Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Saturday, October 31, 2020


                         Yesterdays pile up and soon become yesteryears;               

                         Entombed in that heap are countless angst, tears, and fears.

                         Some issues pertain to the election, see below:-

                         The autumn leaves are whispering " Joe you'll have to go..."

                         Expect Biden to wilt, for the voters are not blind;

                         Regretfully his Ukraine gig put him in a bind !  

                         Did he not know Lucre & Power are Satan's tools?

                         Alas, now he is stuck in the muck of lying fools!

                         You, Voter, don't be misled by Socialist ghouls!!

                         Support Donald J. Trump for he abides by the rules!


Sunday, August 30, 2020


           Xenocurrencies like the U.S. dollar

                       Experience some shifts in purchasing value;
                       Now we are seeing gold surge to heights stellar!
                       Our conservative economists view
                       China's plan to back their yuan with real gold
                       Upsets the pace of our weapon's upgrading...
                       Recall too the time when Japan's paper notes
                       Redecorated walls- (reached zero downgrading!)  
                       Even a full sack can't buy a meal of oats!
                       Now we too must back our currency with gold...
                       Calm down, China's past will follow the same mold:-  
                       You can rely on Uncle Sam; On China--don't be so bold!

Thursday, July 2, 2020


    •   Why do you allow the devil Discord                                                                                        Here in our petri dish Planet, O Lord?                                                                                      You will learn the value of Accord                                                                                                Why can't mankind stop engaging in wars?                                                                        "Human beings come from exploding stars;""                                                                "Your school education has been a farce."                                                                                 Why can't we like angels fly to you, God?                                                                                 Have you doomed us to be just common sod?                                                                    "Your Fate is to be godly, not a clod!"

Thursday, June 25, 2020


Vanished empires of Earth are several;
A list of those I know, only partial...
Not conceded- the Extraterrestrial;
It seems not too long ago, Rome crashing,
Sumerian, Mayan, even the Incan;
However, today I fear the vanishing
Empires could well be the American-
Destroyed; China equally perishing....

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


 Unconscionable conduct, uncouth,
 Unenlightened, unashamed, 
 Unruly statue-toppling rioters,  
 Unpatriotic thieving looters,
 Unpunished, they'll be flung
 Unto the vile dust from whence the sprung  *
 Unwept. unhonored, & unsung! *                                                                                                        

            *from 'The Lay of the Last Minstrel"
                    by Sir Walter Scott

Saturday, June 20, 2020


TREMENDOUS- Trump's favorite adjective...
Refers most likely to his SUCCESSES!
Example:- POTUS, his top objective...
Madam H.C.'s exposed huge excesses 
Evidently fueled Trump's Victory!
Now another Contest is impending;
Don't fret, D.J.T. is a Rarity:-
Our future 2-termer is now spending
Unorthodox campaign, youths attending,
So bye-bye Biden, no use pretending....*

         ("You're dead.")

Friday, June 19, 2020


Servility &/or appeasement tactics toward rogues
Encourage them to blather & brag like a pond full of frogs.
Repeating another 'Day of Infamy' is senseless;
Verily, our petri dish planet will become useless!
l wish we could learn from Jesus Christ and become pacifists.
Let's not use nuclear weaponry...why not just our bare fists??
Indeed, civility-not hostility-among the races of Mankind...
The paradox:- In this dog-eat-dog world, learn to be kind;
You must above all in the USA be colorblind!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Rogue nation headed by Xi Jinping
Obsessed in stealing & bullying
Got a stern warning from our POTUS;
Unless Xi stops acting ferocious,
Expect Beijing reduced to ashes!
Satellites can in multi-Flashes!

Thursday, June 11, 2020


Quasimodo, the Hunchback of Notre Dame
Unlike our POTUS who is stalwart & handsome
Are alike as each one carries his own burden;
So Q. shows his Hump, while gross things choke Trump's garden...
Incredible problems were left for Trump to solve;
Military arms upgrading he must now resolve.
Obama's help to rogue nations we can't absolve!
Doomed to witness all that Quasimodo loved--Destroyed;                                                                              On the other hand, Trump's second term-- None can avoid!


Thursday, June 4, 2020


Portentous is the Chinese invasion
Out there at the Spratley Isles location...
Reveals an inimical intention!
The sea lane there becomes their possession,

Eventually some toll collection??
No objection from Duterte's nation...
This is but a quid pro quo transaction???

Sunday, May 31, 2020


Oppressors wrongs cannot escape their karmic corollaries.
Proud men's contumelies will harm themselves and their families;
Poor stewards of God's Bounty will suffer stern reprimand.
Rogue aliens, riot inciters should be banished from our land.
ET/s presence should come from MUFON, not from Vatican.
Swamp leeches should all be drained out if D.J.T. still can...
Stop not your homework lock-downed retiree 
Our focus should not be distracted by partisan rumor.
Recession has several times been predicted sans humor,
Surely more Med/Tech-Breakthroughs will soon halt that viral tumor.

