Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Harmonious melodies from an earlier age
Are seldom heard nowadays.
Reverberating raucous noise from the stage
Makes me feel I'm out of place.
Oh,take me back to the time when my heart was young!
No harsh words, with dulcet phrase-
Youths serenaded sweethearts who replied in song...

Friday, February 15, 2013


From Sta. Magdalena town in Sorsogon,
Like a jasmine flow'r that was by an angel thrown,
Onto my lap you fell, bringing joy to our house;
Revived by your kind care, I'm now your lucky spouse!
I'm certain that our Lord did purposely assign
'Da so that I may toe His straight and narrow line...
And so be it:- Please always be my Valentine!

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Congratulations and best wishes on your eighteenth birthday!
Remain true to your name and your dazzle will not fade away.;
Your debut prefigures your becoming a lady in bloom,
So sparkle ever bright and sweep away Life's sorrows and gloom.
Tonight myriad stars greet you and beckon--they're all reachable;
All grand dreams and lofty goals you strive for are achievable.
Lean close to Christ, Crystal, and spread wide His Light Ineffable!