Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Sunday, March 10, 2019


 Queen of profitable quid pro quo schemes,
 Unwilling to surrender all her grand dreams...
 I knew you were never in a hurry-
 Didn't ever think you would retire so early!

 Proffer then to assist and astound!
'Russian' funds can give you a rebound!
 Our South Border Wall needs completion!

 Quietly please send your 'modest' Donation;
 Use your past position as justification.
 Our suggestion:- H.v. T.-*a repetition...!

        *(Hillary versus Trump)


FATE has given Donald J. Trump a TREMENDOUS ASSIGNMENT!
A sea change to a more trustworthy/transparent government.
To those who seek to prevent him from accomplishing his task:-
End your futile exercise;  Traitors, The Donald will unmask!


Evolution's direction for the human race
Viewed with optimism is to a higher phase...
Extinction, however, cannot  be discounted;
Nuclear global war can be easily mounted--
Tomorrow, even today, due to suspicion,
Unintended mishap or preemptive action,
Albeit groundless except pure desperation--
Lunacy on the part of some abused servants...
Let us not rely even on so-called savants.
You, human. must destroy all nuclear bombs & Plants!

Thursday, March 7, 2019


Don't be reminded that you are but dust...
Use your talents & skills on Earth;You must
Serve Mankind and be generous to all!
Take good care of yourself--Body & Soul!
Try Hard Work to be your life's legacy,
Or be a warrior so the world may see
Dead or dying patriot--the only one
Unafraid to fight the Devil's pawn!
Satan then becomes just a mere whetstone
That turns common dust to a STAR GEMSTONE!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Counter punching can indeed be an effective strategy;
Our President beyond doubt has plenty of such 'energy'.
Unquestionably, he has oft used it to purge treachery;
Nonetheless, his empathy toward our citizenry
Took his approval rating up to 90%, making
Every aspiring opponent for presidency shaking,
Raging, blaming the DNC for its incompetence!
People tire of asses constantly braying utter nonsense--
Underplaying the critical state of our south Border Wall!
None can win against our Champion driven by our Lord God's Call--
Chosen to lead our Nation to Greatness and our whole world to PEACE!
His goal- denuclearization- so global conflicts may CEASE!

Sunday, March 3, 2019


Baiting the citizenry with grandiose schemes
Is the Socialist's bag of impossible dreams.
Government cannot guarantee everything free;
Donald Trump with common sense can never agree!
Equality of riches leads to bankruptcy,*
And making people 'equal' is pure fantasy!
Laissez faire will reject DNC, I foresee!

   *Demand for the free handout (free goods & services)
      will increase and grow faster than exponential
      population growth while the rich may have
      already escaped with their wealth to safer havens.

Friday, March 1, 2019


Gavin Mason of the Alvarez dePeralta clan:-
A handsome beau gallant could be the Lord Creator's plan!
Verve and virtuosity will likely characterize
In due course your personality; You'll be the PRIZE
Not just for young ladies but for all--and no surprise!
Maybe you'll also be in Washington, D.C. someday;
As of today, you have become a Christian right away!
Our prayer:- May God grant you long life and may Love enfold
Not just you but our entire clan members too as we grow old...*

       *(Lord, please pour unto the impoverished members of
            the human race more share of Your Bounty, specially
            to the 'migrants' entering country. Our resources are
            getting depleted. Please increase our country's share
            a hundred thousand-fold!)


Attempts to ruin and oust President Trump
Gets nowhere beyond the junk yard or trash dump;
Envious losers/Trump-haters seem overjoyed
No deal was made, but with Un- Trump simply toyed;
DIMMs & RINOs are glad--Trump was made to jump
Albeit abruptly over Un-- a wee bump!

               BAD NEWS
Because Cohen testified that Trump is a racist
And allegedly a cheat, Trump-haters now insist
Delay no more filing for his impeachment!
Not only will this cause deeper division,
Exacerbate enmity in our Nation,
Will paralyze our Federal Government...!
Surely, 'Falsus Unum' needs no further comment.