Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Sunday, October 28, 2018


Zygosis begins when the sperm pierces the female ovum.
Your pregnancy, woman, starts with a spark--New Life in your womb!
Give the zygote a few months, you'll hear* its heart palpitating...
Of course, Pro-Choicers couldn't care less if its suffocating!
Some Planned Parenthood Centers treat aborted parts 'merchandise'!
I urge lawmakers to forbid this horrible enterprise,
Since we don't want God to give us another 'cleansing' surprise!!

*(with a stethoscope...)

Monday, October 22, 2018


Zoom to the zenith of your political career!
Every American patriot thanks you, have no fear.
Now other world leaders acknowledge your expertise;
It's true, the 'Art of the Deal' requires constant practice !
There is need for Equal Justice for 'good governing',
Hence, the Deep State crooks must be given their reckoning!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


You & I are created  by Almighty God...
Our souls are indestructible--Uncommon Clod;
Uncommon Man, stay away from Lucifer's Prod!