Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Saturday, June 27, 2015


The truth is that we are not alone in God's vast Multiverse.
Regard with doubt those redacted reports, cover-ups, or worse...
Unusual to order our Armed Forces:- "Don't fight UFO/s!
"Those ETs do have superior weapons; Don't treat them as foes!"
Hurl missiles at them and whate'er you fire will strike you instead.
We must curb our hostility lest we be harmed or left dead;
It is wiser to befriend them and learn more from these beings;
Let us find how and why Time & Space seem to them mere playthings...
Let's gather, absorb, and use their superior technology;
Our dog-eat-dog world may also learn some new theology...
Unaided by these Guardians, we could have turned Earth desolate;
To pass thru our star-brethren's Stargate, we must demolish Hate!

Saturday, June 20, 2015


If I were God, I would make all people aware
Futility would be the end result to dare
Ignore or flout the 6th Commandment not to kill.
Why murder when by His Will the soul survives still?
E'en if nuclear bombs or gamma rays are employed,
Released from its corpus, it remains undestroyed!
Egregious deeds like the slayings at Charleston
Gave momentary doubt the Devil may have won...
Omniscient One, may your Divine Will be done;
Deflect Hatred from our hearts, don't leave us alone.

Thursday, June 18, 2015


To demonstrate or voice out your grievance,
Remember Gandhi's style of remonstrance.
Act humbly, peaceably; Be civilized.
Stop looting and leaving stores vandalized.
How fitting:- Trash trashes; Don't look askance!


Israel versus Iran,
Go-between American;
Netanyahu joins the game...
In due course, the world's aflame!
Tragic end we must avoid:-
Every nuke must be destroyed!


Use words as weapons in the battlefield;
Let us not to proselytizers yield...
Those brainwashed barbarians must be re-taught.
It is the peace-seekers' duty who ought
Make plain and clear the meaning of 'jihad'.
Atrocities will not make Allah glad.
To end their genocidal cruelties
Use the Quran scholar's abilities.
May his words win the War and bring us Peace.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

DISENGAGE (Another Memo)

Disengage yourself from the turmoil of politics;
Insulate yourself from opportunistic cronies.
Stay calm though many 'advisers' are in hysterics;
End your trust/reliance on self-seeking phonies.
Never surrender the American Dream to rascals!
Go back to the breakthrough point of your life's adventures...
Ask yourself:- Was your performance mere theatricals?
God knows you made some missteps and some expenditures,
Even so, righteous/resilient Uncle Sam endures.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

LEGACY (Memo for President Obama)

Let not your term expire without endeavoring to inspire;
Engage actively and with resolve our nation's problems dire.
Give no excuse nor embellishment to miscues in the past;
Accomplish with bipartisan support something that will last...
Correct the Ship of State's direction before it is too late;
You, if you wish, can vanquish that so-called global caliphate!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Read this with some reservations, if you wish:-
Empires rise and fall, many species vanish...
Planet Earth's placement at the 'Goldilocks' zone
Likely was pre-selected and God-designed;
Also, we are apparently not alone.
Clear, convincing proof to an inquiring mind:-
Extraterrestrials, UFO/s, USO/s
Made contact with and helped us human beings
Eons ago and they still do...(This one knows!)
No, they're not illusions or imaginings;
They are here to help us start 'New Beginnings'!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Quixotic--to joust against a giant windmill;
Unusual--to be persuaded to join ISIL...
Insane--to pray that Allah destroy all Christians;
Xposed--ISIL's true 'face' thru its savage actions.
Our query:- Why attempt to destroy Uncle Sam?
To set up your global caliphate? What a sham!
If not even Sunni nor Shiite can agree,
Could not the rest of us also wish to be free?

Monday, June 8, 2015


That infant is looking at you with her trusting eyes;
Have you, Jihadist, the heart to kill her where she lies?
Uncounted are the numerous slain you've left behind!
Go lightly, you may stumble over them; Are you blind?,
Stop killing the helpless, your Prophet said; Please be kind!


The slaying of children, women, and other non-combatants
Has shocked even the moderate Muslim non-participants;
Unless ISIL halts this horrendous and barbaric practice
God will surely render unto these thugs His Divine Justice...
Shall we witness His 'Reminder' before the winter solstice?