Daily Musings
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Friday, September 16, 2011

The Big Bang (a revised version)

              A few days ago, Morgan Freeman reported a new version of the Big Bang which incorporates the idea of parallel and/or muliple universes.  It is now hypothesized that our cosmos is on (or in) a brane (or membrane) and that there are other branes, much like leaves or pages in a book.  About 13.7 billion years ago, our brane and another (probably parallel) brane came into contact with one another (like two hands clapping), resulting in the Big Bang, such that enormous energy from that other brane exploded into and spewed forth into our brane, thus creating the present cosmos we are in now.  It is possible that the Big Bang spewed into our brane the three different forms of matter/energy that cosmologists have named, to wit:- 4% ordinary matter (like the stars, galaxies, solar systems, etc. that formed or solidified about 7 billion years ago);  then 21% dark matter, which holds galaxies, star clusters, solar and planetary systems together; and 75% dark energy, which is also invisible with strong gravity and could be the force that is causing galaxies to accelerate or fly away from one another in all directions. It could also be surmised that dark energy may have been ejected subatomic quanta with speeds faster than light. Although invisible to humans, these must have spread faster and accumulated or piled up at the very rim or edges of our 'brane', thus attracting or pulling our galaxies away from one another. The alternative theory that a stronger repulsive force came out of the 'singularity' 7billion yeaars after the 'Big Bang' thus causing the accelerated expansion of the galaxies is hard for me to swallow. Shouldn't it be simpler to concede that it is the Creator's own invisible energy that is causing this attraction and acceleration?
              Extrapolating further from the above hypothesis, allow me to surmise that that other or parallel brane which blundered or bumped into ours must have been inhabited by beings possibly mostly constituted of living non-material energy; hence, unlike us with mostly material/physical components.  These alien beings could be the unexplained UFOs that have been visiting our world through various locations on Planet Earth as well as on other solar systems in the Milky Way where their brane somehow continues to have some point of contact and/or entry to ours. I suspect these beings can sense the energy patterns of our thoughts or even the divine spark of our souls. They may have perceived the powerful potentialities still hidden from mankind's full awareness.  Are they perhaps waiting for our continued development and 'enlightenment' before they openly contact us and communicate with us? Perhaps, they know, as we ourselves all know, that we have reached a critical fork on the road of our earthly existence--one leads to global desolation and extinction, the other to mankind's near deification.  We are no longer brutes; I trust we would be able to make the wiser choice.

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