Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Friday, July 28, 2017


There lurks a dark suspicion in my mind
Why McCain voted "Nay" to its repeal:-
Expose ObamaCare so all may find
A health care law that offers NO GOOD DEAL.
Keep 'tweaking' then till close to voting time
So citizens will with certainty know
Who to support as their candidate prime...
I do hope we will have a much improved health care law-
(Not like Obama's)-affordable and without flaw.


Do unto others what you want our Lord do unto you...
Our 'theory' amends Lex Talionis which the Romans knew,
But is actually the 'better' side of that Latin phrase--
'Eye for an eye', a maxim that can't be used nowadays...
How could you claim your foe's eye when you're turned to dust by 'NUKE'?
Unusable now all 'globally' deadly weaponry.
Most world leaders know Nuclear War gives a fatal rebuke:-
Ah, there are a few rogues whose brains are rabid, quite scary!
Need we let them drag Mankind to the depths of the insane?
Exert a bit of logic, Human:-Add 'E'...be HUMANE!!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

ACCEPTANCE (Another note for D.J.T.)

Accepting your own surrogates' limitations
Cannot or ought not to trap your aspirations.
Consider Hawking's physical infirmity
Embarked him to explore quantum reality...
Pursue too the tasks that God has given to you,
Though the challenges confronting you are not few...
Alas, your predecessor did leave a HUGE MESS!
Nevertheless, you need to secure our Congress'
Cooperation; Give words of INSPIRATION--
Example,-your 'JAMBOREE' Speech:- LOVE OUR NATION!!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017


We human beings have many imperfections,
Including some ridiculous superstitions-
Such as staying home on the 13th, if Friday.
"Deliver us, Lord, from Evil," believers pray...
One more gift from God--a beautiful summer's day-
Might have been spent for play--will sadly fly away.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Shenanigans in the Senate
Have placed bills on a broken plate...
Erase hopes for their swift passage!
(No lawmaker pays demurrage...)
And so the end result could be
Nothing much will be done, you'll see;
I fear more pressing problems will
Gain momentum; No time to kill
As 'lawmaking' may have stood still:-
North Korea bombs Japan by 'ACCIDENT'!-
See that wormhole where all mankind will be sent!!!

Sunday, July 23, 2017


There is not a moment on Earth that God is not with you.
Have you thought deep enough to realize that this is true?
If not, NOW must you demonstrate to Him indeed you do!
Now must you prove to the Lord that you choose His Company;
Know and go His Way lest you lose your Divine Destiny!

Friday, July 21, 2017


My view is that our Government should not engage
In the business of health insurance coverage,
Since most 'single-payer' arrangements do stifle
True competition and markets become idle.
All unearned 'entitlements', such as Medicaid
Keep expanding and OVER-EXPANDING; I'm afraid
Eventually Sam, like his albatross, will be dead!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Ululating 'Allah Akbar!' while slaying the innocent
Reduces that murderer's 'howl' to a putrid excrement...!
Give reverence by obeying, not breaking God's Commandment.
Educated Muslims--Have courage to spread enlightenment!
Not voicing objection to Islam's misinterpretation
Could cause the demise of Gabriel's dictates as a religion.
You, I, and all Humanity could even face...EXTINCTION!!

Monday, July 17, 2017


Fools try to make our President look 'feckless'!;
A category down which his predecessor
Keeled for having been so utterly useless;
Exact apposite, B.O.'s gutsy successor...
Republicans, conservatives--We must UNITE!!
Your Thunderous Support should make the 'Crats' take flight!

Saturday, July 15, 2017

DARE TO BE TRUE * ( Urgent Note to Republican Lawmakers)

Don't let mere partisanship and self-
Aggrandizement befuddle you with pelf!
Remember, we voters rely on you,
Elected you to office to be true,
Transparent despite your 'protocol'...
Obamacare is on a 'death spiral'
But blockers to its repeal are viral!!??
Empowering an ogre government
To end laissez faire is no improvement;
Return to Free Market competition,
Unchain Talent to test Innovation,
Extricate us from CRUEL TAXATION!

*(What is your excuse for hindering passage of
the President's reform agenda, despite your
having the majority in both the Lower House
& the Senate???)

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Completing one's enlightenment may take more than one lifetime;
Also, changes in religious beliefs seem cheap as a dime.
Variations in individual bias, education, insights--
Experiences, such as Enoch's fantastic travels or flights
Are so powerful, their impacts overwhelm the human mind!
Thus, in choosing one's Almighty Master, one must not be BLIND!

Explorers, beware of medieval, ossified beliefs!
Move fast and away from proselytizing imams, caliphs
Persuading you to kill all Americans as well as Jews!
The Message of God comes from Christ--His Beatitudes' GOOD NEWS!
Our Lord is Pervasive, Immanent, Present in all of us!
Ruining, destroying God's Temples/Us is SACRILEGIOUS!

Monday, July 10, 2017


Demand enforcement of existing laws
Until they are repealed or amended...
Repeal Obamacare--too many flaws!
Allow us to know what is intended!

Let voters have total transparency:-
Earmarks should be published for all to see;
Xenoliths should prove a bill's 'purity'???

Sunday, July 9, 2017


Give our President a boost, not a boo!
Inspire him please to work harder for you;
Vitriol, fake news are discouraging...
Every lawmaker should be engaging
And cooperating in the approval
Before their August vacation of vital
Orders or bills pending before the Senate...
Our HOPE:- Tax Reform will face an 'open gate';
Swift ending to Obama Care penalties;
Terminate too MEDICAID anomalies!

Saturday, July 8, 2017


Wait and see before you judge;
Ask US (voters)--He's no drudge!
Irksome liars seek to stress,
Try to put him in distress!!
Schumer you for sure will find
Every spiteful slur you grind
Even now has made you BLIND!!

Thursday, July 6, 2017


A meeting today of our world leaders
Could prove the worth of global peace pleaders:-
Turn your foes to friends and achieve World Peace...
No more bloody wars, no more enemies!
Our biosphere will be revitalized!
With God, Mankind's hopes will be realized!

Monday, July 3, 2017

TAKE HEED (Note for our Lawmakers)

Take heed! The Right will in the end prevail,
And Leftists will be left behind--for sure!
'Kicking cans' proved to be of no avail;
Enough with this lazy man's half-measure!
Have McConnell use his 'nuclear option'!
Earmarks could be causing the distraction..?
Expose to public view those with perverse
Demands! May they be voted out...or worse!!!