Daily Musings
Thoughts and Ponderings
Poems and Other Things

Friday, May 20, 2011

View from a Hilltop

     There's a hilly elevation near the beach where I sometimes climb to strengthen my knees and to fill my lungs with fresh air. The location was probably used by the military during the war as there are still vestiges of walls, broken walk-ways or floors of what used to be their look-out post at the top of the hill overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The former occupants were probably  assigned to be on the look out for submarines trying to sneak in arms and enemy soldiers at our Pacifica coast.
     I reached the top of the hill one sunny, windy morning, gasping as usual for breath. and nearly stepped on a small yellow flower (probably a daffodil) fluttering with the breeze. That wild flower joyfully waving its fragile petals many months ago continues to inspire me with hope and awe today.  Unlike its companions that I saw scattered on real soil all over the hilltop and waving with every gust, this particular little beauty had the guts to sprout from a mere crack on a cement block or pavement that probably used to be part of the floor of the ruined outpost. It persisted, despite the unfertile spot where its tiny seed was blown, and it surely succeeded in brightening my spirits that morning with its delicate bloom...That untended daffodil bravely flowering from a shallow and narrow crease on a cement flooring did put me and my gouty joints to shame.
     I got your message, Little Beauty. Life on earth may be hard and transient and we have to make do with whatever humble spot or small crevice that Fate has given us, but we can still persist and seize the day before we are trampled down or blown away. Your golden blossom has rewarded a weary wanderer with a bit of beauty, a bon mot to perhaps inspire him to look for higher heights to clamber and more glorious horizons to explore...and to thank Him who gave us that rejuvenating, fresh sea breeze and  one more fine summer day to enjoy.
     I confess that day my pockets were empty and my gas tank was also almost empty. Walking back downhill I became dizzy, lightheaded. I slipped a bit and grazed my right wrist when I fell to the ground. I believe my guardian angel was still with me as I did not break a bone nor roll all the way down the slope. Suddenly all my money worries simply vanished. Listening to a Pavarotti CD in fortissimo, I drove away from the beach refreshed, fully oxygenated, very much alive and well. I'm one lucky guy!

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