Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


     Scientists claim all matter in this universe was formed out of the Big Bang - that huge explosion from an inconceivably dense 'singularity', and that therefore we can correctly state that all our material components, i.e., our blood, our hair, skin, bones, even our brain matter - all came from stardust. That steak and fries we are eating, the coffee we are sipping, the beer we are guzzling, this wonderful, beautiful. yet sometimes harsh, ever-evolving world around us, and (come to think of it) that misguided and/or brainwashed human being who seeks to do us harm--all creatures great and small, friends and enemies alike --we are all of the same origin--stardust!  Isn't it time for us then to appreciate our close bonds with each other, with our neighbor, even with complete strangers?  We need to look into the inmost components of our being and be able to admit that indeed we are part and parcel of Almighty God's creation; hence, instead of killing fellow human beings with IEDs, nuclear weapons, or deadly viruses, we ought to  treat with kindness, respect, perhaps with a bit more understanding and compassion our kin, our brothers from the stars.

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