Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Imperfect Perspectives

  There is only One God. We have, however, many religions with appparently differing perspectives as to what we mean by 'One'...     If we concede that we are all imperfect beings, perhaps we could tolerate and  understand why peoples even of the same faith or religion continue to engage in conflict against each other. What is the difference between the Muslims in Benghazi and those supporting Gaddafi in Tripoli? And what seems to be the insurmountable barrier between the Shi'ites and the Sunnis? Why are there so many Protestant sects with slightly different biblical interpretations from those of the Roman Catholics'?  Most of these 'organized' religions hold the view that you could not be 'saved',unless you are one of their members (not only one converted to their faith but a contributing member as well.) This last mentioned qualification appears to be of paramount importance to Manalo's Iglesia ni Cristo, a sect founded in the late 19th or early 20th century in the Philippines. If my memory serves me right, Iglesia ni Cristo's founder sent his son to school at the Ateneo. I am almost certain that the current leader or head of the Iglesia was exposed to the Scholastic Philosophy teachings of the Jesuits.I do not think he could personally subscribe to the view that only his contributing converts could be 'saved'...  How about our ancestors and all the billions of humans who lived and died before Erdie Manalo and who never even heard of the Iglesia ni Cristo?  I am compelled to go back to my first premise:-    We are all imperfect beings with differing biases, skills, defects, levels of education, conditions of environment, culture, financial status. etc. Thus, we live as best we can with whatever creed or faith we hope could help us survive, despite our naivete and frailties, until we are recalled from this 'battle ground' planet and can finally see the Truth. When the veil of ignorance is pierced, we may then be able to accept the concept of One Triune God. Death is the most travelled road to a clearer undertanding and a better vision or enlightenment, for it releases us from our temporal shackles and imperfect perspectives. Being mere created beings, however, we may never fully understand our Creator's Mind. Of course, I would like to be able to comprehend and appreciate the Image of our Triune God, to have an inkling on the 'raison-d'-etre' for all "the slings and arrows that flesh is heir to". But should my vision or comprehension continue to be beclouded, I shall be satisfied to be able to join my friends and loved ones at that Caravanserai reserved for n.i. (need improvement) students like me. Let me just quote Ms. Ella Wheeler Wilcox to conclude my prolix ponderings:-

                           So many gods, so many creeds,
                           So many paths that wind and wind,
                           While just the art of being kind
                           Is all the sad world needs.
                                                                                     By Skep/vdeperalta


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