Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Sunday, September 30, 2012


'Thou shalt not kill', said our Almighty Lord;
However, we still dare to flaunt His Word.
Over and over we engage in war,
Using deadly weapons, soon even nuclear.
Sensible people certainly must know
Havoc/chaos will spread and blood will flow;
Apocalypse, as foretold, could occur,
Looming perhaps just around the corner...
Terrorists bent on dealing destruction,
Not just against one civilized nation
Or neighbor but to all peoples on Earth,
To themselves too; So what's their 'jihad' worth?
Know they not what happened to Gomorrah?
I strongly suggest some learned mullah
Lift the veil of hate from our brothers' eyes,
Lest our whole unconciliable race dies!

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Acknowledging the inevitable
Determines one's appropriate action...
Vacillation risks annihilation.
Elapsed time shows incontrovertible
Rigidity of the rogue's objective:-
Supremacy of bloodthirsty Islam,
In spite of the Quran's imperative.
Thus, who urged our envoy killed, their Imam?
Yet, Uncle Sam must make a salaam...?

Monday, September 24, 2012


Try again, for losing is not in vain.
Rid from your mind those fears, forget the pain.
You can leap o'er that bar, reach for your star,
And you'll be what you imagine you are...
Go back first to our Lord God's Holy Place
And be replenished by His Divine Grace.
If you failed Him thrice, that is no disgrace.
Ne'er give up, for with God you'll win Life's race.


So you got scammed and you fumbled again;
May I remind you to close eyes and ears,
If promised rainbows by sirens in tears.
Let not be fooled by the same sad refrain,
Emptying your pockets gives you no gain.


The rage of the oppressed cannot be calmed by cold/clear reason;
Rogue bands have spread like wildfire during Sta.Ana season...
Attackers against United States officials abroad
Not only demonstrate a deep hatred for the West's inroad
Societal also cultural into their vast region.
Most observers could not see the root cause of this contagion:-
Underneath those soiled Middle Eastern robes, turbans, and trappings
There smoulder countless pyres of victims, fellow human beings
Exiled from their place in the sun by past conquerors and kings.
Do transmute hate with more compassion, not by dollar leavings...

Sunday, September 23, 2012


I do sometimes in thought fly back in time,
Not to relive some escapade or crime;
Though there are things that I recall in bed
Regurgitating my dinner with dread...
On one occasion, in silence I flew
Seventy years back to this rendevous:--
Payocpoc Norte's Gabaldon Building,
Elementary school teachers scolding
Children bound for Grade One but not in line;
There in the classroom I was safe and fine,
I had for my teacher--my own Mother.
On that day Mom said, "Let's sing together."
No pencil, no paper; But no bother...


Thursday, September 20, 2012


Never say you are 'not concerned' with your suffering neighbor.
Of course, you are; we all are, all good Christians are! Belabor
Not the stats that almost half our citizenry does not pay,
Could not or need not pay the Federal Income tax; Just say-
Here is what I plan to do if given your full trust and favor:-
A less intrusive central government, fewer bureaucrats,
Lower taxes, and no more loopholes for corporate fat cats;
A budget plan to effectively reduce our borrowings.
No more mere politesse 'gainst terrorist groups, no more warnings...
Claim, for every innocent life lost, a thousand from our foes,
Egregious killers whom even their own Deity disavows!

(The penultimate line above may need some expatiation:-
I would prefer that a thousand apologies, regrets, tears,
maybe epiphanies/illumined perceptions be our recompense from
our enemies. But as my Uncle Zaling once said, "By far, it is
more compassionate to kill a dog maddened by rabies than to let
it go free and spread its contagion.")

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


The American Flag is in flames in many lands...
How can anyone find Peace 'mongst these rioting bands?
Easy to shout "Death to America", e'en trampling
And kicking Old Glory to the dust; (A mere sampling...)
Rest assured there will soon be, after this Arab Spring,
A real conflagration that the Almighty will bring
Back to the slayers of innocent non-combatants,
So that they, their abettors, and other protestants
Properly may do jihad by batt'ling their own ills,
Rather than displaying their uncouth, barbaric skills.
Ignorance of diplomatic rules is no excuse;
No Arab Spring will last; No true Muslim can abuse
God's Mandate and His Ultimate Penalty refuse...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Marx' dream of achieving a classless society,
Also familiarly known as a 'socialist' state
Seems to work for communes; For a small community
That acts in synergy but could also deviate,
If necessary, from its central authority...
Communism for large and diverse aggrupations
Always fails, as demonstrated by various nations
That also experimented in 'lev'ling the field'...
Expect Barack Obama's to have a diff'rent yield?

