Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Friday, June 21, 2013


Astronomers peer deep into the sky at night,
Retrieving data from star- and galactic light.
They wonder why the entire cosmos is in flight;
It seems there's a Dark Energy but not in sight,
So galaxies are racing in all directions.
There must be a reason for their hectic motions...
Remember the whole universe is in God's Hands.
Yon Handiwork in Infinite Space He Expands.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


I cannot condemn a poor neighbor in pursuit of the Almighty Buck;
Let us not punish 'illegals' trying to find work or a bit of luck.
Let us give them a helping hand, an avenue for them to legalize
Eventually their status, so that they may be able to actualize
Giving to their loved ones a comfortable home and a brighter future.
After all, their forefathers did walk and thrive on this very same pasture!
Loving our neighbors is certainly not demonstrated by 'deporting',
Shooing away these huddled masses from our golden door is not sporting.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Jesus Christ:- If I claim He's True Man and True God,
Even a layman may think I'm a stupid clod,
Since that would concede a God in plurality.
Unum Deum, if composed of a Trinity
Seems illogical, an impossibility...

Compound things, however, are common in Nature;
H2O liquid is water simple and pure.
Rainbows reveal hues hidden in the sun's white light.
In the subatomic world, electrons in flight
Surround and revolve around their central proton
To form one atom; Likewise, the Godhead is One!

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Breathes there the leader who made people weep,
As promises he made he could not keep.
For instance, where's the level playing field?
'Forward' was his motto; What did it yield?
Forgotten, his avowed 'transparency';
Forsaken were the victims at Benghazi.
Look closely now at a 'tax' agency:-
Enlarged governmental bureaucracy
Did little to improve efficiency.

(I can't believe it!)

Saturday, June 1, 2013


In God, our Creator, we must always trust;
No reason to despair though dreams turn to dust.
God Almighty designs and sustains us all--
Our whole cosmos and all creatures great and small.
Do not fear Death's scythe nor his deadly potion.
Defy the Tempter; Give God full devotion...
Our purpose is to deserve His Love and Light.
To save stray souls lost in the darkness of night;
Reflect and share the Lord's Illumination,
Use His Radiance to sweep away damnation,
See screaming demons race swiftly back to Hell--
Trust God; the story of Mankind will end well.