This being the month when the Assumption of the Virgin Mary took place in Ephesus, I decided to take one more look at the traditional background of the event just to check if my earlier conclusions/findings were wrong. It appears that when the people who went to check the cavern or tomb where Mary's deceased body was placed, they found only the shroud but no body. They did not actually see Mary 'ascend' body and soul up into Heaven. They just supposed that she did 'ascend' body and soul because they found no body there. Finally, when the Pope declared as dogma Mary's Assumption, repeat, Assumption into Heaven, he did not say 'ascend', but rather 'assumed' body and soul to Heaven. One can be assumed into Heaven without having to ascend or rise up like a baloon to Heaven. In my view, the Assumption 'body' and soul of the Virgin Mary can only refer to a non-physical or 'transfigured' body which would not require the normal necessities of a normal human body, like food, oxygen, water, etc., otherwise where would such a physical body be in God's spiritual domain? And where in Heaven would the Virgin Mary go for her other normal human body necessities?
Oftentimes, we encounter seemingly improbable stories that on the surface appear absurd. Rather than rejecting them outright as pure fantastic tall tales, let us give the witness/es what we usually term "poetic license", for human speech can never fully nor truly describe events wrought by the 'hand of God'. By way of a final concession, always there seems to be an exception to any rule. Hidden in the midst of the common herd, a unique specimen may for a time remain unnoticed. Then all of a sudden something miraculous happens. Incredible, hard to believe, but undeniably true!
For instance, the law of gravity applies to all material/physical beings or things. All right, I was mistaken. Our Beloved, the Virgin Mary is The Exception!
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