the malcontent!

Friday, March 9, 2018


Now that Donald Trump is our much better President,
Our prayer is that Justice be made accessible;
We want all the D.C. Swamp leeches accountable!
How did SHE become so rich? Not by pure accident.
Even those paperless homeless street people know;
Returning them to Mexico is no way to go...
Exile them all to Staten Island or to Bedloe?
The Liberty Statue may grow wings and fly away too.
Offer the Farallon Isles; Gov.Brown can't say 'No'!
Give fellow human beings that 12-years citizenship endurance path.
Our suggestion: Funds from the Uranium sale can close the deal; Do the Math!

Thursday, March 8, 2018


Now that Donald J. Trump is our President,
Every leech wants him go through impeachment.
Vitriolic slurs are cast upon our leader,
Every good he does, critics don't consider.
Ridiculous to impeach since there's no sin
Made or done by him in his brief time in
Office; No crime is to him imputable.
Return to 'pay for play' is impossible;
Energizing voters--very probable!

*Will hilarious quid pro quo schemes
return to haunt your regime??

Quoth The Donald:- "NEVERMORE!"

Tuesday, March 6, 2018


Move On! Let's not be stuck with fruitless investigations,
Or trapped in the muck of fake or biased allegations.
View casual meetings with foreigners not as collusion
Engaging in treacherous plots against our own nation.

Our Leader's Aim:- Strengthen friendship bonds; Achieve Global Peace...
No more Nuclear Warfare threats; World Harmony in reprise!

(Special counsels, please take note...)


Memories of our college days and our unresolved debates
Exasperate until now some of my surviving classmates;
My argument:- Jesus, as human, was born from true woman.
On that premise, 'virgin birth' might have been via 'Ceasarean'.
Respect Mary by calling her Holy Mother of God's Son...
It's all right, but there's another point we could not agree on:-
Elevating Mary to Heaven in her physical form,
Since no restrooms could be there where she could properly perform.

*( I suggested the possibility of angelic or ET intervention, but
I was sneered at as extraterrestrials and UFOs were thought at
that time as pure science fiction or mass delusion...
Mary's visitations at Fatima clearly demonstrate she has already
transformed her corpus to pure radiant (divine) energy!)

Thursday, March 1, 2018


Life without Love is dark and gloom, seemingly not worth living;
Our Father's realm of bliss in Heaven, is that worth believing?
Vicissitudes and woe come and go, at least they're transient too;
Eternal Life & Love--God has already given to you!

LOVE (To the 6th Power)

Love can be sweet like true lovers' first kiss;
Love between soul mates gives them lasting bliss.
Love can inspire you to create great things;
Love can fool you to write stupid nothings.
Loves do fall like the dead leaves on your lawn;
Loves vanish like ghosts at the break of dawn...