Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Thursday, June 25, 2020


Vanished empires of Earth are several;
A list of those I know, only partial...
Not conceded- the Extraterrestrial;
It seems not too long ago, Rome crashing,
Sumerian, Mayan, even the Incan;
However, today I fear the vanishing
Empires could well be the American-
Destroyed; China equally perishing....

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


 Unconscionable conduct, uncouth,
 Unenlightened, unashamed, 
 Unruly statue-toppling rioters,  
 Unpatriotic thieving looters,
 Unpunished, they'll be flung
 Unto the vile dust from whence the sprung  *
 Unwept. unhonored, & unsung! *                                                                                                        

            *from 'The Lay of the Last Minstrel"
                    by Sir Walter Scott

Saturday, June 20, 2020


TREMENDOUS- Trump's favorite adjective...
Refers most likely to his SUCCESSES!
Example:- POTUS, his top objective...
Madam H.C.'s exposed huge excesses 
Evidently fueled Trump's Victory!
Now another Contest is impending;
Don't fret, D.J.T. is a Rarity:-
Our future 2-termer is now spending
Unorthodox campaign, youths attending,
So bye-bye Biden, no use pretending....*

         ("You're dead.")

Friday, June 19, 2020


Servility &/or appeasement tactics toward rogues
Encourage them to blather & brag like a pond full of frogs.
Repeating another 'Day of Infamy' is senseless;
Verily, our petri dish planet will become useless!
l wish we could learn from Jesus Christ and become pacifists.
Let's not use nuclear weaponry...why not just our bare fists??
Indeed, civility-not hostility-among the races of Mankind...
The paradox:- In this dog-eat-dog world, learn to be kind;
You must above all in the USA be colorblind!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Rogue nation headed by Xi Jinping
Obsessed in stealing & bullying
Got a stern warning from our POTUS;
Unless Xi stops acting ferocious,
Expect Beijing reduced to ashes!
Satellites can in multi-Flashes!

Thursday, June 11, 2020


Quasimodo, the Hunchback of Notre Dame
Unlike our POTUS who is stalwart & handsome
Are alike as each one carries his own burden;
So Q. shows his Hump, while gross things choke Trump's garden...
Incredible problems were left for Trump to solve;
Military arms upgrading he must now resolve.
Obama's help to rogue nations we can't absolve!
Doomed to witness all that Quasimodo loved--Destroyed;                                                                              On the other hand, Trump's second term-- None can avoid!


Thursday, June 4, 2020


Portentous is the Chinese invasion
Out there at the Spratley Isles location...
Reveals an inimical intention!
The sea lane there becomes their possession,

Eventually some toll collection??
No objection from Duterte's nation...
This is but a quid pro quo transaction???