Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Sunday, September 30, 2012


'Thou shalt not kill', said our Almighty Lord;
However, we still dare to flaunt His Word.
Over and over we engage in war,
Using deadly weapons, soon even nuclear.
Sensible people certainly must know
Havoc/chaos will spread and blood will flow;
Apocalypse, as foretold, could occur,
Looming perhaps just around the corner...
Terrorists bent on dealing destruction,
Not just against one civilized nation
Or neighbor but to all peoples on Earth,
To themselves too; So what's their 'jihad' worth?
Know they not what happened to Gomorrah?
I strongly suggest some learned mullah
Lift the veil of hate from our brothers' eyes,
Lest our whole unconciliable race dies!

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