Saturday, September 15, 2012


(When my pockets are empty, I sometimes
find myself doing soliloquies...)

Ask not what God ought give to you,
For He has given you enough;
For your eyes, He gave you a view
Of myriad stars and cosmic stuff,
Reminding you where you came from...
Discover more the gifts He gave:-
A mind inquisitive, not dumb;
Bestowed with Life from birth to grave,
Infused with an immortal soul!
Loved by a Compassionate God,
I feel the luckiest of all
To find myself above the sod...
Yes, world, the Lord has me in thrall!

Friday, September 14, 2012

DISHONOR (T0:___________________)

Did Allah or His Prophet order you to riot and kill
Innocent people who had nothing to do with the movie
Supposedly distorting your religious faith and your good-will?
Have you seen the film or just heard about it topsy-turvy?
Our deep respect for Mahomet and the Sacred Quran is true:-
Never will we spill the blood of those who know not what they do.
Obviously, those who slew our young,well-liked U.S.Ambassador
Reaped nothing for themselves but utter disgrace and DISHONOR!

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Wanton killers of inn'cent people are accurs'd!
All of them, their leaders too, shall suffer the worst
Retributive punishment that Our Lord can give.
No trespasser/slayer may be given reprieve;
International legal precepts must prevail!
No barbarian should be allowed to wreak travail...
God, show the wicked, their deeds are of no avail!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Beachcombing along Sweet Memories' shore,
Exploring for nuggets, treasures galore,
Looking for gems swept to me by Time's tide,
I suddenly remember I decried,
Eons ago so it seems, my soul mate
Fading away with the gray mists of Fate...
Could Eros fly beyond the sands of Time
And guide lost lovers to a better clime,
Not to where they will again be parted
But where forever Love is requited
Exultantly ecstatic and carefree?
Today on Pacifica's beach I see
Rocks, sand, some screeching sea gulls up above;
Unless my feeble mind is fooling me,
Each heartbeat is whisp'ring: "Here am I, Love!"

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Ensure your grip at Spirituality;
Soon you will shuffle off your mortal coil.
Clean house, strengthen your soul's fidelity,
All temptng mundane lures you now must foil.
Pack no baggage to your destination;
Enter free God's etheric dimension.

Friday, September 7, 2012


Survive as best you can with what you have;
Expect no helping hand, handout, or salve.
Live on income you have earned thru the years,
Forego freebies; On your own sweat and tears
Rely; On your Imagination too!
Exert your best and God will see you through.
Look not with envy at the filthy rich,
If you don't wish to stumble down a ditch;
And if someday you will at last prosper,
Need you be reminded on the proper
Course to take? Share God's Bounty but with care,
Each harvest time you will have more to spare.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


By now, it should be quite obvious to all--
A hybrid state is our President's goal,
Regrettably, he may have been naive,
As Greed detoured him from his objective;
Cronies who received 'stimulus' money
Kept most for themselves; It isn't funny.

Our nation must remain Freedom's bastion;
Businesses do need some regulation,
At best, a restrained and reasoned caution...
May there be less wealth accumulation,
And more joy in spreading our compassion.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Summing up: What ails the human race today?
Know then:- Man's Greed, this is the main reason why.
Engrossed in transient pursuits, to God's dismay,
People seem uncaring if the end is nigh,
Tho' there are a few who have expressed some fear;
Indeed, December 21st date is near!
Comets or meteors could on our Earth descend.
If this occurs, would it then spell mankind's end?
So long as there still remains one righteous soul,
Merciful God may yet deign to save us all.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Christ did not tell us to commit suicide;
Ourselves in good health we must keep with pride.
No,no! I will not turn my other cheek
Just to be struck again; I'm not that meek.
Expect me to avoid another blow,
Courage and common sense, I hope, I'll show
To calm down a fellow human being
Upset, perhaps unwell and unseeing...
Regard all persons as temples of God,
Even in anger we ought not spill blood.