Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Friday, August 31, 2018


Quotidian Trump's sweet tweets (as well sharp twits)
Unmask Fake News and turn/tear them all to bits!
Alas, Main Media is slow to realize
Their credibility now is a lost prize...
Rain more falsities on the public domain
And soon the disgusted voters will make plain--
 It will be Righteous Trump who will win the bout,
No doubt Leftists will be clobbered by his clout!

Thursday, August 30, 2018


Out of bounds drives are the bane of ultra strong golfers;
Unless you're a Pro, be content to play with duffers.
The week-end player can go home feeling satisfied
On having a birdie and no bogey score, which with pride
For his indulgent friends' info, he keeps repeating--
"But for that bunker, I could have improved my putting!"
On another subject--(politics, at the Clubhouse),
Unabashed Donald Trump supporter begins to grouse:-
November elections can produce many hackers...
Donald's Freedom checks will be targeted by scammers!
Suspects, of course, are techno-thieves/DNC backers.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


Prepare against probabilities & possibilities:
Reunification of adversaries is possible.
Exposure of the Deep State's conspiracies is probable.
Per Stephen Hawking, the world will end by the twenty-sixties.
A Vatican report will admit the presence of ET/s.
Revival of our Deist Founding Fathers' faith will occur.
Expect EMP onslaughts; Unsheltered millions will suffer.

Saturday, August 25, 2018


Originally I thought nobody would bother reading
Versified comments on current issues and development.
Encouraged by visits to my blog site for acrostic seeding,
Revitalizing my work is no longer for amusement.
Since Donald J. Trump won the last Presidential Election,
His impeachment has become his adversaries' obsession.
A witch hunt by Deep State members was designed to derail him;
Discovered recently is their scheme that will make their fates grim.
Our holier than thou acolytes of Barack Obama
With malign intent took part in the 'revolving door'drama.
Excellent advice:- Connect the dots & follow the money.
Don't mess with The Donald. lest you lose your entire baloney!


Negligence that is 'gross' is by law punishable;
'Extreme carelessness', per Comey, is excusable...
Good ground for him not to 'investigate' Hillary!
Let's review the FACTS on which most people do agree:-
Incontestable--She smashed her phone with a hammer,
Got a private server for her emails in Denver,
Evaded the truth re Benghazi--"Does it matter"!?
Never a 'mea culpa' for her quid pro quo schemes.
Could you concede the above are usual politicians' dreams??
"Expel that fog the Deep State created," Lady Justice screams!

Thursday, August 23, 2018


Must you keep digging for that pyrite 'Russian' collusion?
Under whose authority was your grand exploration?
Everybody knows Jeff Sessions quickly recused himself--
Likes to keep his dark Deep State secret in the storage shelf;
Leftists who thrived in the D.C. swamp are screeching, trying
Every feasible excuse to keep that bog from drying...
Reminder, Mueller, don't be the last one left for frying!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


Let's not lament that measly budget for the south Border Wall...
A stark proof that entry of VOTERS is a more serious goal!
Maybe, less expense will keep that bloated Bubble from bursting,
Except that homeless 'refugees' will do illegal tenting!
No need to worry, Pelosi will offer her own backyard...
To turn this nation great is breaking into pieces of shard.

Sunday, August 19, 2018


Kernels of truth have been confirmed by cosmologists:-
Energy is causing entire galaxies to expand...
Rather inexplicable--this 'unseen' force persists,
Nullifying Gravity's strength like a magic wand!
Election attraction is just around the corner...
Look! A Democrat voters' group made a U-Turner..!
Some 'truth kernels'* surround & shield Trump's Fake News Burner!

*(Solid, hard as granite pieces of plain, honest TRUTH.)


Just what is being planned by the Powers-that-be...?
Exactly what's in store for Madam Hillary...?
Our special counsels have spent millions already!
Perhaps what we're seeing are just theatricals...?
A parody contrived to appease the 'locals'...?
Rest not the People's Case against Deep State members;
Douse not with sloth or greed Freedom's dying embers!
Yield not to the Socialists' Yoke which encumbers!

Friday, August 17, 2018


It is risky to be too hasty,
Mistakes can occur, can be nasty...
Projects can't move in DISUNITY,
Aggravating the Calamity!
So mull the solution till next year...?
Someday Wall Completion will be 'near'...?
Entry of more VOTERS, have no fear!!


Hide not the daring accomplishments of our President.
All righteous & conservative TV stations should spread
The current stream of events without a biased content.
Confine reports to hard facts altho' some people may dread
Having their allegiances & secret/past loyalties
Exposed to the public glare & partisan critiquing.
Trump's morning tweets refer mostly to his adversaries...
Just gentle reminders he is still alive & kicking.
On the other hand, Trump can also perform a hatchet job...
Brennan got knocked out by our counter punching President's club!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Give our Dynamic Achiever President Trump a break;
At the very least, from us he deserves a fairer shake.
Unjust to keep on calling this Patriot unqualified;
No fainthearted namby pamby could have promptly defied
That hostile gauntlet of Fake Media and Envious Losers.
Let us chide the Deep State :---Stuck-in-the-muck devious doozers;
Exposure is made certain by D.J.T.'s  DC Swamp drain....
To that dried bog where they sucked, may they forever remain!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Frailty, thy name is woman...!
Rue the truth:- We're all human;
All of us are imperfect.
I too, of course, am suspect.
Let us focus on one Goal--
Try to strengthen our 'frail' soul...
You'll fly high after you fall!

Monday, August 13, 2018


Every winner was a loser...
Retribution -- Karma's bruiser.
God provides His Divine Vengeance
Or His Mercy for Repentance!
Do not envy victors today;
In your appointed time, you'll say:-
Come Nike!  Now you're Mine! HOOORAY!


Distorted pictures of our freedom-loving nation
Reported by movies & 'transporters' with persuasion
Enticed desperate families to seek 'asylum'....
At the border many were sent back--a straggling column.
Millions however have already slipped thru and are here;
Entry by many thousands more will occur, I fear.
Refusal of 'vote-hungry' lawmakers to build that Wall
Supports my surmise they too are dreamers after all...!


Come back to the Light
And let us not fight;
Let's rather unite
And test not His Might!
May our Lord be Kind,
If we have been blind...
The raging wildfires will subside--
Yes, if by His Side we abide!

  *(Message from the Right to the Left)

Sunday, August 12, 2018


By all means, Hillary, you must run again...
Expect we'll forget that Uranium sale stain?
Recall no more that Benghazi tragedy?
Excuse your quid pro quo schemes as comedy?
Full steam ahead; Let other Democrats squirm!
Truth to tell, you will give Trump his second term!

Friday, August 10, 2018


Aphasia is plaguing the DNC,
Particularly Madame Pelosi....
Her logic is Ultra ridiculous,
Appealing perhaps to the credulous.
Six million voters can't be all callous!
In the primaries,  a hint voters gave:-
A 5 blue wave became a 5 RED WAVE!!