Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Saturday, February 25, 2017


SACRIFICE (A Note for D.J.T)

Some famous world leaders are admired for their integrity
And others for their charisma and keen perspicacity.
Christ Jesus, the Lamb of God, for His Divine Humility...
Regretfully the fates of many others are tragedies;
I'll name a few:- Jose Rizal, the Gandhi/s, the Kennedy/s...
Fear not however, Sir, the partisan slurs that smut and stain;
In spite of their lies, TRUTH-your WALL-blocks their pathetic refrain!
Complete your Agenda & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Endure the mockers and whiners, they're your whetstones...(don't complain).

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


He transcends all slurs nd mockery,
Excels in rebutting fakery,
Reacts quickly to correct mistakes:-
(Oft baited to twit for trivial stakes...)
In less than a month as President-
See results from moment to moment!
May SUCCESS crown his accomplishment!

Monday, February 20, 2017


Whatever happened to those who threatened to leave this country
If Donald J. Trump is elected as our new President?
Maybe they ought to be reminded they are certainly free--
Pack up, goodbye, adieu; You did choose your own predicament!
Show us what you meant, or are you just wimps with poor judgment?

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Protecting President Donald J. Trump's initial
Attempt to steer our Ship of State to safer harbor
Took a stumble because the Court was not impartial...
Have they not read the law that they dare to belabor
Enquiring into the merits of his directive??
The President's discretion is SOLE & EXCLUSIVE
In barring entry of any alien into our nation!
Contesting this- his UNIQUE POWER- verges on SEDITION!!!


A hasty (& biased) Court Order needs to be corrected:-
Protecting us from jihadists was our President's purpose;
Entirely lawful and sound this E.O. he instigated.
Ridiculous even dangerous to Uncle Sam's corpus
Contesting the entry of unvetted aliens in this case!
Use common sense lest we rue this move for the rest of our days!

*(Apercu, pronounced 'apersu',is French for hasty judgment.)


Tuesday, February 7, 2017


To those who slur and smear:-
"With malice toward none..."?
It's forgotten, I fear;
Think not, Schumer, you've won.
The Boss can't be delayed,
E'en I am not dismayed;
Rage on, we're unafraid!

Sunday, February 5, 2017


To Donald J. Trump, our new and bolder Commander-in-Chief:-
We shall (you did promise) MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
I fear some obstructionists may impede needed relief...
The debt cargo of our Ship of State is a heavy strain;
The sword-rattling too by rogues have caused much uneasiness...
Erase please, Sir, with your expertise our huge indebtedness;
Revitalize our Nation & to us all--May God Bless!

Thursday, February 2, 2017


Fusion energy is achievable,
Although only in labs demonstrable
Currently...But in a few more decades
There will be fusion-powered escapades!
Our space-time travel dreams have just begun...
Is there a New Eden beyond our Sun?
Discover, Man, what God for you has done!


Why cast doubt and/or aspersions on the nominees?
Have them perform their tasks first before you judge them, please!
At most review their resumes, check what each have done;
Throwing muck at them, and dirtied hands will be your own!
Since Republicans control both chambers of Congress,
The confirmation delays slow our nation's progress;
Hypothesis:- Delay filling all vacancies
Extends and exacerbates Obama's 'legacies'!
Pelosi, Schumer, et al. seem bent to disunite
Our nation in hopes the people's trust may soon take flight!
Incongruous:-United States of America is disunited!!
Now during these troublous times we must stand united!
Together, our country will be hailed and respected!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Archangel Gabriel taught Mahomet while Michael
Confronted and drove a bad dragon back to Hell;
Calamitous events invite divine presence...
UFOs also can't be dismissed as nonsense!
Reports of 'Lights' hov'ring above our Armory
Support surmise ETs checking our Weaponry.
Extraterrestrials have a mission Angelic??!
Destruction of all Forces on Earth Demonic!??
