Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Sunday, January 31, 2016


Don't be surprised if in a not too distant future
Uranium will produce a nuclear peradventure;
More than thrice unpublicized plant meltdowns did occur.
Must we continue to ignore the risk...and suffer?
Iran's alleged peaceful electric energy goal
Expands easily to nuclear bombs against us all...
SURPRISE! Corium will also be giving them a call!

Thursday, January 28, 2016


Grotesque behavior is oft times laughable;
Remember, public acts are observable...
Objects of art were draped and hidden from view
To keep Rouhani's eyes from getting askew!
Except, I think, a bit of cultural shock
Should persuade him to help enlighten his flock.
Quite presumptuous, though, to make assumptions...
Unlettered Muslims have innate conceptions;
Educated ones admire Art Creations.
Respect one another's idiosyncrasy...
You hide Art? That's a mental deficiency!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Some victims of barbarians were like sheep,
Led to slaughter without a bleat or peep;
Americans too may be massacred,
Unless the killer cells here are conquered...
Giving them asylum as 'refugees',
Trebles our fears to sure-fire certainties.
Extend better protection to us, please!
Re-armed, we can walk boldly & in peace!

SCOTUS (A Note for the Supreme Court Justices)

Soon after the San Bernardino tragedy,
Commander-in-Chief proposes this remedy:-
Our right to bear arms will be tampered with again!
The Constitution's guarantee is clear and plain;
Unless constrained, he will legislate with his pen...
Surely, Sirs, You won't let this mockery happen!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

POTUS (A Note for the Winning Candidate)

Please don't be a secret Saboteur
Or just a gullible Amateur;
Take the front seat in World Leadership.
Use techno-skills for one-upmanship,
Stay away from risky brinkmanship!

Thursday, January 21, 2016


(The Science Channel on TV reports a ratio of
80% good microbes to 20% bad can still keep
the human corpus in quite a healthy condition.)

Be aware of the many conflicts raging within you;
Everyone is invaded by a motley microbe crew.
A 20 to 80 percent ratio of bad and good
Warring microbes can keep most humans in a happy mood....
Another war between your Super Ego and your Id
Retests the strength and weaknesses of your spiritual grid.
Every covetous thought hid in your mind you must get rid!

Monday, January 18, 2016


Vote wisely this time; End Obama's 'kingly' ministration;
Our Ship of State is now wallowing in perilous waters.
That taxing leftist route he sailed to was a misdirection...
Elect Builder, Negotiator, Top Favorite of Voters-
World-renowned, Successful Billionaire Businessman, Mr. Trump!
It's for sure he'll exceed many doubters' prognostications,
Since he'll never be any SuperPac's Marionette or Chump.
Enemies will learn our strength is beyond their expectations...
Let's also be more discerning in political affairs:-
You, Citizen, must stop Parties playing mere 'Musical Chairs'!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

POWER MAD (A Note to Personages in High Places)

Power intoxicates,
Oftentimes fabricates,
Will demand obeisance,
Expects full compliance....
Rule not like a tyrant-
More like a supplicant.
Always be God's servant;
Do be humane, SAVANT!

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Have you ever wondered how come on Planet Earth
****there's no end to senseless killings?
Our present location in
****our solar system does not have the capacity
Sustaining over seven billion human beings
****plus countless more living things
Trying to survive. thrive, evolve, and adapt
****to the best of their ability;
And so:- Various calamities are allowed to
****occur by our Planet's Watchers--
Guardians who have 'persuaded' many past
****and present leaders into controlling
Exponential population growth lest people
****suffer more or worse disasters!
Some empathy for leaders who had to face
****this quandary should be deserving.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


These events will take place in a parallel universe:-
Hillary will be elected the U.S. President;
Ex-President Obama's golf handicap will get worse;
After the Clinton/s' divorce and property settlement,
True to form, Bill will hurry back to his Passion & Curse-
Right back to Monica Lewinski for love and comfort!
In turn, Hillary will use "Rodham' when she takes her oath.
Candidly speaking, all will be happy - (Cupid's report...)
As for the events that will take place here affecting both:-
Losing the Elections seems probable for Hillary;
Sadly, Bill's past gallivantings won't fade from history.

BILLIONARE (A Note to the Powerball Jackpot Winner)

Be extra careful when you become very rich.
I think being middling poor is a safer niche;
Largesse can be a burden to the possessor,
Looking out always for the thieving aggressor...
Impossible for you ultra rich to be free,
Oft forced to hide from the world so no one could see
Not only your fears but also your frustrations.
Alas, you'll soon find no joy in your possessions...
I know you cried out for Help when in poverty...
Remember praying when your pockets were empty?
Ergo, Steward, now you must share the Lord's bounty!

Monday, January 11, 2016


Make no mistake,
A TRUMPet quake
Knocked me awake!
Enough! I'll hop,
And move to stop
Master of Flop:-
Expose Barack,
Ruler with knack
In passing 'laws'
Cumbered with flaws!
Acting as King,
Gun sales spiking!
Really asking
E'en entreating
And appeasing
The foes of Uncle Sam;
Alas, pure scam and sham!
GREAT our country
Again will be,

Sunday, January 10, 2016


God knows our secret thoughts, our sorrows and travails,
Our hopes and fears, and most certainly our emails.
Denying that there was no top-secret matter
Knowingly coursed thru a private Denver server
Now needlessly challenges credibility...
Our people are not submerged in stupidity!
Why not pass the muck to that Lame Duck in D.C.?
State bravely the Truth and serve with Integrity.

Friday, January 8, 2016


May President Barack Obama please apologize,
Accept you made some mistakes, and now you do realize:-
Knowingly issuing Orders, not even consulting,
Engaging the assistance of our nation's lawmaking
Authority (the U.S. Congress) may not be legal,
May indeed be later ruled as unconstitutional...
Entirely it's up to you to boost your Party's campaign;
Now must you firmly state:-(the buck stops at your desk) again!
Do concede and approve the measure sent to you to sign;
Show some accommodation; Even as 'King', be benign.


Verbosity cannot hide or muffle illogic;
Excuses cannot muzzle the ire of the Public.
Remember how Obamacare was shoved into law?
Ah, how many times must we suffer a regime's flaw?
Can we count on our leaders to come to swift rescue
In the event Grave Peril again comes to our view?
Try to "Stand Down!" while our people are being murdered!
You should by now know who emailed or phoned and ordered....

Monday, January 4, 2016


PEACE, please!
**Let's choose to walk a Peaceful path in Life;
END, Cease-
**Our penchant for bloody Warfare and Strife!
**Verging on a matter Sacrilegious...
Christ lost-- (??)
**Espousing Love and Peace to all of us.
++ (Death, in fact, makes the righteous VICTORIOUS!

Saturday, January 2, 2016


My empathetic sense is telling me
Only Trump and Carson are truly free.
They do want to serve; hence, not jittery.
I'm sure they're not goaded by Ambition;
Vox Populi will make the selection,
Exactly why they'll win the Election!


Madam, don't blame Trump for 'enlistment' calls from a recruiter;
Expect no support from voters fearing another slaughter.
Don't you agree the citizenry's safety is paramount?
Indeed, more attacks against Uncle Sam we cannot discount.
Our leaders from rival parties must unite against our foes!
Consider, debate, explore solutions to our nation's woes;
Refuse to waste precious time and energy on semantics;
Ignore ISIL proselytizers, they are doomed fanatics.
The Donald didn't mean a permanent halt to Muslims' entry;
You should know his proposed measure is purely temporary.