Friday, May 29, 2020


Noblesse Oblige was obviously forgotten;
Our citizenry don't like to see brazen
Brutality against a handcuffed captive.
Law enforcers ought to be more proactive,
Especially since prey was pinned to the ground...
So tell him to stand up, he is prison bound,
Surely the chaos could have been avoided,
Except for this reason:- We're DISUNITED!

Our viral pandemic did not strengthen us;
Bankruptcy Court filings appear to be furious,
Lines to banks, markets, pharmacies are long;
I fear this battle will cost more than a song!
God, kindly let not our suffering prolong;
'E Pluribus ...' Why can't we all get along?

Thursday, May 28, 2020


Make way for our President
As he flies on Nike's wings
To his second assignment!
Tzi shows some arrows & slings...
Evidently imminent,
Requiring some alertness;
Homeland Defense preparedness...
Our nuke arms ought not be in play--
Reduce not Earth to dust or clay.
No other way...no place to stay!!

Friday, May 22, 2020


Learn to speak clearly with Humility!
Especially never say "You ain't Black!"
Are you not classed, Sir, with Gentility?
Revealing you're not color-blind? Alack!
Now who is burdened with Senility?!

Thursday, May 21, 2020


Keep doing good work, Mr. President!
All naysayers will soon become silent;
Ride with Winged Nike this November!
Many D'rats will be suff'ring distemper,
And in his hidey hole- find the Groper!

Sunday, May 17, 2020


Jesting cartoon characters can sweep away
Our woes and frustrations at the end of day;
Let us watch Bugs Bunny, Tom and Jerry too;
Let's not forget that French romancer--Le Phew!
Icon for persistence is stubborn Wile--
The plucky coyote but most unlucky!
You can go to bed smiling supposedly...

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


 Isn't it time to make more people accountable?
 Nancy's stall brought more aliens here - unlaudable,
 Creating profusion of tent cities on pavement,
 Altering tourists' high hopes with disappointment:-
 Redecorating parks with human excrement,
 Closing access to our city's beach locations!
 Expenses for the emergency ablutions
 Require likely much more than the usual amount;
And what has Madam House Speaker done about that?
"Together we'll work!" Unity is paramount!
Easy to plot 'gainst Trump; To clean up--NOT A SQUAT!


Monday, May 11, 2020


It should be about time 
Now to incarcerate
Clinton H. for her crime...
Actually I don't hate
Releasing her by evening
Conditioned on her joining 
Election campaigning...
Repeating her defeat
Again & complaining
The vote is incomplete.
Excuse-viral deplete!

Sunday, May 10, 2020


Here we are on a petri dish called Planet
Earth--a place in which God's gift-the Internet
Attracts Evil including Satan, the Beast;
Violent acts occur daily to say the least.
'E Pluribus Unum' seems to have been trashed;
Now Mankind's Pursuit for Quid is unabashed!
So for succor God sent us not just a dole--
Expert of the Deal to drag us out the hole!
Not only did God chose wisely--the Best of All!!
Triumph after Triumph, he'll win from Pole to Pole!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2020


God knows the past, present and the future;
Omniscient as well Omnipresent...
Destinies of every living creature--
Kings with secret burdens & discontent;
Not even a dying sparrow falling
Or an autumn leaf to Earth spiraling
Will escape recording in Divine prose--
Since God is closer to all than one's nose!

Thursday, May 7, 2020


Fallen Archangel, Lucifer the Light Bearer
Actually started among the top angelic host...
Loved by our Creator, he got an important post;
Like Lilith, he turned out to be our Lord's Defier.
Every sword must be unsheathed to be given a hone...
Now see Lucifer tasked to be humankind's whetstone!

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Emissaries from our Almighty God
Are sent here to teach ignoramuses,
Guide struggling strays away from Satan's crud,
Enlighten them with ten tips from Moses,
Remind all that only God can grant us
Brotherly love, universal Peace
Eternal! No more conflicts egregious!
An Age where bloody wars finally cease!
Very soon our Space Flight technology
Enhanced by the ET/s kind synergy
Rewards Mankind with the skill to explore
Safely places where we've not gone before! 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


  Deny that an Almighty God exists?
  Ergo, Fear not Satan, he's just god-made.
  Flee from the herd and join the atheists.
  Illness, delusion, vision in degrade
  Affect minds, tyrants into Marquis du Said!
  Nihilists do concede their perdition...
 "Cogito ergo sum!" More confusion!
 Expand ken with time; No extreme unction.

