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Monday, September 26, 2011

Who to Blame

                     With the popularity rating of our President diving to record lows, I keep asking myself if it is fair to keep pointing the 'blame' finger at him. It seems people have forgotten that we have three separate branches of government:- the legislative, the executive, and the judicial. Hence, if unpopular or bad laws were passed, the blame should be borne by the legislative branch. Perhaps, the President as Chief Executive may even refrain or refuse to implement or enforce a federal statute that he thinks will not be to the best interests of the citizenry. He may even ask the courts thru his subordinate executive officials to to rule on the constitutionality or legality of the measure (assuming that he had originally initiated or approved it in haste--as in the so-called universal health care law). Since many employers have evidently refrained from making any new-hires because of this new law, I think it is not too late for our leaders to take appropriate remedial action. Blaming the President is no remedy at all.

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