Sunday, April 26, 2020


 Corona virus could be God's karmic consequence-
 Aborting millions of babies-a ghastly offense!                                                                                          Looks like both the Almighty's Warning & Punishment!  
 A violation of International Law
 Must be given a swift & stronger Counter blow!
 If I were God, I'd also give breachers suffering;
 To their leaders, though:-It's Peace we are offering...
 In truth, this pandemic may force us to UNITE!
 Ending this virus' life was never out of sight!
 Simply use M. Wright's therapy to end the Fight! *

        * (.Check my acrostic titled 'Jeopardy'
            posted at this Blog Site- Skep's Place.)


Beyonders in multiverses believe
ET/s are present on our Planet Earth;
Your suspicions are right, they don't deceive!
Our government supports MUFON sans dearth.
New sightings are still being reported;
D.J.T. may be receiving guidance,
Even physically-close supported
Regardless of location or distance 
So to provide guidance & assistance

Saturday, April 25, 2020


All the Daly City churches were full
Because the occasion was Easter Sunday;
Someone gave me a jostle and a pull,
"Old grandpa, please let me go in to pray."
"Lady, there's no more room in there," I said.
Unwittingly I did step on her veil...
Trapped by my foot, thought I'd get her tirade...
"I'm sorry, Madam. Don't send me to jail"
"On this day, all missteps are forgiven!"
Noting her smile, she knows Christ has risen!


Tuesday, March 24, 2020


What ails you now, Sir Skep, this showery morning..?
A fast-growing virus has become pandemic!
This could be a watershed we may be mourning. 
Event that tests our logic without panic:-
Resolute scientific research should reveal
Some viral diseases like flu we can now heal!
H2O2* *can kill cancer cells on contact!
Ergo, it too can kill 'corona', that's a FACT!
Don't hide Mary Wright's work. Now is the time to Act!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              * *( 2 spritzes of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of non-fat milk
    or pure filtered water imbibed twice or 3 times a day will
   'persuade' the cancer cells to commit suicide (or go into


Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Vexing a savage female of the human species,
If a virago, her tongue can cut to pieces!
Razor-edged nails can scarify your handsome face,
And your once virile manhood will droop in disgrace!
Good exemplars:-a saxophonist and his spouse--
Observe who is dragging the louse outside their house!

Sunday, March 8, 2020


Urgent matters that require our President's attention:-
Rogue nations test new arms, may have aggressive intention.
Grave faux pas setting aside the VFA commitment;
Eyeing China's Spratley isles invasion sans help or comment;
Not asking for new offices' record of accomplishments...
Try the Consumer Fraud Protection with my compliments. *

    *I've sent a number of referrals to the Bureau over the past 
few months but have received no response or advice from said 
agency to date.

Saturday, March 7, 2020


 Transition to the divine Dimensions
 Requires shuffling off of our mortal coil;                                                                                               A respite from earth-bound Angst and Passions;
 Nonetheless, we may yet return to toil,
 Sweat and groan to conquer more temptations.
 Immortality has its 'penalty':-
 Thus, the human soul's reincarnation
 Is to strengthen its capability
 Of resisting the Devil's temptation...
 Nearer to God's Heaven & Perfection.

Thursday, March 5, 2020


Surrogates and acolytes of Obama's past regime
Will be facing their respective reckoning most grim...
Expect the burden, blame, & blast will inexorably
Explode on Barack Obama's head..; Undeniably
Taking him to the topmost list of History's fakers!
Remember his no secret 'family name members-takers';
Examine his Hawaiian v. Kenyan birth falsities.
Verify if true his Iranian 'generosities'!
Extract from Hillary Clinton who ordered her to lie
Not just re Benghazi, the Uranium deal too & why!?
Good sense tells us the stench of Treason has risen sky-high;
Equal Justice...Is the Lady still blind? Trump says she's nigh!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Rogues are mostly loud-mouthed liars;
Oft their tongues are used like pliers...
Gleefully scamming young players.
Unsafe to deal with dealer rogues
Enriched by their illegal drugs.
Son, take flight from these slimy frogs!

Sunday, March 1, 2020


     Remember Human, your  true self is immortal!
     Endure Life's vicissitudes for none is fatal;
     Mostly, you'll feel aches & pains that are temporal...
     Indeed, the Grim Reaper will not give the viral
     New pandemic that will send mankind the final
     Death blow;  Tyrants & Traitors end up being flung                                                                                 Eventually to that vile muck from whence they sprung!                                                                          Remember the pledge to drain the SWAMP & from whose tongue!!

Saturday, February 29, 2020


Questing, my friend, for a new Paradise?
Unfortunately, now is not yet wise;
Our planet, though, is still habitable...

Vacant spaces can be made livable.
Aridity of land--solvable;
Deserts, even oceans are possible...
If UFO/s, USO/s, & ET/s
Stay &/or hang out there, then so can we!

Friday, February 28, 2020


Plethora of vile/venomous
Labels are cast at D.J.T.!
Every adjective--scurrilous..!
(Themselves they describe to a "T"!)
Have they not checked the polls lately?
Our supporters numbers surging,
Rallies by Dem'Crats are plunging...
(Asses to a deep pit launching!)

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Our national elections are impending.
Unguarded counting computers are sending
Reprogrammed stats favoring some candidates!
False poll results here in the United States??!!
An unbelievable (but true??) incident!
Unless all that occurs is with God's consent...
Let us make sure that the powers-that-be take
Time to test those machines, For Goodness Sake!

Sunday, February 23, 2020


Our Supreme Court Justices need not reach senility;
Let us make them serve never beyond the age of eighty.
Defying our Commander-in-Chief's 'Safety' judgment is Risky!

A disguised jihadist who pretends to be deaf and dumb,
Gains entry into Illinois and makes a shrapnel bomb;
Explodes it in a crowd, crying "Allah is Great!"...with aplomb?!

Saturday, February 22, 2020


New breakthroughs, novel technologies!
Expect commencement of a New Age..!
We want safe and healthy families.
A-I can turn for us that bright page...
Going to visit Mars tomorrow!
ET/s' ken & skill we may borrow.

Sunday, February 16, 2020


Morpheus must have made the DNC go to sleep;
Our President's mordant tongue made Shifty Schiff weep.
Rouhani/Koumeini have grim harvests to reap...
Did not a pacifist say- "Live Long & suffer??"
And now China has a virus plague to offer.
Nevertheless, our President Donald J. Trump
Triumphs again with that tremendous Triple Jump!

Saturday, February 15, 2020


Love God for He is our Creator,                                   
Our Omnipresent Guide/Protector
Viewing his Multiverse Creations,
Executing karmic Solutions,
Giving penalties & fair rewards;
Oft cutting evil plots into shards..
DNC's ? Please find 'mongst the discards!
                  ///       ///
 Live long and suffer said the pacifist                       
 In his part time state as a nihilist.
Verities cannot be doubted away;
Even more real-- our Cosmos, by the way...
Likely to occur--galaxies barging-                                                                                                            Our Milky Way and its neighbor merging
Not soon:- five billion years in the future
Guess:- Will Mankind be still around?--Not Sure.


Friday, February 14, 2020


 Knowledgeable in the 'Art of the Deal',
 Never flustered in his campaign sallies,
 Our President's next TRIUMPH he can feel...
"Win Again!"-Voters shout during rallies!
 How can deranged/demonized 'Crats win??
 Our Champ wears Truth- his impregnable skin!
 Witness his confidence, his crooked grin!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Jeopardy's host is in jeopardy;
E'en Rush Limbaugh has same malady!
Our killer ailment seems to be spreading.
Partly to blame- Greed which kept hiding
Apoptosis:-(Cancer cell suiciding!)*
Researched by Mary Wright decades ago,
Defended by author Kevin Trudeau!
You now know, so spread the info below!**

***H2O2- a couple of foodgrade liquid hydrogen peroxide
      in a glass of warm water every morning and evening
      can persuade cancer growths and/or tumors to go on
      apoptosis.  Direct injection into the cancerous growth may
      be needed for patients who are in 4th stage of the disease.

Monday, February 10, 2020


Inculcate to countless Millennial minds
Not to fear Death for the Human Soul binds
Completely and also fore'er with God.
Useless to run and hide 'neath mud or sod...
Let no one smirk you are a stupid clod.
Consider Death just a brief transition;
A deep-scarred Soul needs purification
Then new tests after reincarnation.
Eternal Bliss--still our Destination!!


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Not only that the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Inculcate to countless millennial minds 
Never fear Death for the Human Soul binds                        
Inculcate countless millennial minds;
Never fear Death for the Human Soul binds
Completely, also forever with God!
Useless to run and hide 'neath mud or sod...
Let no one know you are a stupid clod;
Consider Death just a brief transition--
A stained Spirit needs purification,                                                                                                   Then new tasks after reincarnation;
Eternal Bliss- still our Destination!!

Sunday, February 9, 2020


Heaven knows no greater fury than a woman scorned!?
Ah, but here on Earth we have Nancy Pelosi spurned...
TV failed to hide her tantrums from the public glare--
Ripping/tearing pages of D.J.T.''s SOTU speech!
Even her threat against Trump, people didn't seem to care:-
Declaring he'll forever be remembered as IMPEACHED!l

Doom & Gloom now swirl in many Democrat enclaves.
Older leaders like Sanders, Biden, & Hillary
Only likely will improve The Donald's Victory.
My second choice* is Mike Bloomberg- For he also craves
Succeeding a Winner;  Like Trump-- Mike loves our Country!